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Hinduism has No Founder?

Hinduism has no founder? 

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Who is the founder of Hinduism?

Hinduism has no founder? 

Two common questions raised by many. 

Eternally Created (Founded) by Brahman

Hinduism is not founded by any human. Hinduism is brought down by Brahman /God Himself. Brahman took Avatar and revealed Himself. Founded by Brahman.

Brahman manifested as Brahma. Brahma created 4 Sanat Kumaras and Sage Atharva revealed Vedas. Sanat Kumaras taught the Saptarishis. The Saptarishi through their paramparas taught the Hindus in general through Padasalas, Gurukulas and Gurumutts. 

Vedas were simplified to Agamas and Upanishads, it further simplified to Puranas, and simplified to Ithihasas (Siva Rahasya, Mahabharata, Ramayana) 

Hinduism is the eternal religion not a human founded religion.. 🙏

Islam, Christianity and Buddhism got founder but Hinduism?
A question raised by someone, why Hinduism got no founder?

The photo above circulated in Fb. 

Hindu / Sanatana dharma does NOT require a founder because:
1. Hindu dharma is eternal, such as an atom cannot be created or destroyed, it was there, it is there, it will be there. Similarly, Hindu dharma is eternal, it was there, it is now, it will be forever. Athi to andham.

2. Every Hindu is needed to turn into a founder of their own. As a seeker, every single person needs to search and find out the Para Brahman (God). For example, in Tamil, Brahman is also called Kadavul, the meaning of  'Kada', is search (stir) and 'ul' means within. So, every Hindu has to search within and find God on their own. Thus, no Hindu needs a founder. Once one founded the Brahman, the Brahman will teach/reveal the truth (everything which is the same forever). Everyone will receive the same truth with some variation. Yet the truth is the same. Some see Siva, Vishnu, Sakti, etc. yet the same truth of Brahman. 

3. Religion needs a founder and people who believed the founder had to follow without question. But in Hinduism, one has to do all the search, inquiry, freedom, etc to reach God.

Hinduism is a Dharma, not a religion ( but it is ok to be called a religion for general understanding), it is Sacred law for mankind to liberate themselves for the highest truth. The most liberal, freedom, etc. A Hindu can question everything in order to clear the doubts. Quest is the key to start the journey of the seeker. 
4. Every tenet of Hindu Dharma brought down by Brahman/God Himself through His manifestation, Brahma. Brahma brought down direct the teachings through Vedas in sruti form to humans.

So, Hinduism does not need a founder to be found. Hindu Dharma founded by Brahman Himself.
Pranam. Om. 

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation. 
24 May 2020 


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