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Vedanta and Siddhanta are One.

 Vedanta and Siddhanta are One.

Saint Tirumular said both are the same and taught by Sivaperuman.

But some so-called Saivam experts claim they are different!!!

Are they more knowledgeable than Tirumular?

Tirumular used Vedanta in a new package called Sidhanta.

Originally called Rishi Sundaranatha, he became  Tirumular after Mahadeva’s instruction

to preach Vedanta in Tamil.(story of died Mulan and cows. Tirumular was a student of

Nandi Devar with 7 others ( Sanaka, Sanantana, Sanatana, Sanatkumara, (Four Nandis),

Sivayogi, Patanjali, Vyaghra and Tirumular.)

Mantra Malai or 'Garland of Mantras.

The original  title Tirumular gave to  his book  was Mantra Malai or 'Garland of Mantras.'

The original text is written in metered verse, composed in the ancient Tamil language.

Saint Thirumoolar is the first one to codify Saiva Siddhanta, the final conclusions, and the first one to use the term "Saiva Siddhanta." ( verified by Satguru Sivaya


Content of Tirumantiram.

The content of Tirumantiram is part and parcel of Hatha Yoga of Patanjali, Upanishads,

Puranas, Manusmriti etc. Some direct references are Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Siva Samhita,

Gheranda Samhita.

For example, the story of 2 birds/Swan (Brahman/Sivam  and Atman/Uyir)  and a tree/river

(human body) mentioned in Tirumantiram Tantra 7-27.2 (Song 2006),  Rig Veda 1.164.20-22,

Svetasvatara Upanisad 4.6-7, Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.1-2. All of them are telling the same concept. There are many other similar references

from Tirumantiram which are the exact same quotes from other scriptures including Garuda purana.


Tirumular repackaged Advaita Vedanta into Advaita Saiva Siddhanta (prefered by yogis, siddhas or madathipathi) but later after about 1300 years, Meykanda Devar

brought the idea of Dvaita Saiva Siddhanta.(prefered by grahastas/ family man). Advaita is

Brahman/Sivan and Jiva/Uyir are one, while Dvaita is both separate entities. The truth is both

will be dissolved in the Turiya state.(mukti)

Tirumular in Tirumantiram, Tantra 8, Adyaya 15- Aaru Antham,

Song 15 (2384)

ஆவுடை யானை அரன்வந்து கொண்டபின்

தேவுடை யான்எங்கள் சீர்நந்தி தாள்தந்து

வீவற வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த மேன்மையைக்

கூவி யருளிய கோனைக் கருதுமே.  15

(2384) Lord Revealed Truth of Vedanta-Siddhanta

Having been blessed by Grace of Sakti,

That Siva espoused,

The Holy Nandi, that is Lord of Celestials,

Granted His Feet;

Beckoning me to Him

He revealed the Truth Exalted

Of Vedanta-Siddhanta,

--Him, the Lord, meditate on.

Song 16 (2385)

கருதும் அவர்தம் கருத்தினுக்கு ஒப்ப

அரனுரை செய்தருள் ஆகமந் தன்னில்

வருசமயப் புற மாயைமா மாயை

உருவிய வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த உண்மையே.  16

The Truth of Vedanta-Siddhanta is the Truth of Agamas

To each according to his understanding

The Lord reveals Truth of His Agamas;

Beyond and penetrating

The Prakriti Maya (impure) and Mamaya (pure-impure)

--Is the doctrinal Truth of Vedanta-Siddhanta.

Song 17 (2386)

வேதாந்தம் சித்தாந்தம் வேறிலா முத்திரை

போதாந்த ஞானம் யோகாந்தம் பொதுஞேய

நாதாந்தம் ஆனந்தம் சீரோ தயமாகும்

மூதாந்த முத்திரை மோனத்து மூழ்கவே.  17

 Vedanta and Siddhanta Know NO DIFFERENCES.

In the imprint of Vedanta and Siddhanta,

There is difference none;

Bodhanta is Jnana (Divine Knowledge);

Yoganta is Jneya (the Known)

Nadanta is Dawning of Bliss

The finale imprint

Is in Silentness (Mauna) Immersed-to-be.

Veda Cirrapu.
And don't forget there is one Adyaya on VEDA CIRRAPU (Special of Vedas) in the beginning the Payiram chapter in Tirumantiram.(the 10th Tirumurai)

The self-thought experts, please wake up from the Maya dream. At turiya level both Vedanta or/and Siddhanta will end.

Saiva Siddhantham is a distilled version of Vedantam.

Om Namasivaya.


22 October 2021.




14.Tirumantiram.pdf - Kauai's Hindu Monastery



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