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Authenticity of Bhavishya Purana in Question.

The authenticity of Bhavishya Purana in Question.

Hindus doubt part of Bhavishya Purana’s  Authenticity
but Zakir Changed the Bhavisya Purana History and
made it into authentic and propagated to Muslims to
believe it. Especially  Prati Sarga Parva 3 Khand 3
Adhay 3 Verse 5-27.
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Zakir assumes Maha Mada is Prophet Muhammad.
Changed the Bhavisya Purana history to suit his
propaganda to prove his claim about Prophet.
Bhavishya Purana actually mentioned about a
mystic demonic ghost (of Tripurasura, reincarnated)
named Mahamada (Dharmadusika) who will bring
Pisacha / Mleccha religion during kali yuga. (Kaliyuga
started 3102 BC. before that there were Satya, Treta
and Dvapara yuga) 

Actual Verses of Bhavisya Purana, Prati Sarga Parva
3 Khand 3 Adhay 3, selected to prove the demonic
nature mentioned in the purana.

1.Verse 7- tripurarsur-nashav bahu-maya pravathiney... 

2.Verse 8- malech-dharma shav shudhaya sat-chit-
anandaya swarupye,thva ma hei kinkare vidhii
sharanaghatham ...

3.Verse 12- ayoni sa varo math prasava daithyo-vrudhan 
mahamadh ithi khayath , paishacha-kruthi thathpar... 

4.Verse 27- tasman-musal-vanto hi jathiyo dharma dhushika
ithi pishacha-dharma mya kruth... 

The verses above proves the story of tripurasura, mleccha
dharma, maha mada, pisacha dharma, dharma dusika.
The words referring to demonic nature of history.

Synopsis of Bhavishya Purana (Pratisarga, Chap.3 -7)

Kaliyugaasura (demon) gets a boon from Mahavishnu
to increase his followers. Vishnu created ADAMA and
HAVYAVATI.They procreate after Kaliyugaasura
deviated them. The story goes on up to the appearance
of MAHA MADA the Dharmadusika ( Polluter). The
coming of Mleccha / Pisacha dharma.

The character of demon Mada can be traced in
Mahabharata. Mahabharata, Vana Parva (Ch.122-5) 
Sage Chyavana created a huge demon named Mada
with four fangs to fight Indra. Because Indra never let
him into Indra Loka to enjoy Amrita.  Mada (Sanskrit term)
means over pride, hubris, being possessed by, prevent
attain Moksha.

Doubt part of Bhavishya Purana’s  Authenticity 

I don’t understand how a negative element is considered
as savior of mankind. Zakir must be confused or blinded
by Ahmadiyya sect. Islamic sect of Ahmadiah by Mirza
Ghulam  Ahmad, assumed Imam Mahdi by his followers.
Some members of the Ahmadiya Muslim Community,
blindly believed that Hindu Avatar Kalki is the Islamic
Many Hindus doubt the authenticity of Bhavisya Purana,
The story from Adama up  to Mahamada was probably inserted by
Christian Missionary because this story only mentioned
in this purana, if it is authentic history the story should
appear in any other scriptures. But nowhere the story
repeated or mentioned. Besides that, the predictions
only up to the British era. The Kaliyuga is about 320,000
years and the Kaliyuga believed started about 3102 BC.
It is about 5000 years only. I am in serious doubt
because why Vyasa only predicted up to the first 5000 years
only, why he never predicted the entire 320,000 years of
Kaliyuga? The third is,  too many predictions were correct.
It is hard to believe that everything predicted during
Mughal and Britsh era were correct. 
Fourth, Alf Hiltebeitel the translator and summarizer of
Bhavisya Purana says, many inconsistent verses in
the purana, probably inserted in 19 century. I believe 
the Christian Missionary inserted this part to prove their
religion as the true religion. Because the story from
Adama up to Isa portrayed as positive religion, praying
Vishnu and the part of Mahamada assumed Muhammad
portrayed as demonic. 

Rig Veda Samhita 1.164.20-22, Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.1-2,
and Svetasvatara Upanisad 4.6-7, speak of two birds and
tree, nothing on Adam or Eve

Hindus never appreciated the Purana, Zakir reintroduced
it back through his public speeches. If the Purana is a tampered
version then Zakir’s assumption is false.
If the Purana is authentic, then Maha Mada is the demon of
Tripuraasura reincarnation. The history of the coming of
the adharmic religion. In either way, Hindus not at loss.

Zakir falls into a critical situation! Either way, Zakir will be
at fault. Malay proverb, ‘ditelan mati ibu, diluah mati bapa’
(If swallow in mother dies, if spit out father dies).

Om Mahakali Jay.

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia
22 August 2019


5.Bhavisya Purana. Part 1
March 17, 2018

6.Bhavisya Purana. Part 2
March 17, 2018

7.Bhavisya Purana. Part 3
March 17, 2018

8.Bhavisya Purana. Part 4
March 17, 2018

9.Shiva Purana (part of Tripurasura)
March 17, 2018


  1. Mlecchas means uncivilized race. If Christian Missionary have written then why do they label themselves as uncivilized for Indians. Also, here Vishnu is the real God of Bible and it is actually helps Hinduism instead of Christianity. If Hindu Missionary have written it, then why do they highlight Isa-Masih [Jesus the Messiah] as the prophet in Kaliyuga? It does not help Hinduism either.

    1. I do agree with you sir. Actually Bhavisya Purana helps supports Hinduism as dharmic.

  2. Something tells me this must be the case, call it intuition.

    Your reasoning is also correct.
    Why only 5,000 years.

    What about the other 427,000 years?!

    Though I was born Muslim I am antitheist and not in favour of difficult to verify scriptural revelation from dead people in the past dictating our lives here and now


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