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The Truth about Manusmriti.

 The Truth about Manusmriti.

1. Manusmriti is the best manual to follow and we are following partly even today because it is a way of life... Dharmic life.

2.Manusmriti was for Satyayuga, not Kaliyuga, no point talking about a lapsed law.

3. Manusmriti translated and interpreted by Christian missionaries, there are distorted verses to demean Hinduism. Just nullify the verses.

4. There is no such verse declaring women as Manusmriti. It is a total lie, slander and blasphemy against Hinduism and its Scriptures.

One idiot from TN recently so-called.... spoke about the woman in Sanatana Dharma referring to Manusmriti.

I am very sure he never read it or used a distorted version of Karuppar Kootham's. He read the osi sorru Veeramani version.

He is a Christian in disguised, a non-Hindu/Anarya /Dalit as per Hindu law (same as kafir in Islam and infidel in Christianity). So, the Anarya got no right to talk about Hinduism.

Tamil Nadu pengel ivanei serrupale allethu pinjupone

velekumarale adikinam.

In fact, Hinduism is the only dharma given equal rights for women.

1. Woman (Sakti) is half of Man (Shiva).

2. There are Goddesses only in Hinduism. Sakti equal to 


3. There are many women raised to the highest spiritual level. 

    Rishikas, Sadhuvis, Brahmacharinis. etc. (Compiled scriptures)

4. Have separate temples for women.

5. Mother is venerated a thousand times more than father 



Manusmriti the Sacred law. There is no problem with the smriti. It is the anti-Hindu projecting such so that we Hindus will reject our own scriptures. The interpretation must within the Hindu frame of mind/context not Abrahamic frame.


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation.

25 October 2020


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