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Questions and Answers on Hinduism.

 Questions and Answers on Hinduism. 

1. Why so many Gods?

The question itself is a misconception. There is only one God called ParaBrahman. ParaBrahman is only one as in Nirguna form (no image) but ParaBrahman is Almighty, He is able to take any form or shape at any time, place, or space. The taken form can be many called Saguna forms (image). So many different attributes of Brahman are seen as Devas or Devatas. Such as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and etc. Parabrahman lives as Brahman in everything (atma and anatma).  There is another misconception of 330 million Gods, but actually, scriptures mentioned about 33 important Devas but some ill-informed people interpreted the mantra as 330 million Gods. Devas in Hinduism are also misinterpreted as Gods. Hindus pray for many different attributes of the only Parabrahman. Praying Parabrahman to reaching Moksha, while praying many of His attributes for continuity of worldly life.

2. Praying to idols?

Hindus never pray murthy/idols. Hindus are praying to God (Brahman) in a particular form of the idol. Since Brahman is Almighty, He is able to take any form or shape, thus He is able to take the form of Idol in a temple. Christians are praying in front of the Statue of Jesus/Cross and Muslims are praying in front of a building, are they praying the idol, cross, or building? Definitely not. Vedas mention ParaBrahman is in every particle, so is in the Murthy/idol. When we recite a prayer, we recite " Oh God…", no one reciting as "Oh idol…, Oh Statue…, Oh Cross / Building…. At a physical level 

/ naked eyes, it is just an idol/statue but at spiritual level/ heart, it is God, for example, a picture of your parents is just a piece of paper for others but you see your parents. It depends on the perceptions of the related person and the object.

3. Women cannot go to temples during menstruation?

Menstruating women are not allowed to enter temples/altars . Any bodily discharged fluids are considered impure. Temples in Hinduism are not just a building such as in other religions, just a structure as a prayer hall. Temples depend on Agamic prescribed principles of yantra (machine), tantra (technics), and mantra (formula). Agamic Shastras prevent any acts of destruction to the sanctity of the temple Godly vibration/ Chaitanya emerged from the murthy. As per human biology, it is because the imbalance of electrons at the atomic level of a menstruating woman will create a chaotic imbalance of anything they touch including surrounding air. Besides, prevents not only a menstruating woman (3 days), it also prevents dead body, a contagiously sick person, a member from the funeral house (30 days), a member from the newly born baby house (30 days), any spilling of blood and any pandemic diseased person, all because to prevent pollution of vibrations/imbalance of Chaitanya, dead particles, or viruses, etc. to the temple and which can spread to others. And no prevention for a menstruating woman to pray God at manasik/mind level. 

4. Women treated as inferior?

No, completely wrong justification. Only Hinduism treats women equally and in fact higher than men. Praying God in female form, Goddess Sakti occupies half of Mahadeva Siva. Parasara Smriti mentioned mothers should be respected 1,000 times more than fathers. If women are not respected, the Goddess Laksmi will leave the house and so on. As per Hindu culture, the earth, rivers are addressed/personified as women. There are many other examples that can be quoted further on how women are respected equally. 

5. Caste System?

There is no caste system in Hinduism. Hinduism never endorsed caste. There is no single word mentioned about caste in any of the Hindu Scriptures. The caste system is based on blood relations by birth, it gives/creates either privileges or discriminations based on birth. The word caste derived from the Latin/Portuguese word of CASTA, the caste which practiced in Spain, Portugal communities in the 1560s. The missionaries brought it to India and equated it with the Hindu Varna system. Caste is misquoted/ill quoted with varna system which is based on one's gunas (attitude) and karmas (actions) /  not by birth. There is mobility in Varna compared to caste. The compiler of Vedas (the most authentic referential text for Hindus), Ved Vyasa (Krishna Dvaipayana) is the son of a fisherwoman raised to a Brahma rishi. The title of Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaishya, or Shudra is earned by education, job, attitude, and pietyness. This will determine the place in the Varnasrama. So, the caste system was systematically inserted and manipulated by the missionaries to convert Hindus. 

