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Wrong Perception on Hinduism by non-Hindus – Tell Them The Truth

The wrong Perception of Hinduism by non-Hindus – Tell Them The Truth

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1.Claim of Hindus are praying many Gods.

Hindus believe in one God (Brahman / Brahm)  and Brahman can manifest into many Gods. Both are correct. But the concept of many Gods accepted in Hinduism as the manifestation of the only Almighty God. God is one. Truth is one. God is the truth. Truth is God. God is the supreme power (omnipotent, omnipresence, omniscient). So God can manifest into any form He wants. As a supreme power, God should able to take any form He likes to appear in front of us. If God is not able to take any form of images, then how it is possible to accept that God is the supreme power. The saints and yogis have seen God in the particular form and narrated the forms to ordinary human to pray.  The forms of Trimurthis, Goddesses, and many other forms appeared to our saints and yogis are the manifestations of the same and the only God. Scriptures mention Brahman in Nirguna form and Sarguna form.

Besides, Atma is the Atman. When we pray, we pray by heart. Do you know the meaning? When pray by heart, where do we ‘keep’ the God. In the heart, so God resides inside your heart, means that you are the part of God. In a way you are God. So everyone, who prays by heart is God than many Gods concept existed. Actually, there is only one supreme God. In Hinduism, every human is God because every one of us is the children of the God. God resides in every one of us. Aham brahm asmi.  Only different is, some people realised this and do the Gods way and some of them don’t realise this and doing their own way. If we are able to realise the presence of God in everything we see, then we can pray to God in any form or image. Some non-Hindu religion claims God does not have an image. Is it true? It is true as in their teaching order. They believe God does not have an image, so God does not reveal His image. Even if God reveals Himself, sure they don’t believe because it will against their Holy books. For Hindus, we are able to see God because we believe God has an image and can take any image as we believe. It is as simple as that. Yajurveda 40.9-11 clearly mentioned both forms of God. Shvetasvatara Upanishad 7.20 mentioned that God can be seen through the inner eye. Sages have seen. Where God takes Avatara, humans can see with naked eyes. 

In Sanathana Dharma (Hinduism) Scriptures had written about '330 million Gods' (Devas). This is what the non-Hindu scholars always misinterpret and claim the Hindus are praying many Gods. Actually, it is supposed to be triyamsat, meaning referring to 33 important devas. Somehow people misinterpreted into 330 million Gods. Another explanation is  'tripathy,trikodhi and deva' (Sanskrit) which refers to Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma (tripathy) and their consorts namely Sakthi, Laksmi and Saraswathy (trikodhi) and devas. Someone had translated it into the Tamil language which sounds 'mupathy,mukodhi devargal', later it became 330 million Gods!  These Devas were actually are the angels (for example Gabriel) which referred in the Bible of Christians.  If there are many angels as were mentioned in Bible, then why is it cannot exist many Devas in Hindu Scriptures. This Devas will follow the path of Dharma and obey the instruction of the Almighty God. The word Deva was misquoted into God in many occasions and the word God into Deva. Both are not wrong. In Hinduism, if we able to see the presence of God in anything then you can refer it as God.

The concept of many Gods do appear in the belief of Hindus because they believe God is everything and everything is God. One is everything and everything is from the one. Ekan anegan.  The scholars of non-Hindus are trying to manipulate and misinterpret most information about us to justify their faith and confusing the Hindus.

2.Claim of Hindus are praying statues, idol and etc.

No, Hindus are not worshipping statues or idols, it is the murthi worship. They are praying the Almighty God. They take the almighty God as the idol of life and worship God in a particular form/murthi. According to Sanathana Dharma, Hindus believe God can take any manifestation as He wishes. In Bhagavad Gita, it is clearly mentioned. Only different is the Hindus realise the truth but the others were not. Proofs are plenty. Firstly, look at the photo of your parent. Are you looking at the paper or parents? Put the photo on the floor and step on it. Will you. Why? Because you see your parents, not paper. Similarly, the Hindus when praying in temples, we see God and pray the God, not statue. Secondly, temples and statues have been back up with a scientific explanation. It involves Yantra, Tantra and Mantra.  It is a vibration emitter, which energises our mind and body, founded by our sages. Study yourself further, if you want to understand.  Thirdly, my prayers answered when I pray in the temple as other faith believer’s prayer answered.  My prayers heard by the supreme God. Fourth,  we can use the analogy of the flag. We salute the nation by saluting at the flag. Finally, search the truth within yourself, ask yourself in your prayer. For those non-Hindus ask ‘your’ God in the prayer, you will find the answer. (Refer to article Temples and Statues in Hinduism)

3.Claim of Varna system is wrong by equalising it with caste.

The caste system does not belong to Hinduism. There is no word caste mentioned in any of the Hindu scriptures. The word casta origin from Portuguese. The Caste is determined by birth and inheritance, either they will have privileges or discriminations. Varna system belongs to Hinduism. In general, people misunderstood because of word Varna is translated into caste. Varna and caste is not the same meaning. (Need to correct the English dictionary). Varna refers to the colour of body aura. It changes when the mental state is different. From bright to dark. Varna is based on gunas and karmas. It depends on education received during Brahmachari stage, practicing the education during grahasta stage (the job). Those people who completed education will have majored into Brahmin, Ksatriya, or Vaisha and those who never studied will remain as Sudra. At vanaprastha stage, the practice of varna is reduced and at sanyasa, there are no varna differences.
Manu has written about the Varna system, which non- Hindu groups equalise Varna system with caste system to confuse the Hindus. The non-Hindu groups use the so-called caste system to penetrate into the Hindu religion. In order to prove their religion, they need the Varna system to be proven wrong.

