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Thaipusam and Milk Abishegam

Thaipusam and Milk Abishegam

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This article is to enlighten many of us including the Anaryas (the non-Hindus).

Pouring milk (abhiseka) on the statue (Vigraha) by devotees during Thaipusam
is questioned by some Anaryas (non-Hindus), assumed it was a waste, even
some prominent figure among Indians in Malaysia had doubts.
Some said that doing abhisheka ( is good but it turns bad because
the milk is not drunk by the devotees, it is wasted and it is sin. So no
benefit. For their information, Nobody pours the milk into the drain to
call it waste! 
Abishegam is the agamic ritual practiced in temples for deity (statue)
from the day temples were built (Shilpi Shastra). Many different items
are used for the abhisheka, such as panchagavya, panchamrita, milk,
etc. they are either acidic or alkaline substances for the vigraha (statue)
vibrates at the best. All the substances used were organic materials.
No chemicals used. Each of the different materials has its own particular
benefits to the devotees. 
The vigraha is actually a vibration emitting yantra. Every single atom
vibrating at its own capacity.  The atoms in the black stone (vigraha)
vibrates in a preconditioned wavelength. Further, it is conditioned
by the prescribed mantra for specific benefits. 
The rituals of vigraha involve mantra, yantra, and tantra in order to
function properly. During the ritual, the particles of the materials such
as milk poured on the statue will accumulate the projected God’s
vibration which is good for humans and nature. We will be given a small
amount of milk which is collected from the dripping milk from the statue.
The mantras will add positive energy. 
I look back through time and history, there are mentioned that the
abhisheka dripping water from the statues is compulsory to drink
by the royal court dignitaries in Sri Vijaya, the Malay kingdom. The
water is actually energized with positive Godly vibration. 
During major ritual festivals such as Thaipusam, there are suggestions
that, instead of milk, why not use water or turmeric mixed water? 
We can do abhisheka with many different items. But during mass
abhisheka such as Thaipusam, one item will be easier to manage. 
Hindus choose milk as the most agamic and essential item during

The abhisheka milk poured and when the rest of the milk will flow
freely in the environment. This Godly vibration will be spread in
the environment and will help to fertile land, nourish plants, and
animals. It gives a positive aura to the living and nonliving things
around. It will eliminate any negative energy around its path. 
During Thaipusam, the month of Thai,  during pusam natchathiram
(star) will be in its most powerful effect. This will help the Lord
Murugan’s advancement (strongest) in the people’s heart. According
Shastra, Murugan received Vel (Spear) from the Mother Sakthi
(Skandamata in northern India) to defeat Soorapadman (asura).
Murugan is the General of the Celestial Army. His army’s strong
presence will eliminate the negative energy in its surrounding. So
by spreading the vibration of Lord Murugan, it will help humanity.
According to Puranas, Lord Murugan killed the Soorapadman (asura).
In reality, every one of us needs the strength of Murugan (knowledge)
to kill the asura (ignorance) in us. It is believed during Thaipusam,
Murugan will kill the asuras in us. Murugan will be contaminated with
the bad energy, remnants of war. such as anger mode. So to reduce
this anger, He needs to be bathed (abishegam) to reduce it. By
carrying milk to Lord Muruga, it will please the lord and grant people’s
wishes. People vow to carry milk to Lord Muruga. When their prayer
is fulfilled, they in return carry the abishegam milk (weight). 
It is an act of devotion and thanksgiving and it gives devotional
satisfaction for them. Devotion (Bakthi) is one of the 4 paths in
Hinduism. Just follow the path you like and compromised. Do not
condemn the other path. 
Milk for Abhisekam 
Why milk is an important vow / abishegam item? 
1.Milk contains five (panchadraviya) subfractions in it. To do a
proper basic agamic abishegam, it is important to have five elements
/ materials. The milk contained ghee (nei), yogurt (tairu), sour milk
(morru), buttermilk (vennai) and milk itself. The minimum of 5 items in
abhisheka will give better benefits. It gives a full benefit. This is the
main reason milk is used widely in Thaipusam. 
Those who condemn only see the milk wasted because they only
think it can feed someone’s hunger. Yes, it true milk can feed someone.
But they don’t see the benefits from the abishegam and the satisfaction
of the devotee. Abhishegam benefits the entire surrounding communities. 
It is believed when you serve the purpose of God, you will reap the
good benefit 10 times of your effort.

2. Only cow's milk is used for abhishegam, no other milk. It is believed
that cows divinely created for this purpose said by Sivasri AP Muthukumar
of Bukit Rotan Amman Temple as stated in Siva Purana. It is believed that
more milk flourished in the country where milk abhishegam takes place. 
To be agamic, people must prepare and use special milk for abhishekam,
direct from the farm, agamic compliant (acharam / 'halal') because the milk
available today is not agamic compliant. 

The element of satisfaction. 
When coming into satisfaction, a smoker, an alcoholic, a luxury car or house
owner, or a moviegoer wasting large amounts of money in the name of
satisfaction. Why don’t they use the money they spend on their satisfaction
to buy milk and serve the poor which they claim more deserve then God?
And nobody pours the milk on the road or drains.
Anaryas the Anti Hindu elements.
First, your mindset of waste needs to be removed.  Milk abhishegam is not
waste. It is part of the tantra of the temple which included mantra and yantra.
For those complaints,  using milk is not waste. Those who are doing
abhishegam,  are actually doing more charity work compared to those
commenting on that. 
If anaryas want to question, you should look at, there are people who spend
thousands in the name of luxury, movie-going, gamble, smoke, alcohol, etc.,
why don't you ask them to stop that, channel the money to the so-called
poor. Let the so-called poor continue to enjoy your hospitality. 
Anaryas, you should advise those. 
1.Wasting money in theatre,  smoking, drinking alcohol to spend that
money on the needy. 
2. Buying a house and houses, luxury cars, etc, ya spend that money
on needy. 
3. Stop going on vacations,  spend the money on needy 
๐Ÿ˜‚  only Hindu rituals matter you ๐Ÿ˜‚ 
4. Stop going on your religious pilgrimage, use your pilgrimage money to the poor.

Om Namasivaya
With the advice of Aiya Sri A. Radhakrishnan, President of Malaysia Hindhudharma Mamandram.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
23 January 2019    (updated )


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