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The Real Interpretations That Hindus Follow. Svetasvatara Upanishad (Sv.4.20)

The Real Interpretations That Hindus Follow.
Svetasvatara Upanishad (Sv.4.20)

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The composer of Svetasvatara Upanishad, Sage Svetasvatara realized the Brahman. The realization is reality beyond what we see through physical eyes. Eyes can cheat.

“Sv.6.21   -  Through the power of austerity and through the grace of the Lord, the sage Svetasvatara realised Brahman and proclaimed the highly sacred Knowledge, supremely cherished by the company of seers, to sannyasins of the most advanced stage.”

The misinterpreted meaning by some innocent children of God on  Sv. 4.20

They always claim, no one sees Him / Brahman with the eyes (because God / Brahman has no image according to their belief. I respect their belief), but the actual mantra continues, one can see God through the inner eyes (manakkan). These innocent children of God hid/misquote the other parts of mantras. And never read through the whole Svetasvatara Upanishad.

The verse Sv.4.20 partly quoted,
“Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam”
Their translations.
"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye."

So, they claim God has no image. It is their view. ( I respect their view.) Nowhere in any of the Hindu scriptures, mentioned that Brahman cannot or will not take form/avatar.

The actual mantra from Svetasvatara Upanishad.

/ na saṃdṛśe tiṣṭhati rūpam asya na cakṣuṣā paśyati kaścanainaṃ /
// hṛdā hṛdisthaṃ manasā ya enam evaṃ vidur amṛtās te bhavanti //  (SV.4.20 )

Actual translations.
His form is not an object of vision; no one beholds Him with the eyes. (physical eyes)
They who, through pure intellect and the Knowledge of Unity (meditation / inner eyes / manasic dhristi) based upon reflection, realize Him as abiding in the heart become immortal. (union with Brahman)

The summary of Interpretations.

The form of Brahman cannot appear before naked eyes. Nobody can visualize Him physically. But those who experience Him through meditation have seen Him through inner eyes, become immortal, reach moksha. The sages have seen the images of Brahman in a different manifestation, thus the image has been reflected in the form /shape of Murthy / idol in temples. In fact, every individual Atma has its own manifestation of the Brahman or its attributions.

These two verses below from the same scripture proves that we can see/know the Brahman and the manifestations or attributes through meditations / Nidra yoga (dhyana Nidra)

“Sv.2.11     When yoga is practiced, the forms which appear first and which gradually manifest Brahman are those or snow-flakes, smoke, sun, wind, fire, fireflies, lightning, crystal (thousands sparkling diamonds /arutperunjothi within / microcosm  or the nebula/galaxies/universe outer/macrocosm) and the moon.”

“Sv.2.15     And when the yogi beholds the real nature of Brahman, through the Knowledge of the Self, radiant as a lamp, then, having known the unborn and immutable Lord, who is untouched by ignorance and its effects, he is freed from all fetters.”
Besides that, we believe Brahman will descent to earth from time to time as avatara of Brahman to uphold dharma. (Mentioned in many scriptures including Bhagavad Gita.)

The mantra below from the same scripture says, Brahman,”  ….born as a child and He will born again in the future…”, shows the coming of avatars. Avataras has an image, pictures, names, family, and so on.

“Sv.2.16     He indeed, the Lord, who pervades all regions, was the first to be born and it is He who dwells in the womb of the universe. It is He, again, who is born as a child and He will be born in the future, He stands behind all persons and His face is everywhere.”

Besides this scripture, there are many other Hindu scriptures describe the image and avatar of Brahman. So Hindus are always following the basic foundation of Vedas.

Sourced from Svetasvatara Upanishad translated by Adi Shankara. My salutations to Adi Shankaracharya and  Swami Guhabhaktananda.

Summarized by Sri Sivasiddhi.
Verified by Swami Brahmananda. Dhyana Ashram, Kulim,Kedah, Malaysia
(President of Mahaasabhah)

Sri Sivasiddhi
19 August 2017
Om Namah Shivaya.
Sivasiddhi Speaks in FB.


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