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Lesson from Ekalavya (एकलव्य,)

Lesson from Ekalavya to be Learned.

The misconception is that  Dronacharya asked the right thumb of Ekalavya because he belonged to the lower caste.

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Punishing  Eklavya who excelled in archery for cheating, by cutting off his thumb by Dronacharya as his guru dakshina. It is to teach us to do not to do plagiarism/cheat in our studies/knowledge gaining.
 It is the same as a Ph.D. holder stripped off his title once found
 out to be plagiarised his work!
Dronacharya decline to accept Ekalavya as his student for many reasons. Not caste.

The reasons for Ekalavya was denied by Dronacharya.

1. It is not because of caste,
Ekalavya was Krishna's cousin brother. Ekalavya's father, Devashrava, is Vasudeva's brother, who got lost in the jungle. Later, he was adopted by the King  Nishada  Hiranyadhanus. So, what is his caste.? (The blame on caste is the distorted version brought by some people in the attempt to demeaning the scripture.)
2. Ekalavya was in favor of adharmic group. Ekalavya from the times of Nishada  Hiranyadhanus (Army General of Jarasandha), was a great ally of Jarasandha. Jarasandha was the enemy of Krishna. Ekalavya also the enemy of Yadava and Kuru. Became a friend of Shishupala and Duryodhana (later part). So, who will help in favor of the enemy?

3. Dronacharya had taken a vow. Only will teach the Kuruvanshis ( Pandavas and Kauravas). So, he had to reject Ekalavya.

4. Ekalavya is not an ordinary person, sent by Narayani Devi to Nishada King, possessed powers given by Bhuma Devi, and has Pashupatastra, he had defeated Krishna in archery combat earlier. Ekalavya has the power of black magic on using one's footprint soil to see every moment of the person.

5. Krishna gave Ekalavya a boon during his death. He born back as Dhrishtadyumna to kill Drona in the battle.

How Ekalavya considered a cheat?

 After he was rejected by Drona, Ekalavya hid in the jungle to copy/learn from the lessons of Drona to Kauravas and Pandavas. After that he actually took clay of the footstep of Drona, later he made a statue of Drona in his place. Through the statue, since he has the power from Bhuma Devi, he is able to see/clairvoyant from his place the teaching of Drona to his students. This is some kind of act of fixing hidden cameras in modern terms without the teacher's knowledge. It is considered wrong,  plagiarism in the modern term. So, it is the wrong way for a student to gain knowledge. A student should not cheat in the learning process. A student should not cheat in exams, must produce a thesis without breaching the code of ethics, pay the fee accordingly, do not photocopy a whole book (buy the book from its writer).

As per the story, he learned without permission, without paying a fee. So the consequence is the thumb. It is a lesson for us to be learned. Do not cheat in acquiring knowledge.

Read the whole Mahabharata. Read for learning purposes, not with a prejudiced mind. Sure many things can be learned.

The Hindus were enslaved their mind for thousands of years by foreign invaders. The foreign missionaries had instilled negative thoughts about our own culture and beliefs. Please help to free our young's minds from enslavement. Hinduism is the Mother of all Religion.
God bless you.

Om Namasivaya.

Sivasiddhi spiritual Foundation.
29 July 2017

Who is a shudra?

  1. One who never takes upasana/diksa and completes the religious studies/Vedas.

  2. One who is not practicing the sacred law. The least is failed to pray twice in a day

  3. One who is not able control the gunas, indulged in/of Tamasic more

  4. One who is involving in bad karmic actions such as drinking liquor, gamble, eating flesh without sacrificial process etc.


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