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Vedas, Sanskrit, Arya are Roots of Thirumurai /Saiva Siddhanta.

 Vedas, Sanskrit, Arya are Roots of Thirumurai /Saiva Siddhanta.

Vedas are the absolute source of Thirumurai and Saiva Siddhanta, while Sanskrit is part and parcel it. And everyone who is realize the truth of Parabrahman/ Paramporul is an aryan.

Mahadeva Siva the almighty (Paramporul) He Himself declared  as an aryan, given sanskrit, and Tamil. He is the Vedas Himself. (Aryan is not a race. It means one who is noble, civilized, enlightened and led by the Supreme Light/ Arulperumjothy.)

Some so-called experts of ‘Saiva Siddhanta’ (Tamil Samayam version) claim Vedas, Sanskrit and Arya are not related to Parama Sivan or Saiva Siddhantam. They were the propagator of Tamil Samayam but identify themselves as Saivites. If you accept all 12 Thirumurais as part of Saiva Siddhatam, then you must accept the below.

All 4 Saints/Sages of Tirumurai/ Hindu Saiva Siddhanta supported Sanskrit, Vedas and used the term Arya. 

1.Tirumular Tirumantiram Āgamacirappu

tamiḻccol vaṭacol eṉumiv viraṇṭum uṇarttum avaṉai

Realize the Lord who in both Tamil word and Sanskrit word 

2. Sekkizhar Periya Puranam – Paramanaiye Paaduvar Puranam

teṉtamiḻum vaṭakalaiyum tēcikamum

hymns in Tamil, samskritam and other languages

3. ThirugnanaSambandar Tevaram –Sung at Thirupugalur 

teṉcol viñcamar vaṭacol ticaimoḻi

 languages such as tamiḻ, excellent sanskrit

4. Appar/ Thirunavukkarasar

a.Appar Thevaram sung at Tirucivapuram

vaṭamoḻiyun teṉṟamiḻum maṟaikaḷ nāṉkum āṉavaṉkāṇ 

He became Sanskrit, Tamil of the South and the four Vedas

b.Appar Thevaram sung at Tirukadampatturai

Āriyam tamiḻōṭu icai āṉavaṉ

Sivaṉ who is Himself as Sanskrit, Tamiḻ and music..

c.Appar Thevaram sung at Thirumaraikadu

kaṇṭāy āriyaṉ kaṇṭāy tamiḻaṉ 

He is Arya; He is Tamil;

5. Many more….

It is one’s own right to follow what he/they believe but should not deny or lie about the authentic Thirumurai  of Hindu Saivite version. 

In my knowledge, of all 63 Nayanmars or the Nalvars, no one had denied or rejected Sanskrit, Vedas or the term Arya. Even Tolkappiyar in Tolkappiyam never.

So, who are these people to deny it? Are they more expert than all the Nayanmars? Was Meykanda Devar rejected? If anyone has any evidence that our Nayanmars had rejected, please bring forward.

If you want to follow the ‘Saivam’ of Tamil Samayam version, it is your right/choice but you have no right to change or deny the authenticity of the Thirumurais. There are some so-called experts of Saiva Siddhanta such as Saktivel Muruganar claims that the Nanmarai mentioned in Tirumurais are referring to Aram, Porul, Inbam and Veedu concepts, NOT the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas. If so, my questions are,

1. Who is/are among 63 Nayanmars and Nalvars or any other Tamil saints had said that Nanmarais referring not to Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva?

2. In which verse of Saiva siddhanta scriptures, 12 Tirumurais, etc, mentioned that Nanmarai in tirumurais refers to Aram, Porul, Inbam and Veedu concepts?

3. Why there are verses mentioned Rig Veda especially in Tirumantiram?

4. Why always mentioned Sama Ghanam (songs from Sama veda) in classical Bharata Natyam musics or prayer?


Human goal/ aims of human life/ purpose of human life/ objects of pursuit, ( in Tamil, Manitha latchiam/ uruthi porulgal/ purusharthangal) is purushartha in Sanskrit, they are referred to Dharma/ Aram, artha/ Porul, Kama/ Inbam and Moksha/ Veedu were the based/ core message in all the scriptures, from Vedas, Upanishads, samhitas, Ithihasas, Siddhantas, Agamas, Manusmriti, Bhagavad Gita, to Tirukural.

Saiva Siddhantham is a distilled version of Vedantam.

Om Namasivaya


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation.

1 February 2022

Thanks to Aiya Radha Krishnan, the President of Malaysia Hindudharma Mamandram



2.Thirumurai 6.


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