6. Hindus serving liquors to God?

Hinduism never approved serving sura/liquor for Gods. Brahman and Devas never served alcohol but drinks called soma (water /amrita of herbs). But in some cases, some creed of people serving sura (alcohol) for Bhutas (underworld entities), Kaval Deivam (guardian deities), or departed ancestors. It is their own choice or decision as per their own consciousness. Hinduism never prohibited one's own consciousness as they reap their own karma. 

7. Hindus have too many rituals? 

A real Hindu needs to do rituals called Sangiyam, Sandangu or Sampradaya, so that can reduce his karma and pave an easier way to attain moksha. There are prescribed 48 types of rituals an individual can do, at least must do 16 in a lifetime. The rituals are from garbha dhana (conceived in a womb) to birth, until antyeshti (death). And this includes Pancha Mahayagna, the 5 compulsory duties of a Hindu for God/Brahman, Devas (attributes of God) and Rishis, Pitrus (departed ancestors), Bhutas (Underworld entities, Protections deities, animals, plants), and Manusyas (humans). If one has the right knowledge, he is able to select the right rituals to perform and can avoid the confusion of ‘too many rituals’.

8. Hindus worship cows? 

Hindus don’t pray cows but the Brahman and Devas represented in it and are revered for many reasons. Cows product called panchagavya is a compulsory item to perform yagna (Offerings to Devas), so thus cows are protected. Second is cows representing spiritual microcosm which resided by all devatas from the 14 lokas, thus circumambulate cows resemble as circumambulate the universe and worshiping/praying the Devas and Devatas from the 14 lokas. Besides that, cows are the favorite animal of Mahadeva Siva, thus Nandi becomes His Vahana (vehicle).  And finally, the cows are considered as second mothers for babies around the world, every one of us definitely had drunk cow milk. So, Hindus not praying cow but the Brahman.

9. Hindus worship monkeys?

Hanuman is misquoted as a monkey, Hanuman is a representation of bhakti (Devotion)  towards Brahman and sakthi (power or strength) one can achieve from sadhana. In some scriptures, Hanuman is mentioned as  Rudramsa / Shivamsa of Mahadeva. Amsa means one who has all the qualities of the mentioned person.

So, Hindus are not praying monkeys. Hindus don’t pray either for cows, monkeys, or other animals.

10. Hindu God is an elephant? 

The non-Hindus/anaryars always used to tease Hindus without understanding the concept of Ganesha worship. Ganesha is not an elephant, thus Hindus do not pray for elephants. Ganesha is the attribute of ParaBrahman created by the Divine Mother Sakti to eliminate obstacles from ganas /underworld entities and spirits. He has all the attributes of Trimurthis, Trimahasaktis, Devas and is the leader of all Ganas (underworld entities, animals). Every ritual/ prayer begins with reciting the Ganesha mantra as a remover of obstacles to eliminate the negative energies from the surrounding areas before starting any new actions. 

11. Hindu Gods have many wives?

This is another misconception very often used by non-Hindus to justify their habits of marrying many wives. They are not wife/wives of Hindu Devas, It is the personification of energies. Generally, all Hindu Gods have 2 wives/ energies. It is actually the personification of certain energies represented by Ida and Pingala nadis/nerves in our body. In some cases the God has 8 wives as for Krishna is actually representing eight different types of attributes. And some misconception on Krishna Married 16100 wives. In the particular puranic history, it represents the bhaktas as Jaya (wives) and God as pati (husband). In Hinduism, one can follow any path of Devotion and relationship with God. This female/wife attribute allows liberations to pray Brahman in female form, the uniqueness of Hinduism.

12. Hindus are dirty because they eat with their hands!

Eating with your hands actually allows you to/is communicating with food. When touching food, the atomic particles are able to neutralize the food and it is made easier to digest and realign the taste. The western world often considers eating with hands is considered dirty because they don’t have a culture of using hands properly/cultured. Hindus use their right hand for good actions and their left hand for bad/ negative actions. So, for eating, Hindus always use their right hand for eating, we never use the left hand for eating. So, the mindset of dirty never existed in Hindu minds.

