Sati : Saved Dignity of Hindu Women
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Sati ritual is often seen and demeaned as cruel and
Hinduism as a cruel religion to women by the anti
Hindu and conversion agents. But the actual
incidents happen for different issues and to
protect the dignity of Hindu women from the
barbarians from the desert.
Took up Sati is a Choice/ Voluntary act.
Hinduism as a cruel religion to women by the anti
Hindu and conversion agents. But the actual
incidents happen for different issues and to
protect the dignity of Hindu women from the
barbarians from the desert.
Lila of Sakti Peetam (Pithas/ Temples)
Sati (self immolation) was first done by Mahadewi Sakti
when his father Daksha insulted her husband
( Shiva), Sati was very angry and went into the
yagna fire. Remember, Yagna is the doorway to
next world of Gods. She went in doesn't mean
she is suiciding. The purpose is to form Sakti
Pithams to create more of temples (about 51
Sati (self immolation) was first done by Mahadewi Sakti
when his father Daksha insulted her husband
( Shiva), Sati was very angry and went into the
yagna fire. Remember, Yagna is the doorway to
next world of Gods. She went in doesn't mean
she is suiciding. The purpose is to form Sakti
Pithams to create more of temples (about 51
Sakti Peethas/temples). This is part
of Lilas. She born back as Parvati.
This is the first incident as per scripture
Shiva Purana. So thus, self-immolation practice
named after this incident without understand the
real Lila. (play of God)
of Lilas. She born back as Parvati.
This is the first incident as per scripture
Shiva Purana. So thus, self-immolation practice
named after this incident without understand the
real Lila. (play of God)
Took up Sati is a Choice/ Voluntary act.
Along with the puranic stories, we can see a few
other related Sati incidents.Such as in Mahabharata, the wives
of Pandavas, some of them choose to retreat
in jungle/vanaprastha, but some of them
choose to go into the funeral/holy fire, so that they can be
with their husbands in another world. All these
done by the person herself voluntarily as a
pious wife. (puranic stories). Keep in mind that
puranic people in ancient times has the ability
to leave the body when needed. Pious women
can leave the body at any time. In some cases
other related Sati incidents.Such as in Mahabharata, the wives
of Pandavas, some of them choose to retreat
in jungle/vanaprastha, but some of them
choose to go into the funeral/holy fire, so that they can be
with their husbands in another world. All these
done by the person herself voluntarily as a
pious wife. (puranic stories). Keep in mind that
puranic people in ancient times has the ability
to leave the body when needed. Pious women
can leave the body at any time. In some cases
the women voluntarily used herbs to prevent the
pain during immolations (need further verifications).
As per Parasara Smriti mentioned that those women
so pious and willing go with their husband will
have got 10 million years in heaven (Svargaloka).
The pregnant woman cannot take part in Sati rituals,they are prohibited to do so.
Modern Era Sati Incidents?
Sati practice became prominent/vigorous
among Hindu women to safeguard their
modesty and dignity from the rapist.
But in Ramayana, the three wives of Dasaratha
never went into Sati ritual. They remained in the
palace as queen mothers for the next 14 years
until Rama came back from Vanavasa exile. In
Mahabharata, Kunti remained to raise her 5
children, the Pandavas.
never went into Sati ritual. They remained in the
palace as queen mothers for the next 14 years
until Rama came back from Vanavasa exile. In
Mahabharata, Kunti remained to raise her 5
children, the Pandavas.
No one forced them/her into Sati ritual. The
Sati practices never imposed on anyone as per
Sati practices never imposed on anyone as per
Modern Era Sati Incidents?
The Sati ritual can be compared to the fire
walking ritual, where the devotee walks through
fire without any harm. Why does the fire never
burn them? The same goes for the Agni pariksha /
test of fire which Sita went through to prove her
piousness to the world. She never burnt or died.
In reality.
walking ritual, where the devotee walks through
fire without any harm. Why does the fire never
burn them? The same goes for the Agni pariksha /
test of fire which Sita went through to prove her
piousness to the world. She never burnt or died.
In reality.
There were not many recorded Sati incidents. We had
heard from movies about that. It is possible this
was carried in some remote incidents. Along the
way there was misused by some so-called high
class groups burnt the wives by force in order to
fulfill their intention of evil or safeguard their
‘dignity’ or prevent property heritability or because
dowry is not paid by the bride. This kind of killing
is not Sati. It is homicide/murder.
heard from movies about that. It is possible this
was carried in some remote incidents. Along the
way there was misused by some so-called high
class groups burnt the wives by force in order to
fulfill their intention of evil or safeguard their
‘dignity’ or prevent property heritability or because
dowry is not paid by the bride. This kind of killing
is not Sati. It is homicide/murder.
