Hinduism: The Truth As It Is #1
Varna, Caste, and Jati: The Truth That Misappropriated.
(English Version)
Hindu religion often labeled as a religion that practices caste. In fact, HINDUS DON'T PRACTICE OR ENDORSE CASTE. Instead, a man of all religions and not religious practice caste in daily life. The words Caste, Jati, and Varna have been manipulated by groups of religious predators to increase their religious followers. The caste terminological has been misappropriated to manipulate, (for over 2000 years) to attract and converted by the religious predator. The Hindu children need to be saved from this religious predator.
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The Real Meaning.
1. Caste
Meaning of Caste
Any class or group of people/persons whether inheriting exclusive privileges or being forced (inherited) receives discrimination or is considered socially different because of birth factors.
There are two main castes.
The caste that controls/ rules/ dominates and the caste that is controlled/ ruled/ dominated.
Those who control often have certain exclusive privileges while those who are controlled often have no exclusive rights enjoyed by those who control, instead it becomes discrimination in certain matters.
The ruling class usually forms policies that benefit them for a variety of different reasons while the ruled class has to conform to conditions for extended survival.
The dominant group is usually the majority group and the dominated group is usually the minority. However, there are certain situations where the richer/ influential minority dominates the poor majority group.
Caste practices are not related to the Hindu religion. NO HINDU SCRIPTURES MENTIONS OR WRITTEN THE WORD 'CASTE'. There is no word about caste in Sanskrit either. Caste is a human creation.
The original word CASTE COMES FROM LATIN 'Castus' (Pure/purity of blood), (No definition is the most accurate), introduced by the PORTUGUESE and SPANISH, means race, offspring, or breed.
The word Casta ("clan or lineage" / blood purity by birth) was introduced in Portugal / Spain to distinguish original Christians from new convert Christians / 'converts' from among Jews and Muslims. This concept of caste was endorsed by the Pope at the time.
During the colonization process of a new country, they use the meaning of "clan or lineage" for caste. The Portuguese used the caste word against Indians Since 1498. Later the word caste absorbed in ENGLISH by 1613 in India, from the word 'Casta' to distinguish humans according to certain classes based on financial levels, jobs or rank, etc. The main goal is to convert religion. British made caste into legal documents when doing populations censor and firmly added into law of India with about 1000 caste names. The word caste was absorbed into English in 1613 in India, from the word ‘casta’ to distinguish the original Christians from the converted Christians in Portugal/Spain to the concept of Varna/Jati in India. Actually caste is to differentiate certain classes based on level (privilege/ discrimination) of finance, occupation or rank etc. but is associated with the concept of Varna because the main purpose is to convert Religion. The British introduced/ codified caste in Indian legislation during independence by listing over 1000 caste groups (but in fact it was the name of identity/ occupation).
Caste was introduced by the human for the purpose of maintaining ego and mastery over another human group. Caste practices exist in all human nations including Muslims. Religions never endorse caste but people do. British endorsed it during population censor and created more than 1000 different castes and later legalised in constitution of India.
2. Varna.
Varna exists in the Hindu religion.
Varna has been sent down by God in the form of Sruthi, mentioned in the scriptures of the Hindu.
Varna is the sainthood of humans in the eyes of God depends on faith and piety. Sadhana of Astanga plays an important role. Purusha Sukta, Bhagavad Gita and many other scriptures mentioned Varna.
Varna is based on gunas (intelligence/character/attitude) and karmas (actions) of an individual and not by birth. Varna determined by education, job, attitudes, and piety.
Varna is often associated with the color of human skin is totally wrong. But in fact, Varna is the color of the human aura. The Color of the body aura depends on the state of mind. Aura color can change from dark to light and depending on the quality of emotion (EQ) and quality of intelligence (IQ). Varna can change, depending on someone's Sadhana (ritual of ashtanga) (faith and piety... somewhat different from Islamic religion). The Color of the body aura consists of dark (Black) to light (White). Varna consists of Brahmins (the strength of the sattvic mind is 75-100 %, bright), Ksatriya (50-75 %, redness), Vaisya (25-50 %, yellowish), and Shudra. (0-25 %,dark).
Beside that, the colour reference based to colour of 'tilaks'. Those days Hindus have tilak on forehead, white for Brahmins, red for Ksatriyas, yellow for Vaishyas and black for Sudras.
Varna (Aura) exists in all other religions without a clear division as in the Hindu religion. Varna has nothing to do with caste or jati. Varna is not the color of the skin.
There are clear mobility in varna, a Brahmin can fall out from brahmin hood if not followed the prescribed rules. Or a Sudra can raise to Brahmanas (Siva Purana, by mantra yoga)
Valmiki, the author of Ramayana is not Brahmin, thief raised by meditation.
Vyasa, the compiler of Vedas, 18 Puranas etc son of a fisherwoman.
Rishi Jabali, mother was a prostitute, many more.
Varnasrama only applicable for grahasta/family (2nd) stage of asrama Dharma not applicable in Brahmachari/student (1st), Vanaprastha/seeker (3rd) and Saniyasi/renounce (4th) stage of life.
In comparison to the religion of Abraham, Brahmins are Ulama (Muslims)/ Pastors (Christians), Ksatriyas are mujahids (Muslims)/ knights (Christians), Vaishya are economic contributors and Sudras are the general workers.
