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Aryan vs Anarya

Aryan vs Anarya  

Aryan is a Hindu.  Anaryan is a non-Hindu. Anarya is also termed as Parya or mleccha. A Parya (modern term) is not a Hindu.  If he is a Hindu than he is not a Parya. Parya is the non-Hindu.

Meaning of an Arya or  Aryan.
A person who is practicing noble dharma, enlighten, civilized, guided behavior, righteous conducts is an Aryan. Someone who has mastered the noble truths and entered the spiritual path. One has the capacity to grasp metaphysics and believe in the existence of Brahman.

Aryan is  Hindu.
The word Hindu is popular among western Indologists. The world recognizes Sanatana Dharma as Hinduism. The term Hindu derived from the terminology of Sindhu. Beyond Sindhu (Indus) river valley is the border of Aryavartha in the west. The Persians recognized the Aryan in the Aryavartha as Hindu based on the river. Hindu,  Sindhu, Sanatana dharmi, Aryan were the same person with some adaptation through ages.

Term Aryan Mentioned in Scriptures.
In Vedas, it is mentioned clearly. In Rigveda 9.63.5, Arya refers to a noble, pious, righteous person, "krinvanto visvam aryam” , those who are practicing these qualities are the Aryans. And further in Rigveda 7. 33.17, Arya referred to as an enlightened person. The most accurate definition of Aryan, one can find in the Rigveda,
“praja arya jyotiragrah” , it is translated into “people of Arya are led by light”

The word 'light' here refers to Brahm, the Supreme Jothy / Arulperumjothy  (Brahman / Sivan). This is should be a spiritual sense to mean enlightenment. Aryan is those who believe and realizes the Brahman is in Nirguna and Sarguna form. It is the same belief that never changed through ages. Sanatana Dharma, the eternal law of God.

Bhagavata Purana 3.33.7, mentioned that even one born of a low family, but on the highest platform of self-realization, performed all kinds of penances and sacrifices, taking bath in all the holy places of pilgrimage is considered to be the best of the Arya.

Siva Purana.Vidyeswar Samhita. Chapter 17.
Verses 124-129, Mantrayagna,  Varna can be
changed by reciting panchaaksara mantra  
Om Namasivaya (Brahmin ,Kshatriya, Vaisha) 
or Om Sivayanama (Women, Shudra). A Kshatriya recites 500,000 times to remove Ksatratva,  and another 500,000 times reach Brahminhood. A Vaisha needs to recite 500,000 times dispels Vaisyatva, 500,000 to reach Kshatriya. So are the Shudras. End of every 500,000 times, must perform Mahabhiseka and Naivedya. There is no difference between Siva and His devotee. Varna is not an issue.

An Aryan is a person who professes Arya dharma. Arya dharma later known as Sanathana dharma and at present it is known as  Hindu dharma or Hindutva (Hindu Principles).
The person is a spiritualist (atmic yogi), has humanistic value, follows a defined civilization. The Arya dharma is referred to as the way of life of people of Aryavarta or Bharata Varsha. Aryavarta the "abode of the Aryans" is a common name for North India in Sanskrit literature. Manusmṛti (2.22) gives the name to "the space between the Himalaya and the Vindhya ranges, from the Eastern Sea to the Western Sea.

That will be from Persia in the west to Myanmar in the east, countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh today. From the Northern part, Himalaya to  Kanyakumari in the South.

Anyone could be an Aryan as long as all the qualities above are his way of life regardless of birth, race, or nationality. Become an Aryan by following the code of conduct of Arya Dharma or Sanatana Dharma, which is known worldwide as Hinduism.

Arya Dharma is not propagated or imposed on others either by preaching or by the sword, neither proselytizing nor conversions, far from apostatizing. One must be blessed to be born in Hinduism or to profess it.
Arya means enlighten people,  noble, Sanatana dharmic followers.

Anarya or Pararya or Parya
Anarya is referred to as a non-arya. They also referred to as Parya (modern term) or Mleccha. Any person
who is not a practicing Hindu is Anarya.
The term Parya derived from arya, analogy/the way the word ‘deshi’ (native) and ‘pardeshi’ (par+deshi become pardeshi, non-native / traveler) is the exact sample of how the word ‘Arya’ and  ‘Parya’ (par + arya) were coined into. Further, the word Parya was designed into ‘paraiya’ by the conversion agents.
The term Parya (ancient term) was associated with a community that is drum players in Tamil Nadu, (played important role during cremation or convey messages) by Robert Caldwell. The conversion agents associated further with the caste system to confuse and demean Hinduism. The actual
Par + arya  is parya, it refers non arya or non Hindus.
As to remind, there is no caste system in Hinduism.  It is a varna system.

It doesn't refer to anyone in the world or a community in particular.  Some ill-informed related this to a particular community in Tamil Nadu, who using a kind of drum called 'parai' as their traditional instruments. This community is called Paraiyar, this is an occupational jati (race). It has indirect connection to Hinduism especially cremations. But in Tamil Nadu, this community is used by the anti-Hindu elements such as Aasevagam and conversion agents to demean Hinduism.
Parya/Mlecha… Kafir… Infidel.
In modern term, the word Parya is referring to non-Hindu. Similarly in Islam, Those profess Islam is called Muslim, and non-Islamist is called Kafir.
In Christianity, the believers are called Christians and that non-Christian is addressed as an infidel.
In simple terms, a Parya means a person who is not following Hindu dharma,  one who violets the basic fundamental tenets of Hinduism such as eating beef, rejecting the scriptures,  rituals, or rejecting Brahman ( Paramporul / Supreme Jothi). An Aryan can fall into the category of Parya if associated with the above or converted out of Hinduism.