The dignity of Hindu Women: Mass Sati Occurrence.
When Arabic Muslim invaders came to India
and Mughals period, more than 100 raids to
India from 700 AD to 1700 AD, many Hindu
women burnt themselves to avoid being raped
or taken as sex slaves. These Isis minded
looters, rapists, plunders, and their brutality of
killing men. And the women became their
right-hand possession. (Sex slaves) .
When Arabic Muslim invaders came to India
and Mughals period, more than 100 raids to
India from 700 AD to 1700 AD, many Hindu
women burnt themselves to avoid being raped
or taken as sex slaves. These Isis minded
looters, rapists, plunders, and their brutality of
killing men. And the women became their
right-hand possession. (Sex slaves) .
Most famous Sati incident in recorded history
occurring during wars between Hindu Rajput
kingdoms in Rajasthan and the Muslim armies.
Among the more cited cases of Sati was the
three occurrences at the fort of Chittor in
Rajasthan, in 1303,1535, and 1568 AD.
Jaisalmer, in the year 1295 AD during Khilji
dynasty, and the Tughlaq dynasty in 1326 AD.
occurring during wars between Hindu Rajput
kingdoms in Rajasthan and the Muslim armies.
Among the more cited cases of Sati was the
three occurrences at the fort of Chittor in
Rajasthan, in 1303,1535, and 1568 AD.
Jaisalmer, in the year 1295 AD during Khilji
dynasty, and the Tughlaq dynasty in 1326 AD.
Sati practice became prominent/vigorous
among Hindu women to safeguard their
modesty and dignity from the rapist.
ISIS in Syria is Evidence.
What we saw in Syria recently, was what
happened all the way since 1300 years
ago in India.
About 80-600 million Hindus either were
persecuted, killed, raped, slaved, displaced
or converted by the barbarians during the
invasion. ( Faristha)
What we saw in Syria recently, was what
happened all the way since 1300 years
ago in India.
About 80-600 million Hindus either were
persecuted, killed, raped, slaved, displaced
or converted by the barbarians during the
invasion. ( Faristha)
Sati is a choice of the woman, it is not enforced
as a rule or compulsory. In Hinduism, a woman
is considered as another half of the man, as our
physical body is divided into 2 parts. The right physical
part is slightly different from the left part of the
same body.
Sati practice is the saviour of Hindu women's
Om Namasivaya
Sri Sivasiddhi.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia.
3 June 2017
Video linkAmalan Sati Penyelamat Maruah Wanita Hindu.
Versi Bahasa Malaysia
Sati : Penyelamat Maruah Wanita Hindu.
Ritual Sati sering dilihat dan dipandang
sebagai kejam dan Hindu sebagai agama
kejam kepada wanita oleh kumpulan anti
Hindu dan agen penukaran agama. Tetapi
insiden sebenar berlaku untuk masalah
yang berbeza dan untuk melindungi maruah
wanita Hindu dari kaum gasar dari padang pasir.
Sati (pembakaran diri sendiri) pertama kali
dilakukan oleh Mahadewi Sakti ketika ayahnya
Daksha menghina suaminya (Mahadewa Shiva),
Sati sangat marah dan masuk ke dalam api
yagna. Ingatlah, Yagna adalah pintu masuk ke
dunia Tuhan. Dia masuk ke dalam api tidak
bermakna dia sedang membunuh diri.
Tujuannya adalah untuk membentuk Sakti
Pithams untuk membuat lebih banyak kuil.
Ini ialah sebahagian daripada Lilas. Dia
dilahirkan semula sebagai Parvati. Ini adalah
kejadian pertama seperti kitab suci Shiva
Purana. Oleh itu, amalan pengorbanan diri
sendiri dinamakan sempena kejadian ini tanpa
memahami lila sebenar.Oleh itu, amalan wanita
dunia Tuhan. Dia masuk ke dalam api tidak
bermakna dia sedang membunuh diri.
Tujuannya adalah untuk membentuk Sakti
Pithams untuk membuat lebih banyak kuil.
Ini ialah sebahagian daripada Lilas. Dia
dilahirkan semula sebagai Parvati. Ini adalah
kejadian pertama seperti kitab suci Shiva
Purana. Oleh itu, amalan pengorbanan diri
sendiri dinamakan sempena kejadian ini tanpa
memahami lila sebenar.Oleh itu, amalan wanita
membakar diri dinamakan amalan Sati
berdasarkan insiden ini.
