The Key : A Sadhaka Should Know.
Sadhaka is a person who is practising a certain sadhana (way of spiritual practice) to reach Moksha. Reaching the Sat Chit Ananda state of realisation. The veil of pasa is removed.
Know the Key.
Tanittu iru, Pasittu iru, Vilittu iru.
(Stay in solitary, stay in fasting, stay awake)
The absolute key to unlock the spiritual doors (breakthrough the maya veil). Realise the Brahman. Reaching the state of bodiless mind (maya veil disappear).
Tanittu iru / Live in solitary means live in a quiet place where there is no disturbance during meditation at least. Those with family find a time where no one is around (early morning, Brahma muhurta). This will help you to focus on meditation.
Pasittu iru / stay in fasting means a sadhaka must eat less or fast, this will reduce the bad karmas and burn down bad cells (autophagy) and thus pave way to help the flow /travel of prana sakti in better order. Bring down the energy of food.
Vilittu iru / stay awake means reduce the sleep or don’t sleep for a longer period of time. This will make the physical body get tired, low energy. The low energy of the body will trigger the auto body support system. This will help to raise the prana sakti of Kundalini.
Important Steps for a Sadhaka.
Shuddhis / Cleansing.
Dhega shuddhi (physical body cleansing) means keeping the physical body clean by bathing (cold water), eating right food (satvik food / vegetarian) and exercise (yoga).
Bhuta shuddhi ( 5 senses cleansing) means the 5 organs and is sensory activities. See, hear, talk and deed satvik nature things. Control your organs and senses.
Buddhi shuddhi (mind cleansing), thought is an important aspect that must always be in satvik state. To engage in right thought, must recite a certain mantra which you like the most/ istha devata. This will help to keep the mind from roaming into negativity.
Japa / Continues Mantra Recital
Chakra shuddhi means cleansing the chakras and nadis ( ida, pingala and sushma). There are rituals and prayers to elevate the prana sakti in each chakras. There are certain pujas that need to be performed at manasik level to all the Chakras. The rise of prana might take years, depending on one's karmic account and intense of sadhana.
Dyana / Meditation
Atma shuddhi, the atma becomes enlightened. During the meditation, a Sadhaka should focus the mind on Linga coiled by Kundalini at Muladara Chakra. Through the mind, one should awake and raise the sleeping Kundalini (serpent). The raised Kundalini should go upward until reaching the Sahasara Chakra. This will lead to the union with Brahman. Will remove the individual maya veil. Only time knows when it will be accomplished.
Not as easy as narrated. Get a proper guru to guide, read as much as possible. Do the sadhana accordingly.
Om Namasivaya.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
11 May 2021
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