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Tell our children that Conversion is sin

Tell our children that Conversion is sin. 

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Currently, I believe we must put aside our differences among Hindus of different teachings. Unite together to inform our youngsters about the sin of converting from the birth religion. This must be the utmost duty of every Hindus. 

According to Hinduism, conversion is sin. 

1.God's decision.
Converting from the religion of birth is a sin because, during birth, God made the choice. God decided us to be born to a particular parent of a particular faith. Since we cannot change our parents so do the religion of birth. It is God's will. God knows who supposedly to follow which path. Are you cleverer than God? The God which kept/placed everything at the right place, the moon, sun , the universe at the right place. Can be God placed you in the wrong family of faith? 

2.’En matham Shanmatham ' not  'emmatham sammatham
Religion is just a path to reach out to the supreme God.  There is One God, But if Hindus think any religion is fine, It is WRONG. This is the reason many converted without realizing /feeling guilty. We need to relook into it deeper.  It supposed to be ' en matham Shanmatham ' not  'emmatham sammatham',  our Hindus confused with these two phrases.  Shanmatham refers to the main 6 religions namely Saivam, Vainavam, Shaktham, Ganapathiyum, Kaumaram, and Saumaram.  Other than these are not in the Hinduism fold. People misunderstood with emmatham sammatham,  converting as they like. It is a sin. There is dharmic and adharmic path.

3. Rebirth is part of Hinduism’s core belief.  
It is believed each Atma will go through the Samsara of 84000 lives. Among these 14 (some says 7) lives the Atma will be born as a human. Among the human lives, one can be born into any faith/creed of family.  Remember all religions are from the same God.  But for this particular birth, you are chosen to be born as a Hindu. Every one of us is CHOSEN. So, we are supposed to fulfill the duty of the given birth. Changing religion means, you are violating His choice. It is a sin. Converting means running away from the karmic debt of the past life, thus need to take another extra birth to pay the karma. It will pull a longer samsara cycle. Besides punishment in the hell longer.

4. Hindu Shastras have mentioned conversions is sin.
a) Vyasa says in Mahabharata Santi Parva,
'..The rejection of one's own creed, the practice of other people's creed, wrong .’
b) Bhagavad Gita there is a verse, which conveys that Devotee should attain salvation in a path in which he is born ( as taught by parents) and not change paths. Those who change paths will neither be happy nor get salvation.  ( Not applicable to your children)
c) Vedas, it has been told to teach everyone in Arya Dharma/Sanatan Dharma/dharmic law. It is a way of life. Distracting from the way of life will be disobeying Vedas. Disobeying Vedas, etc is sin. Those converts will be distracted from the dharmic way and disobey scriptures.

5. Our sages had opposed conversions.
Adi Shankara had fought against conversion.  He debated with Buddhist monks to revert them back to Hinduism. Adi Shankara is one of the important enlightened soul saved Hinduism from  Buddhism, many of Hindus were converted during the time. In order to save Hinduism, he debated with them, the loser had to follow the winner's teaching orders.  I don't see this as conversion, it is a move to revert back to Hinduism.   If it was a conversion, then it must be some kind of forced conversion. The question of why Adi Shankara went into such an approach,  The reason is to save Hinduism from extinction. I am sure, Enlighten souls such as Adi Shankara realized that divine love is beyond religion but he stands up to revert back them.  In the current situation, are we going to let go of the conversion without any interference?  Did we realize, if we never take firm action, it will lead to our Hindu religion into extinction? Even Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Tirumular, Thiru Nyana Sambanthar, and many other sages have against conversion out.

6.Practicing (sadhana) a religion allowed not converting into a religion.
Practicing (sadhana) a religion and converting it into a religion are two different things.  Hinduism believes all religions are from the only Brahman.  Any of the paths it leads to Him alone.  So it is not wrong to practice. Any one of the other religions can practice Hinduism or any path they like. But converting, changing from the birth religion into a new religion because of certain benefits and DENYING the earlier religion is wrong.  So that conversion is sin. Practicing without denying the birth religion is acceptable.

Parents need to tell their youngsters that conversion is sin. Our elders never told us about this, maybe be they were in the comfort zone or not aware of its implications. Hindu temples or Organizations have to educated on conversion as sin. In the current situation, Hindus are not affording to pretend naive anymore. Or you are paving the way for our own religion’s extinction.
Wake up now. Awake your Hindu friends now.

Om Namasivaya 

Sri  Sivasiddhi
31 May 2017
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation 


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