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God : True God and True Religion?

Brahmam,  God: True God and True Religion? 

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In Hinduism, the word Brahman, Iraivan, Kadavul, Andavan, Bhagavan, Supreme Jothi/Light and etc. are different synonyms of the meaning of God in different languages. Around the world, in many different languages, they named God in various sounds. The truth is, in all the languages it represents the Supreme God. Every human prays God. No religion claims they are praying other than God.
The meaning of God is very abstract. But in my opinion, God can be 
described. God resides within us, as the soul (Jivaatma at microcosm/body level) and God is also out there as the Supreme soul (Paramatma at macrocosm/universe level and omnipresent). Both the soul and the Supreme Soul are the truth because the soul is really in the light form so the God as Supreme Light. Our own soul compares to all the other souls/ energy of all or even a single atom. If a person realized his own soul as God, then he should be able to see the presence of God in other souls. Those souls which are not enlightened have to wander in darkness and do not realize the presence of God within them. A single soul is in a light form, and when we unite with the Paramatma (God/ the entire other enlightened souls in the universe), we can see all the combined enlightened as jothi (light), shining like thousands of sparkling diamond lights. God is in form and formless form. This is the mean Dharam Pauling of God as Jothi / Supreme Light. God never been in a particular form/shape and sit in His throne somewhere in the universe. God is omnipresent! But God also can manifest when necessary in any form as He wants! God can take the shapes as in temple statues too.

God, the Supreme Being, or the supreme mind, is needed to guide us to continue the journey of life. The journey of life cannot be determined by the beginning and the end. Most humans believe God either because of love or devotion (bhakti) or fear (bhaya). When human civilization reaches its peak, the human believes God more because of love. The early civilization fears God. Similar to children, we nurture them with love and fear. Which one is molding the children depends on how we guide them? In relation to God, we must love (devotion) more than fear. After all, we are the children of the only God.

God does not belong to any religion. All religions belong to God. There is a lot of people (non-Hindus) who claim that God belongs to them. This claim is an absolute wrong. In reality, they belong to God. What religion God is? Is God a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian or etc.? Definitely, the answer is no? So, do not get confused with the non-Hindu’s claims. In Hinduism, we always believe that every single atom belongs to the Supreme Being and He resides in it. So, there is no such thing that God belongs to any particular region, people, or religion. God got no brand or symbol to represent Him. It is all are manmade names and symbols. You can use any name and form as you like, as long as you pray God which is not against humanism.

Which God is the true God?
There is only one God. There cannot be 2 supreme powers (Gods). So, there is no such question of which God is the true God. Because of a different religious order, many peculiar points of view are thrown at present. Do not get confused with these malicious ideas. Just believe the name of God which your parents have taught you. That will represent the Supreme God.

 In Hinduism, Shiva is considered as the Supreme God by the Saivas. Vishnu is considered as the Supreme God by Vainavas. Shakti is considered as the supreme mother by the Saktas and Brahman for Vedantas and etc. But the Trimurthis (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) and the Supreme Mother are the manifestations of the one and the only God (Brahman). All the names were connected as a representation of different roles, functions, and regions. We should just follow any manifestation of God as we like as long as it is not against the Manu dharma (humanism). God supposed to be able to take any manifestation (form) as  He likes. If God is not able to take any form, then how is it possible that God is omnipotent?

Which religion is a true religion?
Religion is a teaching order brought by certain saints, yogis, messengers, prophets, or taught persons to the benefit of humankind to live in harmony in a particular region and time. Since there must be only one God, thus all the religion should be brought by the same God for His purposes.

The teaching order based on the environment and availability of nature’s source to the people from a particular order. So, different sets of rules were introduced by the founders to their followers. Today, these differences lead to disharmony to the human race as global dwellers. Thus, avoid the differences and continue life. It is because nobody knew the exact truth, humans only fated to believe the truth of God and only God knew the truth.

When all the different religious order members interact with each other, the comparisons and clashes occurred (clash of civilization). Then the claims of the true religion were put forward. There is no one true religion. Why? Just look around you. See the place where rich people stay, poor people stay, in hospitals, in jails, healthy people, sick persons, handicapped persons and etc. Everywhere, every person from all the religious orders was there (Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and etc.) Why ‘the so-called true God’ does not save the particular people (claims to be true religion)? If there is one single religion that offers the perfect life on earth (no sickness, richness, everything is perfect), show or tell me. I will join first. What happens around proves that God is one. Whatever your religion is, you are still on His list. You are still bounded by the same eternal law of nature. God 

Om Namasivaya
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia
3 April 2014


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