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Temples and Statues in Hinduism.

Temples and Statues in Hinduism.

Many people from different faith always
tell that, the Hindu’s are praying statues
or idols and not praying the Almighty
God. Is this true? Are we really praying
statues / stones? The answer is NO.

Hindus are praying Brahman (Brahm /
God / Supreme Jothy) in both image (Saguna)
and non-image (Nirguna) forms. Praying God
in a particular form in temples.

The Quest. 
This is the question that always disturbed
my mind since I was about 13 years
old. When I followed my parents to
temples, I only see statues / murthis.
I didn’t see God. This is the mindset
of many people from various faiths.
They didn’t see God, what they saw
was only the statue, were they wrong?
No, they were not wrong, they are
absolutely correct. So who is it wrong?
Are we Hindus on the wrong track as
claimed by others?  Don’t get angry
when people say we are idol worshipers.
But forgive them. Pray for them.
I began to ask myself where is God?
And most of the time when I went to
temples I asked God. Show me if, You
exist in that statue? It took almost 10
years for me to realize the existence of
the Almighty God in the statues/murthis
and idols in the temple. So don’t blame
them, they are just innocent children
of the Almighty God. They only understand
what was taught to them by the people
around them.
Finally, I understand and
realized the truth of praying to God through
statues and idols in the temples. Many
high souls have realized and said these

Photo Analogy
Finding the truth, See your parent’s photo.
Let's say you have photos of your loved
one in your wallet or purse. Why are you
keeping them? Let's say, you keep your
parents photo. Now, my question is what
you see on that piece of paper? I am very
sure you see your mother or your father.
If you show that photo to me I would see
paper, people, or somebody’s parents. But
you see your parents. Why? Ask yourself?
Again, let's say you put that your parents
the photo on the floor. Will you step on that
photo? I am sure you don’t.  Why? It is
because, you see your parents, not just
a paper. Realize this truth first. If I ask
anybody else to step on the photo, I think
it is not a problem for them to step,
because it is just paper. Bring this
concept into statues and idols in temples.
 In a temple, when I look at the main
statues, as a Hindu I realized that I am
not praying the stone, I see the stone?
Yes. But, I see beyond into the statue,
the Almighty God in the particular form.
As you see your parents in the paper in
your wallet, with the same feeling I see
God. Now ask yourself, is the
Hindus praying God or stone? Are you
seeing your parents or paper? Judge
yourself. For me, as a Hindu, it took almost
10 years to realize this truth, how about
those people outside of Hinduism. If you
want to realize this truth, you must come
into the system (Hinduism) and see yourself.
Use your inner eyes (heart). As an outsider
definitely, you see stone or statue, it is not
your fault. 

Spit on Photo.  
Swami Vivekananda used
to enlighten King of Alwar (Rajasthan) named
King Mangal Singh by using  photo
of the king and asked the king's servant
spit on the photo of the king in front of the king.
The servant trembling and shivering in the
the situation even if it is a paper and the real
king in front of him. The king realized the
truth. It is the ideal of God prayed not the statue.

Flag Analogy. 
Another example,  we can take our national
flag as the analogy.  We salute the flag, are we
salute our nation or the cloth so-called flag? 
It is just a piece of cloth printed with some
patents yet we salute it as though saluting
our nation or king. 

Scriptures Endorse Murthy Worship.
a.Vedas endorses Murthy worship. Yajurveda
40.9-11 endorses praying God in both non
image and image version. The actual mantras mentioned that  God has no image (asambhuti/
formless / arupam) and has an image (sambhuti/
form/rupam). Don't worship sambhuti or asambhuti
alone.The effects of sambhuti  (worldly needs)
are different from the effects of asambhuti (moksha).
So worship both sambhuti and asambhuti. The real
bhakta believes in both forms of God. Besides that,
Shilpi Shastra have detailed information on how
Murthys and temples should build and Kamigaagama
have clear guidelines for installations (Pratistha
ceremony) of Murthy and temples.
b.No Verses in Scriptures Endorses Statue Worship.
There is no mantra or verses from any Hindu scriptures
mentioned that we praying stones or statues.
an example is there any mantra or prayers we
mentioned, 'Oh Statue..., Oh stone... Etc. If anyone
can provide proof from our scriptures or mantras then
we should accept their claims. Until then, we are in
the right path