According to Manu, the Brahmins came from the forehead of the God, Kshatriyas came from shoulder (chest) of the God, and Vaisyas from the thigh of the God and Shudras came from the feet of the God. So the non-Hindus claim that this is not fair. It looks not fair, but if you study properly you will find the truth. Maybe some  Brahmins misused the Varna system and non-Hindus took advantage of this to convert the innocent Hindus.

The first truth, every Varna (people) came from the same God. Everyone are the children of God, Vasudeva kuthumbakam. Brahman resides in everyone, so how the Brahman is lower or higher in different bodies? Further, Brahman is formless, so how is it possible humans created from mouth or shoulder, etc from a formless Brahman?
Let say we assume Brahman has an image, if so, which part of the God is superior then the other. Which part of our body is more superior than the other parts? If the different Varna member came from a different source other than God, then it is not fair. But everyone from the only God.

The second truth, Hinduism emphasis on rebirth. If got rebirth, how do you know that you will be born into the same Varna in all the births? Furthermore, how you are sure that you always be born into the same religion or same race. I think even we can be born into the plant, animal or insect, it all depends on our Dharma ( rules), Karma ( duty), Dhana ( contributions) and etc.

The third truth, the author of Vedas, Ramayana or Mahabharata were not Brahmin by birth.  They raised themselves up. Varna is not by birth but by virtue. Valmiki (mother hunter family), Vyasa (mother is fisherwoman), Jabala (mother prostitute, don't know the father), etc. many of them not Brahmin by birth but they were accepted for their gunas (attitudes) and karmas (actions).

Fourth, if you stand at any part of the earth, you will see four directions. If four directions exist than the magnetic field got an impact on everything its surround by four different magnitudes of strength. Further, if you see into the human race as a whole, you can find major four coloured skinned people (not Varnaasrama). And if you examine carefully in each four major coloured skin, you see further four colours in each race.  If I am not wrong, the human race can be divided into 64 sub skin colours, because of magnetic field and geographic location.

Fifth truth, certain people from the system, misused the whole system because of ego or to manipulate for the survival of the Brahmin’s superiority (status quo). When foreigner such as Muslims and Christians appeared in India, the Varna system is totally misused and misguided. Maybe it is God’s play too than the Varna system is blamed. Do you think Manu is wrong?

Look at yourself. If you are working, your job description will fit into any of the Varna today. Varna actually divided people into different category of professional jobs of political (kings, soldiers, police force, politicians, etc. - serve for country), jobs related to economical (businessmen, planters and those making profit) and jobs involve social (priests, preachers, teachers, doctors, intellectuals - serve for God) and   workers group which serves the three groups.

Finally, we can change our Varna according to Manu. It purely depends on your intelligence. The proof that many Hindus have changed their Varna through time. Valmiki, the best example of the lower Varna changed to upper Varna and Ravana the other way. If you got a good result, you can secure a good job. So which part is Manu made mistake? It is you, listen to somebody who confusing the human race.

4.Claim of rebirth as wrong.

Many non- Hindu religious scholars claim there is no rebirth. The truth of rebirth can be justified. If no rebirth, then Varna system, will be false. Can see the proof if you really want. Meditate, when you able to reach a higher level of meditation, you are able to open the past and future files.  Without meditation, we still can see the justification. In order to see the justification of rebirth at present time, we need to compare with the claim of non-Hindus about one life. If really one life is true then God is not equal to everyone. Why certain people born rich, wealthy, beautiful, healthy, smarter or etc.?  And the other people suffer to the worst. Every God’s child must be given the same and equally. I think every parent treat their children equally.

Rebirth concept in Hinduism can solve this problem easily. You are born according to your own action in the previous life. In this life do according to the dharma (rules) set for you and will be born better in a future life or otherwise, you have to pay for that. You should not run from duty or dharma meant for you.  Conversion means running from duty.

The worst of all is those who born incomplete, why they must suffer while the others enjoying the pleasure of God.  How about those born mentally retarded, they are not even given the chance of thinking about God or pray? How you justify this? If you ask the scholar of non-Hindus, they will tell, God will judge them with special terms and conditions. Do you think you willing be born mentally retarded and get a free ticket to heaven? How about the entire human race born like that and go to heaven straight? How about those got such children?  Think. But I am not telling the non-Hindu scriptures are wrong. I believe God’s words cannot be wrong. One life is also true. Hinduism can justify that!

Rebirth mentioned in many scriptures and puranic stories. 

Nowadays many non- Hindu organisations are targeting the Hindus as easy prey to convert into the religion belong to them. Remember there is no conversion in Hinduism. It does not mean we can change religion. It is a sin if you convert because you are going against His will. Then you have returned in another life to fulfill the duty you ignored by conversion. But still, the choice is yours, but you are responsible for your karma. God bless you.

Om Namasivaya
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia

21 June  2014


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