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Malaysia Hindhudharma Maamandram’s National Award 2020.


Malaysia Hindhudharma Maamandram’s National Award 2020. 

Awards and recognitions are like vitamins for those involved in certain undertakings. It also heals many wounds during the battle. It gives strength to continue the mission.

The award was given at Palm Hotel, 17th floor, Sky ballroom. Seremban on 26 September 2020.

Maamandram Awarded Honorary Title of இந்துதர்ம விவேக மறவர், (Hindudharma Viveka Maravar). English translation, Hindudharma Intellectual Comrade

Received a shawl from Prof. Dr. N.S. Rajendran, Garlanded and blessed by Aiya Shivasri Sivaacharya A.P. Muthukamara Gurukal and received a Souvenir and love from President Mr. A. Radhakrishnan, and received blessings with Om Pranam from all of them.

A Little Memory about Aiya Shivasri Sivaacharya A.P. Muthukamara Gurukal.

Aiya Shivasri Sivaacharya A.P. Muthukamara Gurukal, I met him for the first time during studying at the University of Malaya. During one of the weekly PHUM Talk in 1991/92. (PHUM refers to Persatuan Hindu Universiti Malaya). He really opened my eyes to the greatness of Hinduism and our Scriptures. He is a great preacher, his talks mesmerizing, feel like the Divine Mother with him when lectures on Hinduism. So, I started to study the Hindu scriptures. And now I am receiving Award from the very person. Feel like graduating from his teachings. He is one of the greatest Hindu Acharya in Malaysia. We need more people like him. I hope he has his lineage of students who can continue his great service to Sanatana Dharma.

Thanks to Malaysia Hindhudharma Maamandram for recognition and appreciation for my selfless service to protect and upholding Hindu Dharma. Thank you to the panel of committees. 

With President Mr. A.Radhakrishnan, AMN

Family while receiving the award.

Together with Aiya Valalar Maniam and Artist Ramesh Harikrishnan.

With all other Award Recipients.

The Award

This kind of recognition will help to support and strengthen the Hindudharmic work and it will be a certification for those doing selfless services in the path of dharmic. More Hindu bodies should come forward and honour the many other Hindu Kshatriyas in order to strengthen our Hindu Dharma protectors.

Thank you.

I am a proud Hindu. 

Om Namasivaya. 


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation 

29 September 2020. 

Video Link of Award.

Makkal Osai 27 September 2020

Makkal Osai 29 September 2020 pg.9


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