Meaning of Idol.
Some claim that we are idol worshipers.  The main
problem is, they don't understand the meaning of
idol.  Idol is someone or something is accepted
and to be followed. For example,  'who is your
the idol of life ?'. Some might have cinema stars etc.
Further, ask yourself who is your idol? Some
of us might say our parents, cinema stars
and etc. Idol means someone whom you
see as your role model in your life. If you
pray that person, then you are idol worshipers.
That is sin. Anyway, for Hindus, some of
they take God as the idol of life, so when
they worship the God in idolatry form it is not
wrong. You should not take any person other
then God as your idol and worship! We Hindus,
took the Almighty God as our life idol
.  So, in that
sense, if I take Sri Krishna as my idol and pray
Him. What is wrong with it?  Some Abrahamic religion
used to tell, ' cannot worship other idols beside God'.
This is exactly what Hindus are doing,  we are taking
only the God as our idol and praying the God.

Praying the Ideal. 
Hindus are praying the ideal behind the murthy. 
The ideal is projected as prana sakthi, pratistha
through a long process of Vedic rituals. The
projected God's energy is installed on the
Murthy.  Hindus have knowledge of how to
tap the cosmic energy into the temple mechanism.
Same as a computer programed for a
particular purpose. 

Berhala equated with Idol. 
In Malaysia, a common idol is said as 'berhala'. 
Berhala is the Malay word derived from the
word 'hala', means a direction or in Arab is 
'kiblat'. So, Hindu temples were built facing
directions, mostly east. It similar to the
Kaabah used as 'kiblat' in prayers by Muslims. 
Kuil berhala means temple of direction. 

Prayers Answered. 
Another truth: My prayers answered. When you
pray by heart, the Almighty God answered your
prayers right? When I pray in temples, my
prayers also answered.
So, if God is not there,
how my prayers also answered. If you do not
belief, never mind. Use your scientific, analytic
or even logical minds and test yourself. You can
go to any temple you like, get the guidance
from your Hindu brothers or sisters, pray by
heart and check whether your prayer is
answered or not. Anyway when you want
to pray, make sure to ask yourself first this
question? Are you deserved to get what you
ask for? If you deserve it, I guarantee that
your prayer will be answered.  Sometimes
you have to wait for some prayers to be
fulfilled as you wait in the usual way (faith)
of prayer. My humble request, please do not
try to test God, you might regret it. Just
believe God. It is because God is one.

Temple Science and Cosmic (God's)  Energy. 
a.Truth of Scientific backup.
The structure of temples and statues built by
Hindus are not just the house of God. They are
built with pure classical scientific knowledge
backup. There are three important aspects
involved, those are mantra (formula), tantra
(technique) and yantra (machine)
applied in
very advanced level compared to other
the religious order, which the general people
don’t understand. The structure of temples,
which is built according to the scriptures
(shastra) is God's (positive/ vani) vibration emitter,
which energizes the human mind and body.
There are different temples and statues,
whereby the different statues have different
functions and purposes. I don’t want to discuss
further on this matter, because I believe if you
analyze God through science, then God
might disappear. If you doubt this, study
yourself first.

b.Generate Cosmic (God's)  Energy. 
Temples were built by the sages or saints
for mankind to benefit God’s vibration
easily. These sages have found the structure
of temples to be built in such geometry in
to maximize the absorption of the positive
energy into the human physical body
through meditation. When you go to
temple, after the praying rituals, it is
better to sit down in the side for male
and female and meditate for a while.
This will make positive energy is
absorbed into our bodies. During the
meditative period, try to focus on
the seven chakras and the seven
walls and the nine gates of our body.
We supposed to do the cleansing process
and rejuvenate our body with the
Godly positive energy. As I said
earlier that the statue is actually
a yantra (machine to vibrate and
radiate the energy). The mantra
and tantra was performed to
make sure the Godly vibration
continuously emit from the statue.
Reminder, please don’t see the
statue as a machine! You should
see the statue as the presence
of Almighty God, then your
spirituality will progress. Otherwise
you will remain as the physical body
without God.
The sages (Raja Yogi) do not need
temples or statues because they are
able to absorb the energy from the
nature by meditation. For other members
from Jnana Yogi, Bhakti Yogi, and Karma
Yogi, they need the temples and statues
to achieve and increase the supreme
knowledge. The sages built the temples
which represents our body. If you study
the structure of a proper temple you
will find the truth. Every time when
you enter into a temple, is actually
you are entering your inner self and
praying the God within you.  The
yogis realized this truth. Hope you
can understand the truth and try
to see God by spending more
time with the consciousness of God.
The temple and our physical body
represent the earth; the navagrahas
represents other planetary systems
including moon and sun, excluding
planets like Pluto and etc. Whenever
you are turning around then
navagrahas, turn clockwise only
the planetary system to increase
its positive effect on us as earth. 
Please do not turn anti-clockwise,
it is sin. It will distract the positive
energy, but you can do it during