Falling into Category of Parya
1. A person who eats beef,  because eating beef is prohibited and is against the Hindu tenets.
2. A Hindu converted out from Hinduism because of rejection on Hinduism ( not believing Brahman / God, Hindu scriptures, Rituals, etc.)
3. A person born Hindu but never practiced Hinduism because never believe the Supreme Brahman.
4. Those of descendants of a converted out from Hinduism
5. A person who thrown out of society because he is not following the standard law of the land.

Anyone can fall into the category of Parya if violated any of the above conditions.
If you are a Hindu, then you cannot be a pariah.  If you're a pariah then you cannot be a Hindu.
The word pariah derived from Parya. The word Parya is synonymous with Anarya. Anarya means non-Hindu. Arya means Hindu.

As per Siva Purana, the cow is a divine animal.  Sivaperuman's favorite animal.  His favorite pasu (cow) named Susila kept in Brindavanam under the care of Govardhan. Thus, eating beef will bring wrath.
As a spiritualist (anmigavathy) no one will accept the term to differentiate the human race. (Vasudhaiva kutumbakam)
But as a religion preceptor (mathavathy),  this term has its meaning and it will ride away from the other religions' atrocity on Hindus.
We were labeled by non-Hindus as such kafir or infidels without understanding the consequences on us.  It is time to teach back.
My thousand apologies if it hurts someone.
If others label us as kafirs or infidels then I feel the term Parya will put everyone into a common term. Now, it is time to throwing back the misconception where it belongs. Hindus don't judge people as everyone are the children of Brahman. But, we were forced to come into the common terms of Kafir by Islam and Infidel by Christianity.

Our Identity was Stolen.
Our ancestors, Aryan’s identity was stolen by westerners especially the German. And were imposed into our minds to reject our own identity by believing it as alien to our civilization. The knowledge of Aryan was hijacked.

The foreign religious invaders systematically eliminated the term Arya from daily Hindu thought. They portrayed Arya is a foreign invader, an alien to Hindus. The term Arya is illuminated into a race. The westerners stole the identity, writings, scriptures, and knowledge of ours, the Aryans because no other people in the world had such heights as the superior civilization. The Germans stole the Aryan identity. We Hindus were misguided into believing that we are not Aryan.

Aryan Invasion Theory is a Hoax.
Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) a German invented mockery on Aryan / Indians and later  British used it to destroy Hinduism. A few simple factors can prove the false allegations of the mockers.
a. If Aryan came from Central Asia or Europe, where is the exact place of origin of them? There is nowhere to have any solid evidence to prove that such as ruins of cities or places. They are plenty in Bharata Varsha.
We clearly can see the evidence of the foreign religion of Christian and Islam. Mecca is the place of origin for Muslims and Jerusalem is the place of origin of Christianity. So,  where are the ruins of Aryan other parts out of India?
b. The Hindus need water and sun in their primary rituals.
i. The Hindus use water in their rituals. Without water, no Hindu rituals were able to performed. They need plenty of water, if these people came from cold regions, the use of water is very limited. For example, the Brahmins performing their daily ritual (Sandhyavandanam) three times with water or by the river. Is this possible in a very cold region?
ii. Sun is among the important features in Aryan rituals. Sun is representing the Supreme Jothy (Gayatri mantra). In the cold region, how much the sun’s role is?
c. The western orientalist and Indologist stole the knowledge from Aryavartha and later claimed it theirs.  Most things were taken out of India. They wanted to associate themselves with Aryan identity because theirs is not up to par with Aryans.
A French, Abraham H. Anquetil Duperron coined the term Aryan for the first time. Then,  Max Müller, in 1862 associated the myth with Iran. Later, in the 1890s, Mirza Agha Khan Kermani absorbed into Iranian pride. In between, Sir William Jones, in 1786 related  Latin and Greek with Sanskrit and Persian language, and end up in the Indo-European family of languages.
Later,  the Christian missionaries use this lies to confuse further the Hindus.
e. Harvard studies on Indian DNA, suggesting all Bharatha Varshas are from the same family.

The terms, Arya and Anarya are primarily used in the moral sense in the Hindu scriptures. People are usually called Arya or Anarya based on their behavior or sadhana. Arya is typically one who follows the Dharma, the Hindu dharma. It is applicable to any person living anywhere in Bharata Varsha or vast India.
By rejecting Aryan and Brahmin (Varna system), we are rejecting Hinduism without realizing it. This is the primary aim of conversions agents. It is time to reset our mind to uphold Sanatana dharma (Arya dharma / Hinduism). I am a Hindu.  I am an Aryan.
Om Namasivaya


1. Iranian connection.
2. Shanknaad

3. Rigveda. Book 7.Hymn 33

4. Bhagavata Purana.  3.33.7

5.Manusmriti 2.22

6.J. L. Shastri, The Sivapurana (Part 1),  Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Delhi 1950...2002

7. Some credits to fb friends such
as Sriram V. and many more., pub-2960278825814307, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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