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10 Questions and Answers Regarding Converting from Birth Religion.

 10 Questions and Answers Regarding Converting from Birth Religion.

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  1. If a person is born as a  Hindu, can he/she change his/her birth religion?

No. The person cannot change his/her birth religion because, Changing the religion of birth is sinful. A person is born into such a family of faith by God's plan/will and this choice is based on the Karma of the person’s last birth. Logically, we cannot change our parents as our wish, similarly we also cannot change the religion of birth because it is God’s choice based on the need to settle that karmic debt. Converting religion is also a mistake by escaping the responsibility of karmic debt in this life / birth.

  1. Why does conversion become a sin?

Converting from birth religion to another religion is sinful because if you convert,  you are changing the plan/will of the Almighty God. The All-Knowing God cannot possibly place you in a wrong  family of faith. If you change your birth religion, then you defined / assumed God as the wrongdoer (culprit) / made a mistake or ignorant (not all knowing).

  1. If changing/converting to another religion is a sin, then what is the position of a person who was born non-Hindu but has converted/embraced into Hinduism?

We need to understand this clearly. Changing/Converting to another religion is sinful but practicing a religion is not sinful. If the person changes his birth religion/converts then it is a sinful act. A person who converts because of rejecting the truth or blaming God, is sinful. No one has the right to deny the plan of the Almighty God. If the religion of the new practice emphasises the issue of apostasy then it is not practicing, it is conversion to a religion, it is sinful.

  1. What about those who are not born as a Hindu but they practice Hinduism?

Many westerners who practice Hinduism, are not sinful, but those who convert  are sinful. It means that those who choose to practice Hinduism without rejecting or denying the religion of birth are innocent. They are not bound by the concept of apostasy, free to return to the religion of their birth. No one will be punished or blamed.

  1. What is the difference between converting and practicing a religion?

Converting means you are influenced/assumed that the religion of your birth is wrong, the God is false, you will go to hell and you blame God for misplacing you. While the new religion is assumed to be the right religion, its God is assumed as  true God, you will go to heaven and if you return to the religion of birth, you will be considered an apostate and will go to hell.

While practicing a religion means you are aware that everything is in His plan. And you join that new religion because it suits your instincts. Does not reject the religion of birth, and can return to the original religion or practice it without the issue of apostasy. For example, if you have practiced a religion other than the religion of birth, and there is a family member from the original religion has died, you must perform all the ritual ceremonies of the religion of birth without guilt or the issue of apostasy. Rejecting the religion of birth means you are blaming the One God. God who has put up everything in the universe in the  right place such as the stars, moon, sun etc., has certainly not placed you in the wrong place.

  1. What is the religion of Dharma and the religion of adharma?

The religion of Dharma is a religion that adheres to the Vedic Scriptures which adheres to the belief that the Brahmans exist in the state of Nirguna (without image) and Saguna (with image). Sanatana Dharma Satya Bhava, it means Hinduism is the religion of truth. In other words, Shanmatham (6 Hindu Sects) namely Shaiva (Siva), Saktha (Sakti), Vaisnava (Vishnu), Kaumara (Murugan), Ganapathaye (Ganesha) and Saumara (Surya) are only in the category of Dharma religion. The concept of ‘Em Matham sammatham’ (all religions are the same) needs to be erased from the mind and replaced with the concept of ‘En matham Shanmatham’ (my religion is Shanmatham). Any religion that rejects the Vedic scriptures is outside the category of dharma, it  falls in the category of adharma. Thus, Hindus should refrain from practicing it. The advent of the religion of Adharma in Kaliyuga (now Kaliyuga 5122) was warned through the Bhavisya Purana by Vyasa.

  1. Is there any evidence from Hindu scriptures that confirms and states that conversion is a sin?

There is much evidence/propositions given in Hindu scriptures. From the Rig Veda, Garuda Purana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita and so on. People who reject the scriptures of Hinduism and Brahman/God are sinners. When one leaves the Hindu religion, one will inevitably reject it all. Then that person will fall into sin. In the Mahabharata, Santi Parva, Bhisma outlines that the person who leaves the religion of birth is guilty/sinful. Whereas the Bhagavad Gita states that the person who changes the dharma will not get joy and Moksha, he/she needs to be born again to replace the sin. Garuda Purana, on the other hand, states the punishment for those who reject, insult religion, scripture or God.

  1. Have religious leaders/ Gurus ever prevented or were against conversion?

Yes, many had prevented conversion, Gurus/figures like Adi Shankara, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Thirugnana Sambandar, Guru Gobind Singh and many others had prevented conversion. They emerged at a time when Hinduism was experiencing a state of declines/opposition from a newly emerged religion that was not from the Dharma category. As God promises in the Bhagavad Gita, that when the dharma is threatened and the adharma dominates man, "I will come down to earth to uphold the Dharma"

  1. What is the fate of those who have come out of Hinduism?

Those who have converted need to be aware that God is All-Knowing. No one is wiser than Him. Their act of converting has rejected the Truth and the will of God, so it is an act of sin and they need to return to the original religion to reduce the sin of Karma. They can still practice the new way, but they cannot reject or be bound by the concept of apostasy. For example, they need to be free to return to practicing rituals without hindrance. Involved in certain rituals especially those involving death in the family,  incur/due to major sins if not fulfilling responsibilities to the deceased, especially parents. This sin will be borne for future births including children, grandchildren and descendents.

  1. Are people who are involved in helping conversion also considered sinful?

If conversion is a sin, then the person who helps/helped the conversion is also sinful because he changed God's choice. This agent involved in helping to change one’s religion is certainly a great sinner because he/ they certainly could not have been wiser/ more knowing than God.



Om Namasivaya


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation

19 Mei 2021


  1. Bahasa Malaysia Version

10 Soalan dan Jawapan Mengenai Penukaran Agama Kelahiran.

  1. Tell our children that Conversion is sin.

  2. Conversion is Sin According to Hinduism




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