3. Jati
(Nation, race (race) + ethnic)
Three Definitions About Jati.
a. Jati as race/clan.
Jati depends on birth. Birth is determined by God (Brahman) depending on the previous birth karma account and the debt of karma brought along with this birth. No human can create or change a person's race. Jati is a race that depends on skin color, eye color, hair shape, etc, cannot change but can be adjusted by time and environment. Jati is also involved by ethnic elements that are a way of living that experiences small changes by time and nature.
b.Jati as occupational identity.
When the education system (Gurukulas) was destroyed by the invaders, educating younger generations focused on a family basis. So, there was no job mobility among the same jati because the learning system was hereditary, sent down to young people through the family. Then the job is inherited to a younger generation among the same people. At present, job mobility occurs in different jati because the education system has changed. However, in the professional field, the parent usually tries to pass down on to children but menial fields are often not inherited or avoided.
In the past (during/ after Muslim colonization from Arabia/ Middle East and western Christianity), there was no job mobility among the same ethnicity because the education system was passed down to young people through family. So a job is inherited to the younger generation among the same race. Nowadays, job mobility occurs in different teak as the education system has changed. However, professional fields are usually tried to be inherited to children but common fields are often not inherited or avoided. Before the arrival of religious colonizers from outside, mobility between varna took place because the traditional education system functioned well.
c. Jati as species.
As per Nyaya Sutra, the human race falls into one jati. According to Vedic period literature, Jaati means a classification. Nyaya Sutra by Akṣapāda Gautama, states “Samaanaprasavaatmika Jaatih” or those having similar birth sources form a Jaati. Humans categorized as Jarayuja or Pindaja (born out of physical bodies ) such as mammals, human beings, etc. In Srimad Bhagavatam mentioned human as Manusya jati. So, everyone is the same species. So all human beings are the same, in addition, the Hindu scriptures state that God/Brahman is in every human being.
4. Important Terminologies.
a. Varnas are Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra. Only practiced by grahasta/ family life.
b. Avarna is the one who is not tied to varna i.e. the Brahmachari group /students of 5-24 years old, Vanaprastha /seeking divine knowledge, retired, 50 years and above and saniyasi /ascetic /sadhus, normally 70 years above.
c. Savarna are those who are born of the same varna parents.
5. Ambedkar's Confusion and His Follower's Delusion.
The anti Hindu groups often quoted Ambedkar's view to claim the 'oppressions of caste' (varna is equated as caste) by Hinduism/Brahmins. But in reality, Ambedkar used a Brahmin's sur name, learnt/taught by Brahmins to uplift his knowledge and life (if the Brahmins were shudra/dalits oppressor, then why the Brahmins want to guide/teach him?). He is confused along the way when understand/describe varna and burnt Manu smriti. (I wonder if he able to burn any another Abrahamic scripture?) Ambedkar in confused state of mind, because ;
1. He bought the idea / propaganda of Max Mueller without fully understood Varna system or Manusmriti.
2. Ambedkar don't know Sanskrit, he only read translation of western false narratives.
3. He came up with own theories.
a. He created his own narrative on how Shudra varna existed by thinking that Shudras were from Ksatriyas alone ( in fact brahmins, vaishas also can fall out become shudras). He thinks that Brahmins refused to initiate / upanayana for Shudras kings because feud between them, thus they become 4th varna.
b. He confused with meaning of birth and rebirth/dvija. He thought varna is by birth. But, actually all Aryans/ 4 Varnas falls in first birth (physical birth through womb) and second birth is knowledge birth when initiated into gurukula education. No single verse said Varna is by birth. Those never initiated or completed gurukulas' education remains as shudra.
All three words caste, varna, and jati have mixed up so that people don't understand and they label the Hindu religion as organizing caste practices among humans. This is a mistake or designed by certain parties to put the Hindu Religion in the wrong category.
Varna was misinterpreted as Caste by the missionaries in order easy to demean Hinduism. Whereas Varna evolved into Jati when education institutions (gurukulas) destroyed by the invaders and educating younger generations became family orientations.
However, the word of caste which was associated with the Hindu religion did not successfully malign the faith and piety of Hindus which are now about 1 billion +- today worldwide. Hinduism is growing eternally (Natural) without spreading (propagation), preaching, religious conversion, or apostatizing anyone. Hinduism once went through the phase of cruelty (atrocity), persecution, etc. for over 1500 years.
Faith and piety of a Hindu on God who are the Only God (Brahman) will not be threatened even if life is separated from the body.
Only Hinduism says, the only Brahman lives in everyone, if so the Brahman in you and me is same. So how is it possible one person is higher or lower than another person?
By birth all equal, by gunas / attitude and karmas /actions we are different. (Bhagavad Gita, Tirukural and Manusmriti)
Om Namasivaya.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia.
7 Ogos 2018
Video Link
1. Nripendra Kumar Duty, (1931), Origin And Growth of Caste in India, London. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd.
2. Yogananda (1975), Autobiography of a Yogi. Bombay, Jaico Publishing House.
3 Purusha Sukta, Book 10, Rigveda
4. Satapatha Brahmana, Book 2, Rigveda
5. B. R. Ambedkar, Who Were The Shudras,
Versi Bahasa Malaysia.
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