Meaning of Hindu Dharma (Practise righteousness)
Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara
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A Hindu must speak the truth and follow dharma.
Satyam Vada (Speak the Truth), Dharmam Chara
(Follow Dharma) (Taittiriya Upanishad)
Hindu and Sanatana
Hindu Dharma or Sanatana Dharma or Arya
Dharma is the same dharma. The name Hindu
is popular in present time derived from Sindhu
mentioned in Rigveda (1750BC) or at least
10000 years in oral tradition. Sanatana derived
from the 4 Sanat Kumaras who revealed the
Vedas after receiving them from Brahma, thus
called Sanatana dharma. Arya means noble,
enlighten, highly civilized (aryan, arinthavan,
unarthavan), so this is noble dharma. Aryan is
the person who is led by Brahm. (Rigveda)
Dharma and Meaning
Dharma derives from the Sanskrit verbal root dhri,
which means “to hold”, “to preserve” or “to maintain.”
As humans, we need to hold on dharma, not adharma.
Hold the feet of Brahman.
There are many different interpretations or many
righteousness for fulfillment, happiness, harmony
and spiritual liberation for the entire cosmos. The
eternal and inherent nature of reality regarded as
cosmic law, referring to a law or principle which
governs the universe, underlying right behavior
and social order.
In ancient times, Dharma meant the universal laws
of nature, which are applicable to everyone. It is
supposed to be even today. It can also be understood
as a law of righteousness and satya (truth), giving the order
to the customs, behaviors, and ethics which make life
possible. In the Śrimad Bhāgavatam, dharma is
described as a ‘bull’ who stands on four ‘legs’
austerity, cleanliness, truthfulness, and kindness.
The implication of dharma is that there is a right or true
the way for each person to carry out their lives in order to
serve both themselves and others. Dharma is closely
related to the
concepts of duty and selfless service, or seva, and is
therefore a fundamental principle of yoga (union with
God). Although it can be a challenging concept to
grasp since it has no single-word English translation,
a close adaptation is the “right way of living” but the
western Indologist translated dharma into “law”.
In Hinduism, there is an important scripture called
the Dharmashastras, “treatises on dharma,” which
set forth the social order and the respective duties
of Hindus in relation to varna and ashrama (stage of
life). Dharmasutras of Apastamba, Gautama,
Baudhayana and Vasistha derived from Vedas.
Dharmashastra derived from Dharmasutras. The
Dharmasutras can be called the guidebooks of
dharma as they contain guidelines for individual
and social behavior, ethical norms, as well as
personal, civil, and criminal law.
4 Codes of Dharma
Dharma can be defined or narrowed down into
4 Codes (Categories) and all must be observed
and fulfilled according to yugas in order to be dharmic.
1. Core fundamental belief. (Nambikai)
a.Brahman and Atman
Advaita (Brahman and Atman is one), Dvaita
(Brahman and atman is separate), Vishitadvaita
( Special qualities)
b.Belief and Worship Brahman is Nirguna and
Saguna form.
c.Belief in Karma, Samsara, Moksha, Maya
d.Freedom to choose the path of dharmic.
(Chatur Yoga, Shanmatha)
e.Accept Veda as the authority of reference.
(Vedas, Upavedas, Upanishads, Sutras,
Shastras, Puranas, Agamas, Ithihasas,
Siddhantas / Samhitas, Prabandhas)
f.Brahman, Himself founded and revealed the religion,
not founded by humans.
Seeking the truth is the most important fundamental
in dharma.
g. Accept Varnashrama Dharma. Brahmana (Education,
Advisory, Religious Rituals, Scientist), Ksatriya (protection,
governance, law, and order), Vaisha (economist, wealth,)
and Sudra (general works)
h. Life Stage Ashrama Dharma. Brahmachari ( Learning),
Grihastha (Build family, wealth, live in society), Vanaprastha
( Focused on helping country, the welfare of society, build
spiritual knowledge) and Sanyasi ( Release complete
from society and focus on reach Moksha)
i. Follow the principles of Paraartha (4 Goals of life),
Dharma (Aram), Artha (Porul), Kama (Inbam) and
Moksha (Veedu)
2.The way of life in the Dharmic path. (Sadhana / Rituals
and traditions)
Involves Valipadu (Worship method), Sangiyum (Ritual),
Sadangu (chain of ritual)and Sampradaya (guru lineage
tradition, gotram or kula deivam lineage, kulam)
Praying is a daily routine (panca nitya karmas). Snana
b.Sangiyum and Sadangu. (Anusthanam / Rituals)
A Hindu must do all the rituals from the first appearance
as a bindu in a womb (birth) until back to an atma (death),
from birth to death, and during the atma to pass through
the journey to Yamaloka and take the next birth. It is a
cycle of the transition of atmic journey. Must do fully, faithfully.
