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Social Stratification in Hindu Society Redefined.

 Social Stratification in Hindu Society Redefined.

Warning! One needs to read this article with an open mind and put aside the emotion.

Arya, Apasada, Anarya, Asparsya, Panchama, Dalit, etc. 

Terminologies that Haunt Hindus? 

The un-existing Caste in Hinduism and the untouchability practices being used as scapegoats to convert Hindus by religious predators. Even Hindus were brainwashed (by the western missionary Indologists' false narrations) to think that these issues are true and are cancerous, evil and offensive in Hinduism which were totally wrong and misinformed.     

Aryas, Apasadas, and Anaryas are the real three stratification groups, while Asparsyas/Untouchables are not a real group, it is a made up society for political and communal instigation purpose. Untouchability do exist in all religions in different terms while caste is practised among humans throughout the world even though no religion endorsed it. 

You and Me are One.

Aham BrahmAsmi and Sivahom. These 2 mahatattvas clearly ascertain that God /Brahman is in everyone, we are the part of God. If one really digests the meaning and synchronises the mind in Brahm, then he is the real Aryan/ Sanathanan/ Hindu. At atmic level all are one.

Everyone is Eligible to Attain Moksha.

In Hinduism, no one is refused by the Brahman the chance to reach heaven or Moksha, it depends fully on one’s karmic act. All humans are equal at atmic level because the same Brahman resides in everyone. If the same Brahman is in everyone, then definitely  no one is higher or lower than another human  and cannot place them in a hierarchical order. The difference is on a physical level depending on one’s guna (attitude / character) and karma ( actions/ pietyness/ education /nature of  job). Arrangement of varna in hierarchical order is wrong and misleading. Whereas, the Abrahamic God only allows His members/believers.

Endorsed in Hindu Scriptures.

Social stratification is endorsed in Hindu Scriptures, not social hierarchy. There are 3 basic stratification groups can be identified in scriptures namely  Aryans (Sanatanans / Hindus), Apasadas (Outcasts), and Anaryas (Non Hindus).  Same as in any other religions.

And there is another group called Asparsyas (Untouchables), the made up group. The Hindus who are becoming one/Asparsya because of certain issues often portrayed as  Hindu oppression by the non Hindu conversion agents, which are attached/ deemed as another separate community in Hindu social stratification system, which is not. This is a wrong notion and misleading. Beside that, there are terms like varnas and avarnas.

Three Basic stratification of groups. 

All religions around the world have this stratification. (Islam: Muslim, Murtad, Kafir. Christianity : Christians, Apostate, Infidel). Thus in Hinduism, there are Aryans, Apasadas and Anaryas. 

1. Aryans /Sanatanans / Hindus

A person who accepts Brahman, Atman, Vedas and practicing all the major tenets of Hinduism. Either born into Hinduism or one who are practicing it. Definition of Arya, a person who is noble, civilized, realized the  existence of Brahman and led his  life by the Brahman/God Himself.

It consists of  two major groups called the Varnas and Avarnas. Varnas are Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, Vaishas and Sudras, applicable only to grahastas/ family life of asrama dharma (the 2nd stage of life). Whereas, Avarnas are the Brahmacharis/ student, Vanaprasthas/ spiritual seekers and Sanyasis, Sadhus/ detaching worldly life of asrama dharma (the 1st, 3rd and 4th stages of life). Avarna are often wrongly associated with outcast. The Varna system is  mobile; Siva Purana mentioned that a Sudra can become a Brahmin by Mantra Yoga, reciting the Panchakshara mantra Namasivaya for certain prescribed sadhana. The other way round, a Brahmana can fall into the category of Sudra or even outcast if he never follows the prescribed rules. Other terms such as Savarna means those born of same class of varna, both parents are from same varna. While

asavarna means those children born of higher varna with lower varna mother.

2. Apasadas / Outcasts.

Any Hindu can fall into the category of an outcast because of their own guna and karmic deeds. No one is an outcast by birth.

a. One who converts out from the birth religion. For example those born Hindu but rejected the basic tenets and convert out of Hinduism. It is an intentional deed. Hinduism doesn't punish them. Those time they will abandon by the community.

b. Practicing major forbidden deeds such as eating beef. Not permanent, but until one repents.

c. One who is rejected by the society or thrown out from society. For example Smarthavicharam, a trial of misconduct. Those times, when someone is punished by the law of the country. Ruler or the committee of a place/pancayat imposed it because of one’s deed against the law of community. 

They still have the chance to reach Moksha. May repent. In Islam they were probably the murtads or Musyiriks.

