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Sanathana Dharma (Hinduism): The Eternal Law

Sanathana Dharma (Hinduism): The Eternal Law

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Hinduism, the Mother of all the religion on earth and the religion of real peace.
Sanathana Dharma means the law of nature, eternal law. The law which was not created (cannot be created) and cannot be destroyed but modifies according to time without changing its fundamental. For example, the atoms, cannot be created, cannot be destroyed, it’s there, and will be there forever, but it can modify its state without changing its fundamentals. At any time if you search for the truth (meditate), you will find the same truth. Saints, yogis, messengers, and prophets did the search and find the truth. God does not need a founder to be found. Thus, Hinduism does not need founders and scriptures. Anybody who wants the knowledge of the supreme truth will be able to do so by simply search (meditate). Pray the Almighty God in any name or any form as you like, or even the formless form. God never asks you to choose His form. In fact, He chose you to be born in a particular religion.

Sanathana Dharma is not meant for India or Indians alone. It is for the entire human race on the earth as God’s children. Every person is included in His list. All the religions and non-religions (teachings) are actually planned (play) by the same God. Every atom moves with His concern. There is only one God. Hinduism is the MOTHER of all the religions on earth. The religion of REAL peace.

The name of ‘Hindu’, given by Persians based on the Sindhu River (mentioned in Bhavisya Purana) and later strengthened by the Europeans. The real name of Hinduism is Sanathana Dharma. In fact, the name of Indians also not real to Indians.

Believe in one Supreme God (Brahman). God is omnipotent, omnipresence and omniscient. God can manifest in any form if necessary. God has form and formless formGod will reincarnate on and off to evade evils. Whenever dharma (good) and adharma (evil) are not in balance, and if adharma precedes dharma, God will take any necessary avatar (reincarnation of God) through time to uphold dharma. There are many examples in Hindu Puranas. There are many versions and tales to elaborate about the avatars, as an example the ten avatars of Vishnu in Puranas. And in real history, maybe Buddha, Jesus, and etc. were the avatars of God. If you study their history, you will find they corrected certain wrongdoing in a particular region and time. And it is believed that the 10th avatar of Vishnu, The Kalki avatar will appear in the future. In fact some people believe that the Kalki avatar is on the earth at present time since 2012.

God is the supreme power, omnipotent. There is no concept of the enemy of God or the enemy of Hinduism. There is nothing that can supersede God. Even asuras (devils) are fully controlled by God. Since every atom moves by His concern, definitely asuras act according to God’s will. In Hinduism sometimes the asuras try to overtake devas (angels) and humans because of errors made by humans or devas. The evils will deceive us only after we invite the negative energy either by our thought, word, or deed. We are fully governed and protected by God if we are always in God’s conscious. Evil will not dare to touch us. We cannot get the help or intervention of satan or evil spirit (dead people spirit) in continuing our destiny of life. It is sin. You need to answer during the judgement time.

The aim of a Hindu is reaching God (moksha). Escape from rebirth (samsara).Every human being’s aim is to reach God or reaching heaven or escape from rebirth.  No one single religious believer’s aim is to stay here forever. Why? Is the earth is a bad place to stay?   Seems like that, the earth is a temporary place to correct ourselves, and once pass the test of life, we will get a ticket to heaven or etc. If you study the story of Adam and Eva, I guess it is like that, correct me if I am wrong.
The qualification to get the ticket to heaven (moksha) is to follow dharma (rules), do your karma (duty) accordingly, and do (dhana) contribute what you can share. Many saints have emphasized this truth. These good actions and bad actions (deed, word, and thought) determine the cycle of rebirth. (samsara).

Four paths in Hinduism to reach God                                                                          

Raja Yoga
Meditation is the method of Raja Yoga. Use spiritual energy (kundalini) within our self to reach God. No scriptures required. No worship rituals are needed to be held physically. Worldly gurus are needed to guide us in the beginning and spiritual gurus will guide us spiritually. Everything (prayer) is done through mind. We don’t need the form for God. But in order to concentrate our mind, it is easier if we focus on an image of God. We can see many different forms of God and in the end we will realize that God also in the state of no-form (nirankar). These groups of raja yogis have knowledge of God through revelation (sruthi) and through meditative sleep (yoga nidra) later they narrated, compiled, or written those revelations into scriptures (including smritis) in order to benefit the other members of the human society.

Jnana Yoga
Intelligence and knowledge-based method. Believers use their analytic and logical minds in order to understand the concept of God. Read scriptures that were written (revealed, compiled) by sages and yogis, messengers and prophets, or avatars, maybe.  The jnana yogis will follow the guidelines according to a belief order. Some of them believe God has no form and part of them believes God has form. Those religions like some Hindus (Vedantas, Saivas, Vaisnavas, Sakthas and etc.), Christian and etc. come into this category. They believe their words of God, like in Hinduism the Vedas, Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavad-Gita, Siva Purana and etc. and Bible, Torah and etc. They try to follow the scriptures. Some time it contradicts other religious orders and further blame game occurs. In fact, no one really knew who is correct. Only God knew the absolute truth.

Bhakti Yoga
Surrender 100% to the Almighty God. Pray by heart. Show their devotion. Worship God in many different forms as the person thinks. Temples and idols worship apply here. They believe God has form.  They got many rituals to follow.  Whoever prays God in any name and any form comes into this category.  As long as they pray in the name of God, then there is no issue. We cannot blame people, because they pray only that, what is taught to them by the elders. The elders learn from nature. Nature is the absolute teacher who taught our elders.
A person who breaks a coconut (ahimsa/non-violence) in a temple and a person who slaughter a goat (himsa/violence) in another temple in the name of God make no difference; both are sacrificing a soul to God to benefit him not God. Both come under Bhakti Yoga. It is your choice to follow ahimsa or himsa method because you are the person who supposed to answer when your time to answer (judgement day). Who are we to blame the other people is wrong? A long as the act is not against humanism, then not an issue.

KarmaYoga                                                                                                                                 Karma means the action of a person. Every good action (word, thought and deed) are considered as good karma. And bad actions are bad karmas. A person supposed to accumulate good karmas in order to help him during judgement. I personally believe that karma is the duty given by God to us according to our varna (demographic class order) in a particular birth to complete in order to upgrade our life into the next life. Even an atheist who does not believe in God is still in His list. Just do good only is enough. Not necessary to believe the existence of God. Just do according to human dharma. No scriptures, no worships. A person who claims to be an atheist also included in this category.  As an atheist, he supposed to do good things only, it is enough. The supreme God still will love them, in fact, people in this category believed to be first time born as a human. So their previous life’s virtue guides them presently as an atheist.

The Hindus actually mixed up the four methods above, and look like very complicated. Choose one path which you like the most and search for the truth. The other non-Hindu groups us this as a tool to confuse the Hindus further. Through different birth, we reach the methods one by one in 7 births. So we got no choice, have to pass all the levels before graduation. Reach moksha!

Conversion is a sin in Hinduism. If you convert, meaning that you are running away from your given duty in this birth. Remember you have payback for what you leftover. (Refer to article Conversion is Sin). God bless you.

Om Namasivaya
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia
28 June 2014


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