At least do 16 out of 48 rituals (Manusmriti). From
Garbhadhana (Shanti muhurtam) to antyeshti (karumathi
Rituals for nature, animals and plants. Srauta Sutras and
Grihya Sutras
In Vedic literature, it often refers to the ritual sacrifice
that maintains the order of the cosmos. For example,
yagna is a process to bring rain from nature.
3. Follow Eternal law and order
a. Veda the Sacred Law.
The Sacred law sanctified to all humans to follow
through Vedas (Manusmriti 2.6, The whole Veda is
the (first) source of the sacred law), Upanishads,
Upavedas, Puranas, Agamas (Saiva, Sakta, Vaishnava
and Saura), Itihasas (Mahabharata, Ramayana) and
Bhagavad Gita, Sidhanta, many other scriptures.
Revealed in the form of Sruti and Smriti.
b.The Law of Manu.
The Law of Manu or Manava Dharma Shastra
is the most important manual for humans to follow.
In Kaliyuga is Parasaramriti. Dharma Sutra and
Dharma Shastra.
c.The law of Purusartha.
The law of Purusartha, four proper goals of human
life (Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha).
d.Law of Karma (papa (sin) and punya (merit).
e. Law of Samsara (rebirth).
f. Varna ashrama (Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya and
g. Life stage Asrama dharma, law of 4 Ashrama
four age-based life stages (Brahmacharya (student),
Grihasta (householder), Vanaprastha (Retirement),
Sannyasa (renunciation).
4. Responsibilities and duties of every individual.
To Hindus, all entities have their own dharma: must
do their prescribed duty. Sun to shine, river to flow,
flower to bloom, etc.
Pancha Maha Yagna.
Duties to Brahman, Devas, Pitrus, Bhutas, and Sarva
Janas / Atithi (Humans, animals, and plants) is called
Pancha Maha yagna / Nitya Karma Anushtana.
Manusmriti 3.69-70. Pancha Mahayagna must do
daily, Teaching (and studying) is the sacrifice (offered)
to Brahman, the (offerings of water and food called)
Tarpana the sacrifice to the manes, the burnt oblation
the sacrifice offered to the gods, the Bali offering that
offered to the Bhutas, and the hospitable reception
of guests the offering to men.
Mentioned in Thirukural, Thiruvalluvar, "Then
pulaththaar deivam virundu okkal than enraangu
aimbulaththar ombal thalai. " (43) Thiruvalluvar is
talking about the Pancha Maha Yagna in the Tamil
language. Then the Fifth end of the Pancha Maha
Yagnam, was for the visitors, known as Atithi.
Mentioned in Vedas, Yajur Veda Krsna,Taittiriya
Aranyaka 2.10, These are the five great sacrifices
that are to be performed on a daily basis and
completed. They are deva yagna, bhuta yagna,
pitru yagna, manusya yagna, and brahma yagna.
Vedas also demanded that the visitor should be
treated as God in human form! 'atithi devo bhava!
Mentioned in Bhagavad Gita, 3.11 (also BG 18.5)
By your sacrifices (yagna), the celestial gods will be pleased,
and by cooperation between humans and the celestial
gods, prosperity will reign for all.
a. Brahma / Rishi Yagna. (Knowledge, Rishi, Brahm)
Accomplished through studying and teaching the Vedas
/ Scriptures. Every man should study daily the sacred
scriptures. He should share his knowledge with others.
This is Brahma Yajna or Rishi Yajna. By doing so,
he pays the debt to Rishis. (Greatest dhana is Dhivya
dhana, share the knowledge of God)
b. Deva Yagna.
Recognizing the debt due to those who guide nature,
and the feeding of them by offering ghee and uncooked
grains into the fire. This is the homa (Velvi) sacrifice.
c. Pitru Yagna. (Parents as God)
The offering of cakes (pinda) and water to the family line
and the progenitors of mankind.
Shraddha, Tarpanam, Thiti, etc.
d. Bhuta Yagna. (Ahimsa, Jiva Karunyam)
Placing food-offerings, Bali, on the ground, intended
for animals, birds, insects, wandering outcastes, and
beings of the invisible worlds. Nagas, Sarpas (Pour
milk on anthills). Choice of sattvic, rajasic or tamasic
is given.
e. Manusya Yagna. (Makkal sevai Mahesan Sevai)
Feeding guests and the poor, duties for parents, plants
and animals (humanism, ahimsa and jiva karunyam)
Every Hindus must know this very basic information
about Dharma. Believing, praying, rituals, law and order,
duties, and responsibilities towards all. Brahman, Rishis,
Devas, Pitrus, Bhutas, humans, animals, plants on a
daily basis.
Today, in Kaliyuga we Hindus are doing a part of
dharma parcel without knowing and assuming we
are different from other parts of the same parcel
and condemning each other. We cannot remain as
a blind man and judging an elephant. We must open
up our eyes and see the whole elephant to realize
that we are one.
Om Tat Sat.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation.
24 July 2020
Tirukural 41 mentioned about Asrama dharma.
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