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Dharma Yudha in Hinduism.

 Dharma Yudha in Hinduism.


Some questions to ponder. Is there anything mentioned in scriptures  as holy war in Hinduism? Were there any holy wars that led to invasion and/or converted others into Hinduism? Are Hindus should learn from or/ and emulate the Abrahamics way to protect Hinduism?

Dharma, Dharmic Act and Adharmic act.

In Hinduism, Dharma means any action which is  inline with the law of the Sacred scriptures, and any action that does reap positive or at least neutral karma.  Dharmic act is live by dharma means live according to dharmic law so that it will pave ways to reach moksha. Adharmic is any action that reaps negative karma which is against the sacred laws will pull one into a longer cycle of samsara/rebirth.

Dharma Yudha vs Holy war.

In Hinduism there is Dharma Yudha/war. Dharma yudha generally  refers to the rules of war, righteous warfare,  to a war that is fought while following several rules that make the war fair. It was never seen/meant  as a holy war. This is only a part of it. Fight against the adharma also falls within the dharmic yudha which is never taught to Hindus. To protect one's own self, family, country, religion also falls in dharmic actions which one can fight for the cause. Hindu scriptures had sanctioned the fight for the cause of dharma. If one dies during the cause of dharma, the atma will be lifted to heavenly abode by the celestial beings. But Hindus never had to convert anyone into Hinduism, so there was no such notion of holy war against another faith.

In Abrahamics it refers to holy war. Holy war is a very important part in any religion in order to protect the particular religions from outside threats. Those followers of the religion who fight in the cause of God are considered holy warriors. In case they died during the cause, they were believed to be raised to heaven with promises. It can benefit religions by spreading to vast places and increasing the followers.

Abrahamics and Holy war.

In Abrahamic religions such as Christianity and Islam, the promises are very clear and many of the followers are believe it full heartily and willing/ brainwashed to sacrifice their life for the cause approved by their leaders and their Holy books. 

We knew about the Jihadist and jihad,  they had many invasions in the name of Holy war and Knights and Crusaders, Crusade war in history between Christianity and Islam. This had led to spread their religion and converted many into their belief system. 

The simple formula is, you must take part in the war, even on a small scale if not involved directly, if you win the so-called holy war, you are assumed to be helping God to spread His plan and earning good rewards with immediate benefits (the war bootys, materials and human assets) and better heaven chances or if lost/ died in the war, you will be placed in heaven with bonuses. In case you refuse to take part in the holy war, you are considered wrong/ sinner etc, depending on the scriptures' interpretation. Even some young followers were brainwashed/ convinced to belief the promises to become suicide bombers and kills many innocent lifes.(Some section of Islam rejects this.)

The root cause of holy war is to convert people into their God’s way. But the other causes were used as catalysts to go for the cause. 

Hinduism and Holy war.

In Hinduism, Dharma Yudha is a war to uphold dharma. Dharma means any actions within the law of the scriptures, law of the country or any action that does not reap negative karma as per Hindu Scriptures. So, dharma yudha here is to defend dharma from any adharmic forces.

The Dharma Yudha we Hindus ever heard was in Mahabharata, the war between Pandavas and Kauravas for 18 days. It is because the Pandavas were denied their rightful land, it is not to conquer another territory to spread religion or to convert its people. 

In Ithihasa such as Ramayana, Rama took up weapons against Ravana because wants to rescue his wife. This is the dharma of a husband to protect his wife and children.

In many Scriptures, we have heard about sura Samhara. One of the meanings of sura Samhara is annihilation or destruction of adharmic force. Many puranic stories on Deities annihilated the asuric forces. This can be understood as Dharmic war.

We also had many historical records on war between kingdoms but never heard of any war between kingdoms in Bharata/India or even outside of Bharata  because of religion, either to convert or destroy the belief system. In fact, Bharata welcomed all types of faith and embraced them as another child of Brahman.

Hindu Scriptures on Fighting for Cause of Dharma.

Hindus tolerated the most. When the religion, God and scriptures were demeaned, they never went riot, rampage or killing as seen in some Abrahamics which creates the element of fear. In most cases, they will go through legal processes. No Hindu leaders ever ask Hindus to take up the laws in their hands. 

But scriptures clearly say, Hindus must take up arms to protect themselves, their family, and their country in case the dharma is not upheld. 

In Manusmriti, Chapter 8, Verses 348-351, it is clearly mentioned that a Hindu should take all the necessary measures in order to protect and uphold Dharma. 

