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Meaning of Kula, Jati, Varna and Gotra

Meaning of Kula, Jati, Varna and Gotra

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Generally, people are confused with the terms
above. Even Hindus (Aryan / Arinthavan)) are
not sure of the differences and non-Hindus
(Anaryan / Ariyathavan)) use this as a tool for
conversion by demeaning the terms into caste to
support their agenda. In fact, there is no term of
caste in any of Hindu scriptures. Caste coined
by Portuguese from Latin word Casta. Invasion
of Arab Mughals and Europeans destroyed the
very foundation of Sanatana dharma.

Kula, jati and gotra are not alien to each other
or to Hinduism. All are interwoven to Hinduism /
Sanatana Dharma.

Kula (Kulam / family)
Kula means the followers of the same deity.  A
group of people pray to the same deity
(kula deivam) at village level which always
associated and extended from the main religious
school order such as Shaiva, Vainava, Sakta,
Ganapathi, Kaumara or Saura and at nation
level sync into Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism.
Kula Deivam mainly from Sakta tantric section.
It is also part of Pancha Mahayagna, one of the
compulsory duties of a Hindu. Praying ancestors
and praying the natures or Nadukal or Kantu.
The followers may differ in jati and gotra. They can be
from the same family members or relatives or
village members and at modern days they
can be from anywhere but rooted in the
village. The womenfolk once married they
follow their husband’s kula. Before marriage,
follow the father’s kula. Kula Deivam is very
helpful in 'koothu piratanai'

Jati means race in a simple term but interwoven
with ethnicity, birth and way of living.  A group
of people of same type/way of life including
ethnicity (eating, dressing habits, language),
race (skin colour, the shape of feature) and job
(inherited from elders). They may differ in kula
and gotra. Jati is inherited by birth. One cannot
change skin colour overnight. Mobility in ethnicity
and the job takes place but not a race. Name of jati
derived from their job at a smaller scope. At nation
/ larger, jatis merge into a race (Inam). Originally
jati were the remnants of Varna. When the education
system of Gurukula destroyed by the invaders, education
falls within families. Thus learning from family members
turned out into job inheritance later named as jati.
As per scripture, only one jati by birth but the job
specialisation addresed as jati.

Gotra means guru lineage. A group of people
following the same guru lineage from any of the
Sapta Gurus. They may differ in jati and kula.
In order to have gotra, one had to join any
padasala / guruku l/ gurumutt and accepted so
and so as Guru who have contact with the guru
parampara. Those never studied or failed in
the basic foundation of education don’t have Gotra,
because they don’t have a specific guru to follow.

Varna of a person.
Varna is colour of body aura, dictated in Hindu
Scriptures as Varnashrama. The colour decided
by the mental ability of a person which depends on
gunas (attitude, character)  and karma (actions).
Education and training will shape up the mental
strength of a person, thus, one had to study. At
Brahmachari stage, one is compulsory to study. Thus
they join any gurukula and complete the education.
One who specialises in rituals and agamas becomes
a Brahmana. One who specialises in political science,
the art of war becomes a Ksatriya and same to Vaisha
who specialise in the economy, agriculture etc. Those
never studied remains Shudra. If failed in education
one remains as Shudra (Labour
force) in Varnashrama. There is mentioned in
Skanda Purana that everyone by birth is a shudra
(clean white cloth / without knowledge / natural
birth).Those studied into the specific majored field
will be called dwijas (second birth in term of
knowledge) become Vaishyas (Economics, business,
agriculture, artisan etc.), Ksatriyas (Politics,
defence, the art of war, etc) and Brahmins (Social,
Medicine, Education, Religion, Agamic, etc).
Graduation decides their title, not by birth.

Please clear the mind. Understand properly
the terms and start to focus on  how to enhance
Hindu Knowledge in order to protect Sanatana
dharma from anti-Hindus. Teach or send your
children to learn Vedas, Upanishads, Agamas
(Saiva, Vainava, Sakta, Saura), Dharma (Aram) /
Artha (Porul) / Kama (Inbam) / Moksha (Veedu)
Shastras and many more. See whom you dealing
with. At Kali age, all the terms above will be
confused among humans is part of fate (Vidhi)
but use our intellect (buddhi) stay firm in the faith
and seek the truth. To know one's kula and
gotra is very important and has its benefits.
Jati is by birth which decided by our Karmic
account / God, but changing ethnicity and job
on own's hand.

Om Namasivaya

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
28 January 2020


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