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Convert and the Conversion Agent : Both are Sinners.

Conversion is Sin According to Hinduism. # 2

Convert and the Conversion Agent: Both are Sinners.

In Hinduism, conversion does not exist because every child belongs to the Almighty God (Brahman). Everyone is on His list. Every path is His path. Birth religion/faith is destiny.

Conversion Is Sin
If a person converts into other religions, it is a sin. The sin is also accumulated by the conversion agent too. No matter what religious scriptures from different faith have described, this one single truth must be looked into consideration by every human on this planet. This fits every religion on earth. Because it goes against His will.

Fundamental  Truth
a. There is only one God
All the scriptures claim that there is only one God; God is the Almighty, the great, the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresence … etc. The supreme God supposedly created the earth, human, religions, you, me and etc. He knows, decides, etc. everything.

b. God is All-Knowing.
Every religion claims nothing will move without God’s consent, every single thing is bounded by His will. He plans everything. I believe that all the faiths on earth accept this truth.

c. God Chose Your Parents
One cannot change the parents.
God decided your parents of the particular faith. You never choose your parents during birth and you cannot change your parents during a lifetime.

d. Birth Religion is God's Will.
In fact, everything is His Will. God decided your faith during birth. It is a sin if one goes against God's will.
If you believe God, there is no choice, you have to admit these truths.

Conversion Agents
No matter what is your religion. If you are a Christian, for you, everything had happened, was happening, and will happen, it is by God’s will. If so.

My Questions
1. Who created the world?
2. Who created you?
3. Who has given Christianity to the world?
Definitely, your answer is the Almighty God. That is a perfect answer, as a Christian you suppose to bear it by heart and soul. The same goes for other religious order members, when I talk to them they admit this truth. They said everything is by God.
As a Hindu, I should say the same truth. As a Hindu, I would like to ask further to the other faith followers who are eager to convert others.

4. Who had created me?
5. Who had created my parents?
It is supposed the same God as your faith claims. Correct me if I am wrong!
Ponder Further Questions
6. Who created Hinduism?
7. Who created other faiths?
I guess the answer is the same God, if the same God responsible for everything, Hinduism (Sanathana Dharma) must be created by the same God. Unless, if you believe there is another God!

Most Important Question
8. Who choose our parents when we born into this world?
9.Why the all-knowing God wills me to be born in a particular faith of family?
It is supposed to be God’s will alone to make such a choice that a person has to be born into a particular faith. WE CANNOT CHANGE OUR PARENTS. If we cannot change our parents, then how is possible to change the birth religion? BOTH are the choice of God. Paramahamsa Yogananda quoted that,  “A child is not given a choice to be born to a family, the child is attracted to a family based on its individual karma and desires. …”

I am the Chosen
I realized that I didn't choose to be born as a Hindu. I was chosen to be born as Hindu by God Himself. I only knew that I am a Hindu through my parents. I think all of you knew your faith from your parents too. I believe everyone, every soul born on earth by His will. I am the chosen one. If this offends you, please forgive me, but the truth is all of us are choosing one.

Same Human Race.
We are the same human race. Now, as humans, ask yourself the above questions and I believe all of us are the chosen ones. God chooses us to be born in a particular faith that suits us (according to previous life karmic account). We are God’s child, don’t doubt on this.

Everything is His Will Alone.
10. Who am I to change His will?
If I listen to somebody from different faith and convert to their religion, this means I am going against His will. As we know whoever goes against Him is a sinner. Then I have to go to hell!

Ask yourself these questions
11. Is it sin if convert into different faith?
12. Converting others into your faith is also a sin?
Yes, by converting, one goes against God's will.  And conversion agents, you are responsible for changing God's will. Judge yourself. Both are sinners.  Hell awaits.

Hinduism does not accept conversion. Only accepts sadhana.
Hindus believe that God is one. All the human race came or is coming from the same God. Every single thing happens because of God. It is His will.  Human beings cannot change His will. Whoever goes against His will, is a sinner. By changing one's faith is contradicting His will. Human beings are given full freedom to decide in believing Him, but within a number of re-birth, we must reach the finishing line, which is reaching God (moksha).

Hindus Never Accept Conversion.
Hindus were unobtrusive on conversion, it does not mean that we accept conversion. Conversion is a sin according to many religions including Hinduism. Hindus were never against conversion because we believe we can pray the Almighty God in any name and any method as we like as long as in the faith of God. But cannot go against His will. There are thousands of former Hindus (converted ) around the globe.

The Converts have to Pay the Penalty.
Conversion is not the real issue for Hindus as a whole. It is a purely personal right of the person.  The person who converts into different faith is solely responsible for his actions. By converting into a different religion, he is actually running away from his duty (karma) chosen by God Himself FOR THIS LIFE. The converted person had to pay for that. I believe that he has to be born again to fulfill his duty after underwent the punishment in hell. Anyway, the deal is between God and the person himself.  

We, the Hindus got no objection on conversion, because during ‘judgement’ the person has to answer not us.

My advice is, to remain in your birth faith or religion, listen to your heart, pray the God chosen for you.

Remember God is one. The path is many, but you are willed to practice the particular faith for this birth. You are chosen.

Om Namah Shivaya

1. Yogananda (1975), Autobiography of a Yogi. Bombay, Jaico Publishing House.

2.Conversion is Sin

3.Conversion is Sin According to Hinduism. # 1
Tell Our Children that Conversion is Sin.

4. The Garuda Purana, by Ernest Wood and S.V. Subrahmanyam, [1911], at

Sri Sivasiddhi
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation

6 October 2018


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