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Suicide and Hinduism : An Advice

Suicide and Hinduism.

Dedicated to those who might think 
of Suicide in the future.

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Suicide and Hinduism: An Advice to Those Who Want to Suicide. Know the Consequences before deciding your choice.

Suicide is the wrong choice. It is legally wrong.  Sin according to Hinduism. It is very sad to hear if someone close to us commits suicide. I am so sorry.

Things to Ponder.

Parents, Children, and Hindus.
Do your children know about the sin of suicide? Did you ever tell them about the sin of suicide? Do you know that committing suicide is a heinous sin according to Hinduism? Do the Hindus know about the consequences of suicide? Do the temples, Hindu organizations explain about this?
Do you know attempting suicide is a crime? Who is at fault now?

Suicide and Death.

Suicide in Sanskrit called atmaghata (आत्मघात), the act of killing oneself, a person who kills himself intentionally to escape from problems.
Death as per Hinduism, death occurs when the soul leaves the body.  The soul is immortal but the body is mortal.  The body is a temporary vehicle borrowed to the soul for a particular journey of the soul. Suiciding is like throwing away the given body.
Most people think that suicide or killing oneself is escaping themselves from their problems of life. Maybe it looks like the person escaped from problems. But in reality, the person is putting herself/himself into a bigger problem. The person who wants or thinks to suicide must know and realize the real meaning of suicide, the meaning of death, and the consequences of suicide to themselves and others.

Consequences to Own Self.

According to Hinduism suicide is a sin. It is a heinous sin (Paramahamsa Ramakrishna), losing an opportunity to attain moksha. Most ignorant act as a human. Those suicide need to wander as a ghost until the end of the given time for that birth.

It is very difficult to get a chance to be born as a human. From being born into a cell, worms, plants, animals, etc, it is a golden opportunity for a soul to be born as a human.

Saint Avvaiyar mentioned,

“...Among the hardest for a soul is to be born as a human,... “

Among 84 hundred thousand (8.4 million, Garuda Purana) lives of a soul needs to revolve in the birth cycle (Samsara), it is a very rare opportunity for a soul can achieve to take human birth. Some belief only about 7 times (or14 times...may vary) of chances to be born as human birth among the millions of birth.

A soul takes human birth based on karmic accounts from the previous births. Only blessed souls able to take human form. So once taken the birth, the length of time for the physical body is set.  The time of departure of the soul from the body and to take the next life is set.  But a sudden death,  the soul had to leave the body by unexpected circumstances event such as an accident, had been murdered  or suicide.

Suffering of Soul if a sudden death.

 The soul needs to wander as a ghost  (soul lost the body) until it's given time lapses. During the wandering period, the soul might suffer for food, place of stay and love, etc. without realizing the loss of body.  In some cases, the soul can be caught by a black magic practitioner, keep the soul as a slave, and misuse them. This might prolong the soul’s span of time to stay on earth further. There are cases the soul being trapped for hundreds of years. This kind of trapped soul only can escape if some good souls spotted them and release them from the trap of bondage. It is very rare to happen. As an example, we can see the case of Ahalya cursed to become a stone by Gautama Muni and only had been released by the touch of Sri Rama (Ramayana). Until then the soul suffers.
After that, once the soul is left earthly life,  this suicide soul will have to undergo further punishment in hell for thousands of years  (Garuda Purana). This will delay the chances to take the next birth. Among the death through accident, and being murdered,  the worst is committing suicide. All the karmic debt must be carried by the person himself or herself.  So it is a big loss for a given opportunity as a human which supposedly to upgrade samsara of the soul.
Those who died due to accidents or had been murdered have a less problem because the karmic debt to be shared, is distributed accordingly.

Suicide is Sin.
Suicide is prohibited in Hinduism.
It is a sin (papa),  violating the code of ahimsa. This included the sati rituals in which a widow goes into self-immolation.  Jauhar, burning themselves is the act of killing themselves during the war. History revealed some women of Rajputs kill themselves to avoid being raped, tortured, or being made sex slaves by the barbaric invaders.  This act is a part of being killed in the war. All those acts mentioned above are the sin with its own degree of karmic debt account.

Besides that, those fighting to the death for a dharmic cause is not a sin. The karmic debt will be shared.

The only approved ‘suicidal’ in Hinduism is the yogic approach to leave the body or giving up the body by yogis called Agnipravesham (walk into the fire), prayopavesa (fasting to death), and samadhi (stop breathing). The enlightened yogis will decide their departure by their own choice. For example, Swami Sivaya Subramuniyaswami fasted to death. There are many saints and sages left their bodies on their own will.

Hindu Scriptures on Suicide.

Hindu scriptures prohibit suicide, it is sin according to Shastra. Here are some of the mentioned quotes.
Manusmriti (5.89) prohibits doing libation of water ceremony for those who died because of suicide.
Mahabharata has mentioned, those that who had committed suicide will never reach heavenly places.
Garuda Purana  (4.42) mentioned that the one who commits suicide will go to hell. And many more.  In Parasara Smriti, it is mentioned the soul had to suffer for 60,000 years in hell, drown in a lake of smelly blood and puss.

Consequences to Others.

Immediate person.
The immediate person involved in the suicidal incident. The person will be feeling guilty for the rest of his or her life.  Whether the person is right or wrong, this guilty feeling will haunt them forever. If the person is wrong, karmic debt will be accumulating.

Immediate family.
Immediate family members of the dead person. The family members will somehow feel guilty and helpless to overcome the situation. Also will feel their family reputations, values, etc. degraded in the eye of the public. This may vary.  May help the soul to pass through its journey of tormentations by doing prayers, charity, etc.

The public.
The public in general. People, in general, will come up with all kinds of comments about the parties involved without knowledge.  This will pull themselves into further sins. Karmic debt will be accumulated if any.

So, if one thinks of suicide, please beware of what you are doing, going to do, or will undergo.  Suicide is the biggest mistake in life one can do. It is sin. Sure there are many better ways to get out of problems. The human chance of life is very precious. Not all souls are given the chance. Don't waste this golden opportunity to realize God.

Om Namasivaya

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation

5 February 2018
Sivasiddhi Speaks


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