Twisted Story of Shambuka.
Anti Hindu agents twisted the story of Ramayana in order to demean Hinduism. They misinterpreted an unauthenticated part of Ramayana.
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Shambuka a Shudra killed by Rama because he is doing penance?
In Hinduism, everyone is entitled to do tapas if the intention is dharmic. Through puranic history, we have witnessed even asuras attained boon by tapas.
In the case of Shambuka, Dharma is not compromised. As a King, Rama has his duty to preserve dharma in his reign.
Sign of Adharmic.
In the reign of good governance, not premature deaths. When a child dies prematurely, then it is a sign of adharmic issues going on. Rama found the Shambuka changing the rules and his intention was wrong, thus punished.
Intentions Must be Dharmic.
Dwapara Yugas, Shudras are not allowed to do penance. One must go through upasana (initiated) before a guru before going penance. The intention of the penance must be dharmic. A tapasya shouldn’t open his eyes or answer until he reaches his intention, in this case, Shambuka answering the question, not a real tapasya.
Shudras forbidden Tapas in Dvapara. (Only allowed in Kaliyuga).
Shambuka a Shudra doing penance in Dvapara Yuga, which is forbidden, only allowed to Brahmins, Ksatriyas and Vaishyas. (Ramayana story happened in Dvapara yuga). In Kaliyuga, everyone can do tapas if intention is dharmic.
Shambuka is Asura.
In some versions of Ramayan, it is mentioned that Shambuka was not even a shudra. He was an Asura by the name of Jambha. True to his name, he was extremely arrogant. His intention of tapasya was to enjoy celestial. To conquering Devaloka and wanted possess Mother Parvati. Even Asuras were allowed to do tapas if their intention is good.
Wrong Intentions.
The story, “On this that Prince approached the one who had given himself up to rigorous practices and said "Blessed art thou, O Ascetic, who art faithful to thy vows ! From what caste art thou sprung, O Thou who has grown old in mortification and who art established in heroism. I am interested in this matter, I, Rama, the son of Dasaratha. What purpose hast thou in view? Is it heaven or some other object? What boon dost thou seek by means of this hard penance? I wish to know what thou desire in performing these austerities, oh Ascetic. May prosperity attend thee! Art thou a brahmin ? Art thou an invincible Kshatriya? Art thou a Vaishya, one of the third caste or art thou a Shudra? Answer me truthfully!" Then the ascetic, who was hanging head downwards, thus questioned by Rama, revealed his origin to that Prince born of Dasaratha, the foremost of kings, and the reason why he was practicing penance. Hearing the words of Rama of imperishable exploits, that ascetic, his head still hanging downwards, answered "O Rama, I was born of a Shudra alliance and I am performing this rigorous penance in order to acquire the status of a God in this body. I am not telling a lie, O Rama, I wish to attain the Celestial Region. Know that I am a Shudra and my name is Shambuka."
The intentions one wants to become God in his physical body and take over the celestial region is Adharmic.
Will you support someone who wants to take over your house and your mother?
Authenticity of Shambuka story in Question.
1.Not authentic, Valmiki Ramayana never mentioned this story, Srimad Bhagavatam never mentioned this story. To be authentic, at least must be mentioned in a few different texts. This is not an authentic story; the Shambuka story appears in the Uttara Kanda (Sarga 74-78) of Adhyatma Ramayana and not in the original Valmiki Ramayan. Uttara Kanda is not authentic!
Authors such as Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi treat the character of Shambukha as interpolation (added later) Tulsidas of Sri Ramacharitam (Hindi) and Kambar of Ramayanam (Tamil) and Eluthu Achan in Malayalam never mentioned Shambuka story. The Ramayana Version of Dravida got the story probably taken from uttara khanda of Valmiki Ramayana. Sri Valmiki Ramayana Sargam by Ramakrishna Math with Sanskrit by Anna translated into Tamil produced the story of Shambuka. (Mantra alosna padalam).
2.Puspak Vimana returned to Kubera after war, then how Rama used pushpaka Vimana again?
3.The Ramayana was written by a Dalit, Valmiki born of Brahmin, later fall into Shudrahood, thieving for survival. Will a Dalit write against another person so called low caste?
4.The entire base of Ramayana is a curse of Shudra. Rama’s father Dasaratha kills a Shudra young mendicant named Shravan by mistake. The parents cursed.
5.Rama embraced Nishada King (out caste, lower than the lowest class) Guha. There are only a few people that Lord embraced.
6.Ram ate the fruits offered by Dalit lady Shabari. Shabri belonged to the Bhil/Tribal community. It was not just fruits, but half eaten left overs by Shabari.
7.The problem of assuming that varna is by birth. No where is mentioned that varna is by birth. It's by one's guna ( attitude and intelligence/education) and karma (action and piety)
8. Who is a shudra?
One who never takes upasana/diksa and completes the religious studies/Vedas.
One who is not practicing the sacred law. The least is failed to pray twice in a day
One who is not able control the gunas, indulged in/of Tamasic more
One who is involving in bad karmic actions such as drinking liquor, gamble, eating flesh without sacrificial process etc.
The Shambuka story was added/twisted by some one anti Hindu groups later to demean Hinduism by trying to show how bad caste system is. But the original Valmiki Ramayana clearly shows that there is no caste in any way. The Varnasrama is part of dharmic duty for every one of us to follow.
Will you support someone who wants to take over your house and posses your mother?
Hindus, please be aware. The anti Hindu agents are working in various ways to demean Hinduism in order to convert Hindus into their religion.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
29 July 2020
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