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Bhavisya Purana. Part 4. Modern History.

Bhavisya Purana. Part 4. Modern History.

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Written by Veda Vyasa about 5000 years ago to predict the future in kali yuga.

(Part 4 of 4)  Modern History.

Bhavisya Purana ( 4th Khanda)

Mahoba,Kanauj,Delhi. Pandava brothers, resting near Saraswathy river under the protection of Shiva, Krtavarma, Asvatham, Kripa. The Pandavas need to born again to be killed as a hero, curse by Shiva. King Ganga Simha 10th King of Bhoja, favoured Agnivamsa.

Kali reminded Vishnu about the boon. To increase mlecchas in Kaliyuga.
Kali angry, ask Vishnu to destroy Agnivamsa. Vishnu promised to send  2 people from his body.
Village Vaksara (Buxar). Abhira girl Vratapa, prays God Chandika, 2 sons strong as Krishna and Balarama. God accepts born Ahlada ( Ramamsa) and Udayasimha (Krishnamsa). Grandson of Vratapa, serving Parimala.
Tomara Anangapala(king of Delhi), 2 daughters. Kritimalini and Chandrakanti. The story continue to Mahoba, Parimala, son of Brahmananda ( son of Pradyota) + Vela.  Plot to kill Brahmananda. War of Mahoba Delhi, 18 days, the battle of Kurushestra era of Kaliyuga. Ramamsa and Krishamsa and Pandavas Balakhani ( Yudhistra), son Vatsaraya, Brahmananda (Arjuna) son Parimala, Talana (Bhima) son Stayatana, Lakshana (Nakyla), Devasimha (Sahadeva) all killed, only survived Prithuraja, Brahmanandi.
Bhima,(son of Prithuraja/ Mahiraja) married Vidyumnamala, daughter of King Purnamala, Patana.
Shabuddin (Sahoda, mleccha, pisachadasa) likes her, attack Delhi a second time, killed Prithuraja. Sahoda came to Kurukshetra by the order of Bali. ( lord of demon). Bali is the grandson of Prahlada Maharaja, broke deities of God, killed so many cows, put cow blood in sacred water, resides in Patala / hell.  Sahoda claims he can shoot an arrow by hearing the sound, went to Kurushestra to fight. Mahiraja took shelter of Goddes Saraswati. Krishamsa came to pleased Bali. Bali promised mlecchas will never return to Aryadesa, stay only in mlechadesa, eat only the followers of mleccha dharma. Krishnamsa said, as long as he on earth, mlecchas cannot enter Aryadesa. Only can come after he leaves earth. Sahoda went back to Rasatala ( 6th lowest region of Patala) Leaves Qutubbudin his slave as a king. Left with Vidyumnamala. Agnivamsa ends. Qurtubbudin or Kutukoddina  ( ghostly human ), controls Delhi with 10000 warriors. King Bhapasena, Aligrh, protected by Yadavas, but attacked by  Kutukoddina. Broke deities, destroy pilgrimage places. Mleccha religion establishes in India.

In between, King Madraksa, pray Ashwini kumaras, get  10 sons and 1 daughter. Kantimati, married to King Suryavarna. Mystic demon Karbura (son of Brighisana ), kidnap Kantimati. Krishamsa warned Karbura, Karbura lost, Kantimati back.

Later, about Krishna Chaitanya, Shankara, Nanak, Kabir, Mughals, Akhba, Aurangzeb, Shivaji, Nadirshah, Garundas ( British occupations in India).

Also mentioned  Nimbarka Acharya, Composed Madhavamukhadarna, 12 century, before Madva, after Sankara,
Madva ( dvaita), Sridhara, Jayadeva Gosvami.12th century, Gita Govinda.

Ending of the Bhavisya Purana.

Om Namasivaya.

Sivasiddhi  Spiritual Foundation
17 March 2018


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