13. Hindus are cow urine drinkers?  

Urine in Tamil is mutram, meaning 3 values. Urine has 3 different uses such as medicine, eliminating the spirits (apply in houses, temples, etc), and keeping away animals/insects (yogic practices in the jungle when meditating). In ayurvedic prescription, urine is part of natural remedies. Even in Abrahamics, there are suggestions of the use of camel urine to cure sickness. There are alternative medicines suggested on manav mutra/sivambu, drinking urine. Almost all the civilizations around the world have information on these.

14.Do the Aghori eat corpses?

No, aghoris don’t eat corpses, they eat parts of burnt corpses for spiritual test purposes. Aghor means enlightened (removed ghor/darkness). Aghori doesn't eat corpses but trains themself to overcome the fear factor by remaining in graveyards to overcome evil spirits and assume nothing goes waste so they eat the part of the corpse and use the bones and skull as utensils and further the aghoris don’t beg for food. So, they just eat whatever is possible, since they were in graveyards, the nearest eatable substance is the burnt corpse/meat from the funeral pyre. They don’t dig out corpses from graves. Very often aghoris are labeled as cannibals, this is a misconception and slander. Cannibals hunt live humans to eat, but aghoris don’t hunt anyone even animals. Their only aim of aghori is to increase spirituality by overcoming the fear factor.

15. What is the significance of "kavadi" bearing?

Kavadi bearing is a way to show devotion towards God and a thanks-giving ceremony, especially for Skanda/Muruga. Some of Kavadi bearers in trance and dancing, trance is about his mind fully absorbed into the Self/Brahman. Thus, the happiness made the person dance according to the tunes. The idea of Kavadi bearing as vow started based on a puranic history of Kadamba carries Sivagiri and Saktigiri mountains to south India by the order of Mahamuni Agastya. Skanda/ Murugan played his Lila on Kadamba so that the Thaipusam festival was celebrated. This is an opportunity for a real devotee to show his devotion and test himself on his devoutness.

16. Why apply vibhuti?

Vibhuti or Thiruneeru, or Bhasma for Shaivites and Thiruman/Thilakkam in Vaishnavite applied as a symbol of sampradaya order to declare their sect on the bhrumadhya/forehead. In ancient days, Brahmanas wear white color, Ksatriyas red, Vaishas wear yellow colored symbols and Shudras applied black on the bhrumadhya (middle/center of forehead) the center of nerve, probably the name Varna is derived for the color used. Further, it has other scientific significance such as protecting the doorway of our body from the spirit of nature entered into, the bhrumadhya from negative elements. By applying vibhuti, it creates a situation to absorb the Chaitanya (energy) from nature/temple. For yogis/sadhus application of Vibhuti is also to keep away the bacterial infections/ animals, etc.

17. Why wear a kayiru (holy string/bracelet) in hand?

Wearing a holy string is actually a way to increase the confidence level of a person. There is no holy spirit or power in the string, but it gives confidence to the young mind to overcome obstacles. Further, it is a reminder for certain vows or a loved one such as mother, father, etc. In very subtle spirituality, some positive mantra vibrations could be charged on the string for a very short period and lose through time. It works more on a psychological level compared to the spiritual.

18. What does Hindu Dharma mean?

Hindu Dharma or Sanatana Dharma or Arya dharma means eternal sacred law which every human must follow. It is eternal, no one created or able to destroy it such as an atom, nobody can create or destroy it. It was there, It is here, and will be there forever. Brahman, Himself brought it down for humans to follow. It consists of 4 main principles which are a complete way of life by believing/seeking for truth(Parabrahman), compulsory duties to fulfill (Pancha Mahayagna), sacred laws (Vedas) to be known/ followed,  and sangiyum/sadangu/rituals (16 out of 48)  to be practiced. A true Hindu must have full knowledge and practice all as prescribed.

19. What is Hindus’ religion’s name, either  Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism?

Hindu Dharma or Sanatana Dharma or Arya dharma should be the right way to describe it. The word Hindu derived from the Indus river, earlier called Sindhu, even mentioned in Rigveda (1750BC). The name was used by other people out of India, far from Greek to China either as Intu, Indike, Indica, Hind, etc. But the eternal/original name is Sanatana Dharma, which means eternal sacred law. In some cases can be called Arya Dharma, meaning the noble, civilized, and lead by the Brahman (enlightened/have the full knowledge of Supreme Light/ Paramjothy) path. 

