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Bhavisya Purana. Part 2. Jew, Christianity, Buddhism etc.

Bhavisya Purana. Part 2. Jew, Christianity, Buddhism etc.

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Written by Veda Vyasa about 5000 years ago to predict the future in kali yuga.

(Part 2 of 4)
Adama, Nyuha, Musa to Isa.

Bhavisya  Purana. 3rd part of PRATISARGA PARVA. (chap 4-7)

1.1  Adama and Havyawati.
Sri Suta Gosvami told the story.
Hastinapura, King Pradyota (son of Kshemaka). Narada told Pradyota, his father in hell (Yamaloka) because killed by mlecchas (a person following adharmic religion). Pradyota needs to perform mleccha yagna, so that his father can attain heaven. Performed mleccha yagna in Kurukshetra. Built yagna kunda, 16 yojanas (128 miles sq).  Meditate on the devas,  offered oblations to mlecchas (haras,gunas,barvas,gurundas,sakas,khasas,yavanas,pallavas,romajas,kamarus,chinas,...). Called through mantras, burnt to ashes.

Pradyota ( mleccha hanta/destroyer) gave dakshina, performed abhiseka. Father went to heaven. Vedavan, son of Pradyota became king. (2000 years)
10000 years past.

Back in the days, Kali Purusha, along with his wife, prayed to Lord Narayana and after some time, Narayana appeared to him. He said, “This age is a good time for you and I will have all your desire fulfilled. You should visit a couple by the names Adama and Havyavati, and they will increase the generations of mlecchas.” He disappeared after that. Once Vishnu gave a boon to creating Adama and Havyawati, during Kaliyuga will increase mleccha generations. Kali happy, went Nilachal mountain. Later the mlecchas increased.

Kaliyuga (Jews, Christian)
Eastern side, Pradan city, big forest by God.16 yojanas. A man, Adama wait under papa vriksa tree, was eager to see his wife Havyawati. Kali Purusha (Kaliyugasura) came as the serpent cheated them, they disobeyed Lord Vishnu. The husband ate the fruit from the sinful tree. They lived by air and leaves of udumbara. They had sons, all became mlecchas. 990 years, they went to heaven.

Mleccha dharma - good behavior, wisdom, qualities like a brahmana, worship/devotion of God, worship fire, nonviolence, austerity, control of sense. ( will be deceived)
Time past- Adama (990 yrs), Svetanama (912 yrs), Anuta (812), Kinas (912), Malahalla (895), Virada (160), Hamuka (765), Matochilla (son of Hamuka 970), Lomaka (77), Nyuha (500yrs) all devotee of Vishnu, went to heaven..

Nyuha / Noah
Nyuha (Noah), a devotee of Vishnu. In dreams, Vishnu appeared and warned about the devastating/ great Flood on the seventh day, to build the boat (hemada) 300ft in length,50ft wide and 30ft height. 
Indra called Sambartaka (cloud), 40 days rain non-stop. 4 ocean became one. Entire earth (Bharat varsha) flooded except  Visala (Badriksana). 80000 people with Nyuha and family stayed in Hill sisina. After one year water receded, Nyuha back to his place. The rest of the people no more.

Nyuha attached to Vishnu. Vishnu pleased and increase mleccha generations and gave Brahmi language (unfavorable to Vedas). Mleccha language cursed by Saraswathy. Many foul words, lowest.  Thousands of years past, the dynasty of mleccha increased. Whole world full of mlecchas.

3000 years past.
Musa, the spiritual teacher of mlecchas, resides in the banks of Saraswathy. Spread teaching of devotion on Vishnu, 4 kind language of mlecchas (vraja bhasa,maharastri,yavana,garundika), Vedic language destroyed. Crime prominent in Saptapuri, Aryavata people became thieves, bhila, fools.
Mlecchas become intelligent, will ruling Bharata and its islands. But mlecchas never reach Brahmavarta because of Saraswati.

1000 years.kali yuga
Kasyapa and wife Aryavatil came from heaven, had 10 sons, full of knowledge
Kasyapa went Kashmir, prayed Saraswati ( red flower,red rice / akshata, incense, lamp, naivedya/food offerings, puspa anjali/flower offerings), get benedictions, better knowledge of Sanskrit, put mlecchas into illusions.
Kasyapa made increase 10000 Brahmanas, 2000 vaishas, shudras the rest.
Kasyapa came to Aryadesa, India. Aryan increase to 4 million by the grace of Saraswati. Solar and Lunar family, Maurya, Gupta, Kanvas, Yavanas, Sakas, Kushanas, Rajput, etc. Yagna performed, Vedas followed. Arya religion increased. Arya desa, Magadha..eastern Pancala, Kalinga…, Avanta..south, Amarta...south west, Sindhu...west, Kaikaya...north west, Koninda...north east.

Kali Purusha (Kaliyugasura) and Buddhism.
Kali Purusha reminded Vishnu about the boon.
Gautama, son of Kasyapa ? to introduce Buddhism in Patana. Buddhist increased, Vedic religion destroyed. Beginning of Kaliyuga. First position.
29th chap. of Pratisarga parva.
Country, Citratha. Apsara Manju ghosha attracted to sage Shuka in autumn. Got son, Muni married to Svarnadara ( god of gold).  Their daughter Kinari tapas on Shiva. Sage Makaranda enjoy middle earth by Shiva.  Attach to Netrapala. More Buddhist, magician Shyama and Japaka. Netra Simha arrived and killed Buddhists. Buddhists left to China until the river Huha. Battle 7 million Buddhists, 2 million Aryan killed. Buddhist built wooden elephant run.
Jayanta released Bandasimha, went to Netrapala, won Buddhists, become Padmaja.
Buddhists vowed never to go to Arya desa to invade the country.

Shakyamuni,Suddhodana,Satadri, Budhasimha,Chandragupta, Vindusara, Asoka.

Brahmanas performed yagna, on top of mount Arbuda, Kanyakubja. Vedic mantra recited. Four Ksatriyas appeared from yagna ride elephant ( Pramara...Samavedi, Chapahari...Yajurvedi, Shukla...Trivedi, and Pariharaka...Atharvavedi), annihilated Buddhist. Kept control Asoka. 4 million Buddhists killed by an uncommon weapon.
Pramara built a city in Ambravati.

Siva Drishti
2000 years past. (3710 kali yuga)
Siva Drishti born in a secret place in Kailasa by the benediction of Shiva to destroy shakas, to increase Arya dharma. Intelligent, pleasing his parents, 5 years left to forest perform austerity, 5-12 years in Ambravati. Shiva gives transcendental throne, security Vetala ( king of ghost) by Parvati, set to Vikramaditya palace. Named Mahakaleshwara at Temple of Shiva. Chief of Devas, has pinaka bow. Worship Shiva, sacrifices, ceremonies, built pillars.  Vitara, demi-God came to tell Vikramaditya about Siva Drishti. Saint Satyanarayanan, Panini, Patanjali, Ropadeva

During the time appeared, Ishamasiha, Isaputra near Kailash, Mansoravoor lake. The golden complexion will bring mleccha dharma, absolute truth.

End of Part 2

Om Namasivaya.

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
17 March 2018


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