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Meditation: The Raja Yoga Path ( An Introduction )

Meditation: The Raja Yoga Path ( An Introduction )

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Meditation is practiced by many people in the world. Saints and yogis had practiced meditation to discover the secret of the universe a long time ago. How these people (Hindus) have discovered the existence of many planets before Galilee Galileo and Nicholas Copernicus used a telescope to see them? Proof lies in Hindu temples. If you go to temples, you will find the nine statues (navagrahas) which represent the planets, moon and sun and etc. How they have found the 7 planets without using any instruments. The descriptions are given by them those times proven to be true by scientists present days.  For example, planet Mars called sevai in Tamil, which means reddish, how a person without any modern instrument able to see the colour of the planet, it is red when we see through a telescope today. So definitely they had a special power to understand the universe. These super abilities came from meditation. There are plenty of proofs. Please do research on your own self to understand better.

  There are various, different explanations for meditation. In reality, meditation means to use your super ability (God’s power) within you. Raise the power with proper technics such as controlling breaths, right diets, yogic exercises, positive mindset and etc. It involves mantra (formula), tantra (technic), and yantra (machine).  Meditation does not mean just closing eyes and sit at a place. Some people are born with this kind of ability naturally. It does not happen naturally; actually, they have already reached a certain level in their previous life. When they reach the exact age in this life, they are able to discover it back.

When we are in a waking state, our energy needs to be distributed to various parts of the body. We got five senses functioning during the waking period, so the energy needs to be supplied to every part to function perfectly. We all knew our brain parts, less than 10% are in use, What about other over 90% parts which are unused? Is it empty, no information there, or just a lump of tissues? We need to think deeper. If our brain has such ability then we need to think, how to energize this part?  The answer is meditation.

During meditation, we actually shut down the five senses. When the five senses (pancaindriyas) are shut down, we are saving the energy from the five departments. Now we have more energy to be a focus on the brain. Then with the extra energy, we are able to open up more parts of which were never been opened before. These extra new files in your brain contain many records, which had never been used before. Those files are records of the past, secrets of the future of the universe and etc. That is why many saints ask us to search within our self. The universe is inside us. What is outside is inside us. Every human represents the universe itself.

Once our brains got extra energy, new files will be opened. That supreme knowledge will lead us further in the right path. Meditation is the state between waking state and deep sleep. Those people who have no knowledge about meditation; please study first before you start your journey (meditation). This is the path of a Raja Yogi.

The saints, yogis, rishis, and other religious personals have used meditation to discover the secrets of the universe and presented to us in many forms. For example, the Vedas, Puranas, structures of temples, mantras, tantras, yantras, astrology, and many more were given to mankind. The message they get through meditation is called sruthi. These sages were in the meditative state (sruthi laya) when they received the messages from the universal mind (God) and revealed to us.

I do not want to explain in detail, because there is a lot of secrets which I believe shouldn’t be revealed. You are supposed to explore yourself. Don’t try yourself. Find a proper guru. I mean a spiritual guru who will lead you spiritually and a physical guru, who can share with you. When you pray, ask God’s help to find your gurus. Study about meditation, kundalini, chakras and etc.  Recite your favorite mantra or God’s name all the time while you awake in your mind (japa).  Sit and meditate whenever you have time. During meditation, try to visualize your favorite form (formless, light, etc.) of God in front of you and talk to your God in your mind. Further, install the God’s image in your heart and visualize your body as the temple before you end your meditation. For a start, you can spend a few minutes for meditation after prayer in house or temples. Gradually you should increase your time for meditation. Before sleep, pray the Almighty God to guide you divinely! You might be able to find your spiritual guru. God bless you.

Om Namasivaya
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia
4 April 2014


  1. Yes ,,its clearly said in upanishats ''AS IS THE ATOM SO IS THE UNIVERSE, AS IS THE HUMAN BODY SO IS THE COSMIC BODY ,AS IS THE HUMAN MIND SO IS THE COSMIC MIND ,AS IS THE MICROCOSM SO IS THE MACROCOSM'' . Through deep meditation we can awake our secret kundalini power & reach the state of COSMIC CONCIOUSNESS...good .


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