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Time to Abolish the Temple Fees ('Jizya' Taxes) and Return the Temples in India.

Time to Abolish the Temple Fees ('Jizya' Taxes) and Return

the Temples in India.

(Posted in Fb facebook. 28 August 2017)

Dear Hindus, please wake up.

Why (Hindus) still never realised that you are brainwashed 

to accept the tax imposed by the invaders?

To the Government of  India
Temple authorities must stop collecting tax / entry payment in

Hindu temples. It was started by the Moguls as a jizya tax for

non Muslims. It was continued by British to collect revenue. It is

a shame for the nation,even after  a thousand plus years, after

independence, the tax still remained.

If it is revenue for the nation, then it must be collected from all the

citizens, not only in Hindu temples, it must also be collected from

churches, mosques and all the other religion bodies. Every citizen

should pay the same if imposed.

Return back the governance of Hindu temples to its people or

take control of all the other religion bodies governance as a whole

one nation under the same law and fund all the religious bodies


To the Hindus in public.
Wake up! Hindus as individuals  and as collectively must act to

bring the changes. Stop pay entrance fee. Go on divine yatra

( pilgrimage) not leisure yatra.

Hindus, please stop paying the entry fee to temples, people

should go to temples without any payments as such in church

or mosque. If the temple authority refuses entry, pray from

outside only. Time will eventually rectify that.

All the fees  must be stopped. Remember,this was introduced / imposed

by the invaders on Hindus. It is  carried  up to today.Temple is

not business premises, people must have the option of donating

only.Donating as the wish is more divine.

To the Temple Managements.

Temples must return the donations back to their own

people,look at other welfare options or  stop taking donations

or fees from the public  to extravagant temple ceremonies.

My own experience travelling in India, yatra to temples, was

the worst experience in Kolkatta, Kalighat Temple, where every

entrance one needs to pay for the so-called guide ‘ crocodile’ 

( 2012). There are temples run by ‘syndicates’ not the authorities.

It is time to change all these misnomers ( remove dacoits )  in / from

Hindu temples.

My salutations to Jagadguru Adi Shankara.

Om Namasivaya.

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation

30 March 2021

Posted in Fb 28 August 2017



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