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The Real Interpretations That Hindus Follow. Bhagavad Gita verse 7.20

The Real Interpretations That Hindus Follow.
Bhagavad Gita verse 7.20 (must read together BG 7.19-7.25)

The  misinterpreted meaning by some innocent children of God such as Zakir on  Bhagavad Gita verse 7.20

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Zakir's interpretation,
“Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires they worship demigods i.e. idols."
Zakir lied that verse referring to worshiping idols. Those who worship idols,  they are not intelligent.

Actual verse,
kāmais tais tair hṛita-jñānāḥ prapadyante ’nya-devatāḥ                                   
taṁ taṁ niyamam āsthāya prakṛityā niyatāḥ svayāḥ //

“Those whose wisdom has been led away by this or that desire resort to other Gods (Devatas), engaged in this or that rite, constrained by their own nature.”

Adi Shankara’s view.
Their desires for progeny, cattle, svarga, and the like deprive them of their power of discrimination, and they resort to other Gods (Devatas), other than Vasudeva, the Self. They engage in rites peculiar to the worship of these Gods; they being constrained to do so by their own nature (prakriti), by that peculiar tendency (samskara) which they acquired in the previous births.

Actual Interpretation.
The mantra above says,   do not stick your mind to worldly desire only. The real aim is to reach God (Brahman), to become immortal or union with the Supreme.
Worldly desire made people focus on image/ritual.  These rituals on murthy / idol give immediate solutions to overcome necessary problems including death.  It is necessary for survival on earth but doesn't engross in it.

Looking only into material gain through ritual or only see Krishna (human form) as God alone is considered less intellectual. God has both form and formless form (Visvaroopa).

One should not forget the ultimate aim (of a Hindu)  is to reach His abode. Escape from samsara (rebirth cycle) is should be focused on one's intellectual.

The BG 7.20 is supported by Yajur 40.10, praying God in form and formless have different effects. Both bring out fruits.

The bad faith of Zakir.
Nowhere in any of the Hindu scriptures mentioned that idol worship is prohibited as claimed by Zakir.  Zakir claims that the mantra above is the proof that idol worship prohibited in Hinduism as per Bhagavad Gita is a lie, slander, and blasphemy. It is a misconception or misinterpreted in bad faith.  It is another lie by him. It is one of his propaganda to confuse and convert people.

BG 7.20 reminds Hindus that the ultimate goal is reaching Brahman's abode.

Bhagavad Gita 7.24
Men of poor understanding, (who know Me not), think of Me the unmanifest, as having manifestation, not knowing  My supreme state-immutable and unsurpassed.
BG 7.25
Veiled by My Yogamaya, I am not manifest to all. Hence this ignorant folk do not recognize Me as the unborn and imperishable Supreme spirit (Jyoti)
BG 4.6
Although I am unborn and immortal, also the Lord of all living entities, and have an imperishable nature, yet I manifest myself in this world by virtue of Yogmaya, my divine power.

Summarized by Sri Sivasiddhi.
Verified by Swami Brahmananda. Dhyana Ashram, Kulim,Kedah, Malaysia
(President of Mahaasabhah)

Om Namasivaya
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia.
18 January 2019


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