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Bhavisya Purana. Part 3. Prediction on Islam?

Bhavisya Purana. Part 3. Prediction on Islam?

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Written by Veda Vyasa about 5000 years ago to predict the future in kaliyuga.

(Part 3 of 4) Mahamada

Bhavisya  Purana. 3rd part of PRATISARGA PARVA.
1.2  Prediction of Islam
Sri Suta Gosvami told the story.

Dynasty Shalivahana ( 10 kings...500 years), 10th king, King Bhojaraja with his commander Kalidasa crossed the Sindhu river because of dharma/ morality decline. To kill mlecchas such as shakas, Kashmiris, Naravas, Sathas...punished, taken wealth.

Bhojaraja went to the desert with Mahamada, preceptor of mleccha dharma. Lord Shiva in the desert, probably in Makkah. Bhojaraja prayed, abhiseka with panchagavya ( milk, ghee, yogurt, cow urine, cow dung), sandalwood paste. (Maybe manasic pooja) . Shiva appeared and told him about Mahakakshvar (land of Vahiki) is contaminated by mlecchas, become adharmic.

The mystic demon of Tripura (burnt earlier by Shiva, refer to Shiva Purana) reincarnated by the help of Bali of Patala named Mahamada. His deeds are ghost-like. It brings pissacha dharma. He is dharmadushika ( polluter of righteousness), God of mleccha. Lord Shiva advised Bhojaraja to go back to Arya Desha. Bhojaraja back to Sindhu river. The time has not come. The promised time still holds. (1444 years).
Mahamada appeared in a dream, he is an expert illusionist, tell that God is his servant, eats his remnants. Kalidasa angry scolded Mahamada as a rascal, in the city of pilgrimage ( Madina)
Mahamada further said.
  1. I am going to establish the demoniac religion by the order of the lord.
  2. My followers will cut genital, no sikha...have beard.,wicked make noise loudly, eat everything ( meat-eater), purify with musal  ( a pestle crusher wood)

Mahamada - Dharmadushika (Polluter of Righteousness), Incarnation of Tripurasura demon. ( Ghost of Tripurasura which Lord Shiva burnt earlier as per in Shiva Purana). The religion founded by Mahamada is a Paisacha dharma (demoniac religion). The demon which Lord Shiva will destroy again.
Mention in Sivarahasya khanda, Sankara Samhita, Padma Purana, Manu Smriti, Shiva Purana .etc
Kali purusha (satan) is the God of mlecchas in mleccha desa.

So Bhojaraja turns back to the Sindhu river to Arya land.
Bhojaraja established varnashrama, Sanskrit, Vedas in Arya Desha later. This continued until the presence of the invaders made dharmic religion declined up to the current situation.

It is time to wake up. Bhavisya Purana clearly warns about the coming of adharma religion. If this prediction is about Islam, then we need to think and take necessary precautions. 

End of Part 3.

Om Namasivaya.

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation.
17 March 2018


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