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Brahmins : Faith Defense Pillar of Hinduism

Hinduism: The Truth As It Is #4
Brahmins: Faith Defense Pillar of Hinduism.

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Brahmins (Brahmanas)  are the source of knowledge, faith, and wisdom of Sanatana Dharma. By rejecting Brahmins, you are destroying Hinduism.

Brahmins are the people with the knowledge of God and doing sadhana accordingly and enlighten Hindus. Brahmins revealed the wisdom of Sanatana dharma into scriptures. They taught Hindus scriptures and civilization.
Brahmins were the center or pillar of knowledge and guidance for Hinduism. They were the Knowledge propagator of Sanatana dharma.
Brahmins built the ancient Sanatana dharmic education system. They built thousands of Gurukuls, an estimated 12 ancient universities, produced an estimated 12400 different Hindu scriptures. India was the center of knowledge and wisdom.
Brahmins collecting knowledge and communicating it to the soul is the function of the head. This is the precise function that a Brahmin does in society.

Kshatriya was the protector and defense of Hinduism, the Isis minded Arabic and Mughals destroyed Kshatriyas with the sword, Vaisyas were destroyed by looting and plundering but those foreign religious invaders were not able to destroy the faith and piety on God of Hindus because of these Brahmins.
So as a long term goal, they have to destroy the source of faith and wisdom of Hinduism.  The source of knowledge, faith, and wisdom of Sanatana dharma is the Brahmins. The main sources of Hinduism are in Kashmir, the origin center for  Saivites. By invading Kashmir and destroying Brahmins, they are trying to destroy Hinduism.

Who is a Brahmin or Brahmana?

In scriptures, Vanaparva, Mahabharata, Conversation between Yudhisthira and King Nahusa, Yudhisthira listed qualities of virtues constitute of a Brahmin,   truthfulness, generosity, forgiveness, goodness, kindness, self-control, and compassion ( Bhagavad Gita 18. 42.) Anyone who has the virtue listed is a brahmin, not by birth.

Brahmin is first among the varnashrama,  following by Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra
Varna is aura. Varna is the color of aura of the body, not skin color.  Aura can change according to your sadhana. Aura is manifestations of the sattvic mind based on sadhana such as Astanga. (Eightfold limb  of Patanjali). Varna is determined by the three Gunas (satvic, rajas, and tamas). Anyone from any varna can raise themself into Brahmanas by practicing the right sadhana. In Rigveda (Rig 5.59.6)
among these men, ….they become great from smaller beginnings, ...

Through puranic history, we can see many sages or Sanatana dharmic scholars were not from brahmin by birth. Valmiki the author of Ramayana and  Vyasa the author of Veda was not pure brahmin by birth. They raised to brahmana hood through sadhana, meditation.

Brahmins were the center or pillar education, knowledge, and guidance for Hinduism, such as Pope institutions of Christianity or the Ulama Council of Islamic.

The foreign religious invaders needed to break the Hindu education systems in order to penetrate into Hinduism and convert the Hindus. We knew well about Thomas B. Macaulay, who was Chairman of the Education Board in India, 1836. His aim was to break and destroy the ancient Hindu education system and replace it with the British system so that easy to convert the people.

So, by instilling the negative impression on Brahmins, they were able to destroy Hinduism and by tampering the scriptures the foreign missionaries were able to break apart Hindus.  Hindus without guidance were in the darkness of knowledge.

Brahmins of varnashrama are not jati or caste. Brahmins do exist among not only Tamils. There are Brahmins in Kerala among Malayalees, in Andra Pradesh among Telegus, and in North India such as Kashmiri Pandits. It is not a jati or caste. Brahmins systematically associated with caste by the foreign religious missionaries in order to demean Hinduism. In 1543 AD,  it is recorded, Francis Xavier admitted that without Brahmins, the Hindus can be easily converted to Christianity.
Brahmins were the pillars of defense on faith. So, the Hindus were misguided to reject Brahmins and pave the way to them to convert. Currently, those portray negative about Brahmin, mostly through movies, writings or public forums were by anti-Hindu groups but pretending as Hindu.

The foreign religious invaders from Islamic Arab to Mughal and Christian Missionaries had
invaded India from 700 AD to today. First, they destroyed Kshatriyas, through war, killed, captivated, converted, slaved,  many turned Dalits today. Second, they destroyed Vaishya by looting and plundering the wealth of India for thousands of years. Thirdly, they persecuted thousands of Brahmins in order to destroy Hinduism further by tampered or destroyed scriptures, destroyed and looted temples, and enslaved the people.
Muslim historian Firistha (b. 1570) wrote in Tarikh-i Firishta that Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus up to the peak of the Islamic rule of India, bringing the Hindu population down from 600 million to 200 million at the time. And don't forget about the ambitious Isis minded terrorist plan of e ghazwa al-Hind ( battle on India ).

And finally, they continue to slave the mind of Hindus to reject Brahmins.  Their aim is only to convert Hindus and destroy Hinduism.  By rejection of brahmins, we are rejecting our own enlightenment tool. This kept Hindus in darkness for thousands of years.

Please wake up. Ask your self, which Brahmin had harm or cheat you? It is the propaganda of anti-Hindu elements to destroy Hinduism by instilling and projecting negative towards Brahmins.  Brahmins are the pillars of Hinduism. Time to Hindus increases its own sadhana to reach Brahminhood. If you reject Brahmins, you are rejecting Hinduism.

Note: Excluding Brahmins by birth who are not practicing the prescribed sadhana.

1. Nripendra Kumar Duty, (1931), Origin And Growth of Caste in India, London. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd.
2. Yogananda (1975), Autobiography of a Yogi. Bombay, Jaico Publishing House.
3.Rig Veda, tr. by Ralph T.H. Griffith, [1896], at, Book 5
4. Bhagavad Gita.
5. Mahabharata.

Om Namasivaya.

Sri Sivasiddhi
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia.
1 October  2018, pub-2960278825814307, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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