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Atheist the non-believers of God

Atheist the non-believers of God (Nastika)
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In Hinduism, we use the term Astika for
one who believes in the existence of God/
Brahman and soul/Atman, and the authority
of Vedas. And also he who asserts these things
that are the existence of future birth, the existence
of other Lokas (Dimensions) of experiences etc.
And we use the term Nastika, for one who denies
the existence of these three. Those who
are atheist, claim that there is no God.
Their time hasn’t yet and some believe
that they were first time born as a human,
so that their consciousness of God doesn't
exist previously. They blindly believe that
there is no God. But they are part
of the Sanathana Dharma, the mother
of all the religion. In Hinduism, they do
not belong to any  groups, but some belief
in doing good karmic deeds excluding God.
They don’t pray to God. They only follow
the human dharma, good conduct (word,
deed, and thought) and contribute to the
human race.
Hindu God doesn't punish them. They only
need to remain longer period in the cycle of
Samsara. God will love them too. They are
also God as Hinduism concern. The only thing
is that they do not realize the truth. According
to Swami Vivekananda, Only human beings are
given the ability to think/pray God. Animals do not
have the ability to think about God. If a person
is chose to reject God, it means he prefers to
stay within the animal kingdom!
A few simple questions.
If someone claims he/she is an atheist, ask
the person a few simple questions as follows.
In order to prove they are atheist, they need God.
Without God, they cannot prove that they are
atheists. If somebody claims there is no God.
Ask them to prove that they are an atheist or
that there is no God. Let them talk and you just
count the number of time they use the word ‘God’.
Let say they used 5 times the word ‘God’, then
that is the proof that God appeared 5 times to
validate their claim. The truth is, without
mentioning the word of God, they cannot prove
their claim. They need ‘God’ to prove their
‘intelligence’ claim.
Next question, ask them to prove that they are
an atheist without mentioning the word ‘God’.
Do you think they can prove any? If can please
correct me.
The truth is that nobody can prove the existence/
non-existence of God. If someday/somebody is able
to prove the existence of God, then God really
will disappear and become a science. That is the
reason we call it a belief!
Some of them will ask you to prove. They will ask us
to prove the existence of God first. Tell them that we
believe God exists, so a ‘belief’ does not require
a proof. It is a belief. Since the atheist does not
believe the existence they need to prove. Not believing
in science. The scientist does not believe things. They
need proof for everything to be accepted as fact (finite).
God is infinite, only exist through belief and does not
to be proven.
Remember some of them will be trying to prove the
existence of God. Further we can ask more questions
on those who claim to be an atheist. Ask them,
are they believe in ghosts? If they believe in ghosts,
then they must be a belief God without their realization.
If a person does not believe in God then he/she
supposed not to believe in ghosts! Some of the
atheists do scared of ghosts!
Ask them further, do they believe the soul?
Definitely, they have to believe in the existence
of the soul. When the soul leaves the body, then
the body is useless. Can any atheist proof in the
existence of the soul, again it is beyond scientific
proof. But as simple logic, living things moving
because ‘something’ within the body makes it to
move. That something can be stopped functioning
if it leaves the body (host).
Finally, ask them. Is there any doctor or scientist
have/had to bring back alive any dead person ever?
If doctors/scientists are able to bring back alive the
dead, then there is no need God! Until science is
not able to bring back the dead or stop the death,
there is no proof for atheists to claim there is no God.
It is okay if they do not believe in God. As far
as I knew, God never asks anybody to pray Him.
In Hinduism, it is our choice to believe and pray.
If we don’t, I am very sure God never gets angry
with His own child. But in the end, they are
answerable for their own actions. The idea of
cause and effect applies here. Remember,
every one of us is on His list. No human is
ever exceptional. There are opinions suggested
that the atheist is being atheist they are the
first time born as humans. So their non-human
instinct from the previous life made them
become a nonbeliever of God. 
Hinduism embraces everyone whether nastika
/unbeliever or not, but it doesn't mean an atheist
got the right to condemn the believers' right to
belief. Hinduism never apostate anyone.
Om Namasivaya.
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
9 January 2016


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