Search Within. 
The truth of Search within you.
To those non - Hindus, who have
claimed negative about statues
and idols. If you believe your faith
by heart, then you ask in your
prayer. “What actually is the
Hindus praying?” Don’t listen
of people’s opinions. Don’t just
read things and believe, because
everything is somehow or
somewhere written by humans.
What you understand and what
you realized is not necessarily true.
Pray the Almighty God and ask
the truth, you will find the truth.
It is because the truth is one. Find
the truth by yourself. Search for
the truth. Study how some high
the soul has found the truth. Begin
with searching within you. Search
God Within is another important
point to be looked into by the
Hindus. In Hinduism, it is very
common to hear the word 'search
god within you'. How a person
able to search within the body?
How a person able to go into
own body? Some enlighten souls
(sages) have made it, but how
about ordinary people who haven't
realize the truth. So they built the
temples. Temple is actually a
the human body and the statue is
representing the soul of people.
People can go into temple/body
and see God/soul. Until the
person realize this truth, he/she
need temple.

Four Paths. 
More truths: Sanathana Dharma
consist of 4 marga (path). There
are Raja Yoga path, Jnana Yoga
path, Bhakti Yoga path, and Karma
Yoga path. These 4 different paths
have its own explanation about the
form of God. The form (Sarguna)
and formless (Nirguna) of God,
both are correct, so you just choose
which path that you want to follow.
The images of God have been
seen by the sages in meditations.
The statues carved according to
the shastra wrote by them. Do not
listen to those who claim negative
about our religion, especially the
non- Hindus. Their aim is only to
confuse and try to convert us into
their belief. Remember conversion
is sin.

Non-Agamic Temples.
The temples which are not built
properly or never followed agamically
prescribed rules, shrines, and altars
or a photo of God does not give any
or minimal physical vibration, but
it helps to build spirituality within
our self. We can see God through
these methods too. As long as our
the mind can project the divinity then
there is no problem with praying
God.  If you want to build temples,
please build according to shastra
(agamic rules) so that the future
Hinduism will enhance the human

Pray God Not Other Entities.
Furthermore, there are certain groups
who are claiming that Hindus are
the idol worshipers and not worshiping
God. Even some religious order claims
it is a sin to pray idol! I am partially
agreed with their claim, but Hindus
are not worshiping statues or idols.
The Hindus are sure and realized
that they are praying the Almighty
God. Every human should pray the
Almighty God, not other than God.
If we pray other than God definitely sin.
For example some black magicians
use dead people’s spirits to help them
to solve their problem and help others
for gaining money and power, this is
sin. We suppose seek help from God,
not spirits of dead people.

If you have any problems in your life,
you should go to the temple and pray
the Almighty God and do necessary
rituals (ghee light). Do not seek the help
of the black magicians who are using spirits!
There is no power that can supersede God.
God is absolute power.

Your Perception and Folly.
What you see in physical creates one's perception.
Perception is an assumption, it is not necessarily
correct. When you see Hindus/ someone pray in front
of statue, it doesn't meant he is praying the statue.
In comparison, the Christians pray in front of a Cross or
statue of Jesus, are they praying the cross or statue?
Definetely NO, they are praying the Al Mighty God.
Even the Muslims pray/ 'sujud' in front of a Building/ Kaabah.
Are they praying the building? Definetely NO, they are
praying the Al Mighty God.
Similarly, Hindus praying the Al Mighty Brahman in front
of the statue.

Om Namasivaya
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia
19 March 2014



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