Verse 8.348. Twice-born men may take up arms when (they are) hindered (in the fulfilment of their duties, when destruction (threatens) the twice-born castes (varna) in (evil) times.         Verse 8.349. In their own defense, in a strife for the fees of officiating priests, and in order to protect women and Brahmanas; he who (under such circumstances) kills in the cause of right, commits no sin.                                                                                                                        Verse 8.350. One may slay without hesitation an assassin who approaches (with murderous intent), whether (he be one's) teacher, a child or an aged man, or a Brahmana deeply versed in the Vedas.                                                                                                                Verse 8.351. By killing an assassin the slayer incurs no guilt, whether (he does it) publicly or secretly; in that case fury recoils upon fury.

In Parasara Smriti. Chapter 3, Verses 39-44, clearly mentions that fight bravely in war, if died during the battle, the atma will be raised to heaven and angels will like the atma very much.

Verse 3.39  Mendicant Yogins or Parivrajakas and heroes killed in battles without scars on their backs, are the two kinds of men whose souls, penetrating right through the solar disc, ascend to the higher regions. 

Verse 3.40 He, who guards and rallies the routed soldiers after a defeat in battle, acquires the merit of a horse- sacrifice. 

Verse 3.41 Celestial nymphs sing of his glories and embrace him who bears sword-cuts, arrow-wounds and marks of sword rashes on his body in battle. 

Verse 3.42 Thousands of beautiful Naga kanyas (a kind of fairies) and celestial nymphs run eagerly after, and embrace, the spirit of him who is killed in battle (Dharma Yutha warriors), exclaiming “he will be my husband. 

Verse 3.43 In the sacrifice of battle {Sangrdma-Yajna) he, "who drinks the hot stream of blood issuing from a wound in his forehead, drinks the juice of the sacred Soma (acid Aescaepis). Peerless is his merit in heaven. 

Verse 3.44 By quitting this life in a war of virtue {Dharma Yuddha)" the spirit of a hero is translated to that heaven which the pious and the erudite ascend by dint of their pieties, knowledge, and religious ceremonies duly celebrated. 

In Bhagavad Gita. Chapter 2, Verses 31-32 and Chapter 4, Verses 7-8, It is the duty of Hindu/Kshatriyas to take part in dharmic war without expecting any rewards. If one takes because of expecting something such as heaven or reward, then it will incur negative karma. If not taken part, it will incur sins. And Krishna Himself promised to descend as an Avatar whenever adharma takes over Dharma to rectify it. Since Brahman/Krishna is in everyone, thus it is our duty to uphold dharma.

Verse 2.31: Besides, considering your duty as a warrior, you should not waver. Indeed, for a warrior, there is no better engagement than fighting for upholding righteousness.

Verse 2.33 If, however, you do not perform your religious duty of fighting, then you will certainly incur sins for neglecting your duties and thus lose your reputation as a fighter.

Verse 4.7 Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I descend Myself.

Verse 4.8 In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.

Verse 2.47 You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions.

Veerakkal / Nadukal / Hero stone Inscriptions.

In many parts of India, warrior worship is practiced. For example Madurai Veeran, Muniesvaran, etc. raised to Divine, prayed in Tamil Nadu. We have found many hero stones. This is suggesting that it is the duty of every Hindu to fight for dharmic cause. When a warrior makes a supreme sacrifice in a battle, such a stone carving was established in their name. Many in Tamil Nadu, and other parts of India.

Photo...Credit to Wikipedia.

When we study a hero stone, we must  read from bottom to top. The inscriptions depict in, from the bottom the scene of a battle. Followed by the death of this warrior, at which two celestial beings (Apsaras) are taking him to heaven. And on top, the  Warrior at perpetual peace in Shiva Loka.

Photo...Credit to A Wandering Heritager...images

The two above Veerakal/Hero stones clearly indicate that the dharma martyrs are highly regarded and worshiped as divine, thus dharma yudha is part of Sanatana dharma.

Ahimsa Verses Dharma Yudha.

Ahimsa (non violence or non harming any living beings) is not an excuse to reject the dharma yudha. Ahimsa practice emphasized in Hindu way of life. But if the upholding the principle of ahimsa became a threat to Hindu dharma itself, then one needed to reconsider the upholding the ahimsa ideology. Ahimsa ideology is not applicable in the land of adharma. If dharma is not upheld, Hindus need to keep aside the principle of ahimsa. 


So, there is enough evidence for Hindus to fight  in order to defend dharma. It is a must to fight even if death is. Surrender without fight is incurring more sins/ negative karma. From Vedas to Puranic histories, to Itihasas, to real history, there is much evidence of fighting against adharma. If someone else enters into your compound and tries to remove your label and/by installing his label, then you should act according to the prescribed dharma rules, otherwise you have to carry another's label.


Om Namasivaya.


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation.

7 December 2021





4.Parasara Samhita

The Dharma Sastra, Hindu Law of Codes, Vol 2

Manmatha Nath Dutt, Calcutta, H.C Das, Elysium Press, 1908




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