Di sepanjang sejarah puranik, kita dapat
melihat beberapa insiden sati yang berkaitan.
Sama seperti para isteri Pandavas, sesetengah
daripada mereka memilih untuk berundur di
hutan / vanapravasa, tetapi ada di antara
mereka memilih untuk masuk ke dalam api
suci, agar mereka dapat bersama dengan
mereka suami di dunia akhirat. Semua ini
dilakukan oleh orang itu secara sukarela
sebagai isteri yang soleh. (Sejarah puranik).
Perlu ingat bahawa manusia zaman puranik
mempunyai kebolehan meninggalkan badan
apabila diperlukan. Wanita yang soleh boleh
meninggalkan badan pada bila-bila masa.
Perlu ingat bahawa manusia zaman puranik
mempunyai kebolehan meninggalkan badan
apabila diperlukan. Wanita yang soleh boleh
meninggalkan badan pada bila-bila masa.
Dalam kitab Ramayana, ketiga-tiga isteri
Dasaratha tidak pernah mengamalkan ritual
sati. Mereka tinggal di istana sebagai ibu ratu
selama 14 tahun sehingga Rama kembali
dari pembuangan Vanavasa. Dalam Mahabharata,
Kunti tetap membesarkan 5 anaknya, Pandawa.
Tiada sesiapa yang memaksa mereka ke dalam
ritual Sati. Amalan sati tidak pernah dipaksa
kepada sesiapa pun, perkara ini jelas kitab suci.
Zaman Moden
Ritual sati dapat dibandingkan dengan ritual
berjalan atas bara api, di mana para penyembah
berjalan melalui api tanpa sebarang bahaya.
Mengapa api tidak membakarnya? Perkara
yang sama semasa Ibu Sita Dewi menjalankan
agni pariksha / ujian api untuk membuktikan
kesolehan kepada rakyat yang sangsikan
kesucian ibu.
Dalam realiti.
Tiada insiden sati yang direkodkan berkaitan
agama Hindu. Kita telah melihat dalam filem
tentang itu. Ada kemungkinan perkara ini
berlaku dalam beberapa peristiwa terpencil.
Sepanjang insiden, ia mungkin disalahgunakan
oleh beberapa kumpulan kelas tinggi yang telah
membakar isteri dengan paksa untuk memenuhi
hasrat mereka berbuat kejahatan atau menjaga
'martabat' mereka atau mencegah kebolehan
harta atau kerana mas kahwin tidak dibayar
oleh pengantin perempuan. Perkara begini
semacam ini bukanlah ritual sati. Ia ialah
Apabila penceroboh Muslim Arab datang ke
India dan penjajahan Mughals, lebih daripada 100 misi
ke India dari 700 TM hingga 1700 TM, ramai wanita
Hindu membakar diri mereka untuk mengelakkan
daripada diperkosa atau dijadikan sebagai hamba
seks. Mereka ini berminda Isis, perogol, penyanggak
dan kekejaman mereka membunuh semua lelaki
dan wanita serta kana-kanak dijadikan hamba. Dan
wanita-wanita itu menjadi hak milik yang sah mereka.
Kejadian sati (jauhar) yang paling terkenal dalam
sejarah yang dirakamkan semasa peperangan
antara kerajaan Hindu Rajput di Rajasthan dan
tentera Islam berminda Isis yang menjajah. Antara
kes sati ialah tiga kejadian di kubu Chittor di
Rajasthan, 1303,1535, dan 1568 TM. Jaisalmer
pada tahun 1295 TM semasa Dinasti Khilji, dan
Dinasti Tughlaq pada tahun 1326 TM.
Amalan Sati menjadi pilihan di kalangan wanita Hindu
untuk menjaga maruah dan kemuliaan mereka dari
pemerkosaan oleh penjajah baru itu. Apabila suami-
suami mereka kalah dalam peperangan dengan tentera
barbarik ini, mereka lebih rela untuk membakar diri
daripada menjadi hamba seks kepada penjajah ini.
Apa yang kita lihat di Syria baru-baru ini, ialah apa
yang terjadi sejak 1300 tahun lalu di India.
Kira-kira 80-600 juta orang Hindu sama ada dianiaya,
dibunuh, dirogol, diperhambakan dipindahkan atau
ditukar agama oleh orang gasar ini semasa pencerobohan.
Amalan Sati ialah penyelamat maruah wanita Hindu.
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