20. Why do we need to follow many Hindu traditions in every activity or action we do?

Hindus have many traditions but the ultimate aim is one, to reach Moksha. We were given choices, options, and liberalism to choose our own way the best to suit us to reach him. Not necessarily one has to be involved in all the traditions. Just choose wisely and follow. The core fundamental of Hinduism is Parabrahman is one, paths are 2 either Shiva/ Anathi or Shakti / Nathi, Gunas are 3 either Sattvic, Rajas or Tamas, Yogas (method of union with God) are 4 either Raja yoga, Nyana yoga, Bhakti yoga or Karma yoga, Panchabhutas/ Sthalas are 5 either soil, water, fire, air or ether/akash, Mathams are 6 (Shanmathas) either Saiva, Vaishnava, Sakta, Saura, Ganapathaya or Kaumara, etc. 

21. If Hindus have their traditional medicine for everything why do they still visit hospitals? 

Hindus have all the knowledge of medicine ayurvedic since ancient times, yet we are depending on western medicine because we were brainwashed to believe western medicine, and our own knowledge and education were systematically destroyed by the Arabic/Mughal and the British during an invasion of Bharata varsha. (Bharata Varsha was under persecution for 1000 years.) Need to revive the Hindu education system, don’t forget most of the western knowledge is the adaptations of Vedic / Indic knowledge. Revive the padasalas, gurukulas, gurumutts in order to reintroduce the whole education and the Brahma Vidya/ Supreme knowledge. 

22. Why do we practice 16 days staying away from people when someone dies.

Hindus practice theendamai/untouchableness. When a death occurs, the body has a natural destruction system that releases enzymes to destroy body cells. This is also released out of the body which can spread to other people in contact/surroundings. To avoid such subtle negative elements, this practice of staying away is imposed. This kind of practice was imposed even on temple-going people (30 days maximum), imposed on all Hindus not only for death but during birth too and on women during rtu/ menstruation. There are many explanations from science to spirituality to justify the practice. And today, Covid 19, made everyone throughout the world become untouchables to each other to avoid infections.

23.Why offer food during prayers? Does God eat it?  

Offering food during prayer is actually a way of thanking God for what He gives us. Hindus generally believe God descended to ‘eat’ the offering in many different forms of living entities. Any human or animal could be the representation of God because Hindus believe that God/Parabrahman lives in everyone/ everything. Don’t be surprised, the taste of offered food will be different from the food in the pot which is not offered. So, the food doesn't go to waste. In some cases, some underworld entities could enjoy the food offered for particular purposes.


 24.Why waste milk on deities? 

It is a misconception of non-Hindus. Milk is used to do abhishekam on Deities/ Idols as part of cleansing service. The idol is a vibrating Yantra (Machine) that needs servicing every day as to how a computer needs service to ride off the virus. Milk is the best natural ingredient containing all 5 sub-elements (milk, yogurt, ghee, etc) to complete an abhishekam as per agamic rules. As per Scriptures, milk/cow is created by God for the very purpose. The milk actually consumed by the devotees and part is released to nature so that the Chaitanya/ Godly energy is spread to nature.

25.Why burn incense sticks, sambrani, and camphor? 

Burning incense, sambrani, sudham/camphor is the part/ purpose of fulfilling all 5 elements of nature during prayer. Food (Naivedya) represents the element of soil, drinks (jalam) the element of water, sudham/camphor is the element of fire, incense/ tuba is the element of air, and flower/ pushpam is the element of ether/space. Hindus during prayers always make sure it is in harmony with nature, so the five elements are used as an important part of prayer. Furthermore, all the ingredients used have their own specific purposes, such as incense will increase the aroma or sense of smell. This is also to activate the body chakras (7 in total) which represent the 5 elements.

Om Namasivaya.


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation.

Malaysia Hindudharma Mamandram.

1 March 2021


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