3. Anaryas / non-Hindus.

Born non-Hindu, never practiced any Hindu beliefs, could become Hindu by practicing as Sadhana not conversion. Still eligible to reach Moksha. Such as Dasyus, Mlecchas, etc. They are not avarnas. 

Compare to Islam they were Kafirs, in Christianity they are infidels and in Jews is goyyims. A common term based to respective belief system.

Falsely Defined/Attached as an Oppressed Hindu Community.

Asparsyas, Panchamas, Dalits and Harijans. They are not in Hindu stratification communities. The  number varies based on the occurrence of issues either because of religious or socioeconomic issues. In India, they are seen as a community because of the huge number of people gathered in a place. The conversion agents used this as a tool to convert Hindus by deviating from the actual reason and purposes. Basically they manipulated the low socioeconomic groups.

1. Asparsyas / Untouchables (Untouchability / tindamai)

Untouchability is practiced in Hinduism to prevent virus/negative elements from spreading. It was never meant to put down another human in comparison with another. As Brahman/God lives in everyone, definitely everybody is equal. They will be prevented from sharing food or prohibited to involve in public ceremonies/ places such as temples, water sources etc.

In comparison, in other religions, it is practiced without defining it. In Islam the women folk don’t touch the Holy book Quran when in menstruation, non Muslims/ Kafirs prohibited to enter mosques especially the Grand Mosque or even Muslim don't eat food made by non Muslims, etc. in the pretext of religious requirement.

There is no such thing called untouchable community in real term. Any Hindu, both varnas and avarnas can fall into an  untouchable category because of uncertain circumstances or of their own guna and karmic deeds and it is not permanent. It is a temporary issue. No one is untouchable by birth or permanently remain as untouchable. Mainly involves ritual, food and water, etc.

a. Temporary period of untouchability.

During death (max 30 days), birth (max 30 days), menstruation ( 3 days) Hindus practices untouchability to avoid spread unwanted germs or viruses or in the event of unintentional forbidden karmic deeds ( until prayaschita days). It dissolves after some cleansing rituals applied after the quarantine days over.

b. 'Permanent' period of untouchability.

If one involves constantly in some bad/ unclean activities such as funeral. Some societies remains/degraded as untouchables because of their constant involvement in dealing with funerals/death services for example. If they never/stop involved in the nature of work, they will be out of the category at least within 48 days. If someone sees them as untouchable, then it's one's own bad karma. No body can run away from own karma.

Remember, Covid 19 made the entire world's population become untouchable to each other. And law is imposed to not touch anyone and keep a distance. This is a precaution and prevention measure not practice of untouchability.

This is the main targeted groups by the religious predators by offering food, money, etc.

2. Other Manipulated Terms. 

There are terms often associated with Hinduism by anti Hindu groups, so that it is easy to portray "how evil /cruel Hinduism is" . The terms are never mentioned in any Hindu scriptures. Who ever claim themselves as Panchamas, Dalits or Harijans, etc. they are not Hindus. They got no rights to talk about Hinduism.

All three have the same meaning but are coined at different places, person, time and purpose. Generally associated with untouchables, outcasts and anaryas in a blanket definition.

a. Panchama is a coined word by W.R. Cornish, British Census Officer in 1871 for census purposes and defined as a scheduled community. Means the fifth group, often defined as the fifth varna, never mentioned in any of Hindu Scriptures.

b. Dalits

Dalit is a coined word by Phule Jothiba in Marathi 1888 for political and social reform purposes. Meaning of divided, split, broken, scattered  people, backward and low socioeconomic background (who got suppressed). Often defined as the fifth varna, but never mentioned in any of Hindu Scriptures. Dalits existed around the world in all religious communities.

c. Harijans

Harijan, which means children of God,was a word used by Gandhi to refer to Dalits in 1932. It is a wrong term to refer to the

Dalits alone. In fact, as per theological understanding, everyone is the spark/child of the

Brahman, thus everyone is Harijan. No Hindu scripture ever mentioned the word.

Through history, the so called outcast is lest than 1% population of India before the invasion of

Abrahamics. The destruction of Kingdoms and education system and atrocity Islamization and

Christianization later the so called outcastes/ dalits went up to 14% of population.


Discrimination and oppression happened in human history, no one can deny it. No religion endorsed it. Swami Vivekananda had described the Travancore in Kerala practised slavery tax (Mulakkaram and Talakaram) oppression against another human as the Lunatic Asylum. 

Everyone is the part of the same Brahman, thus no one is higher or lower in the eyes of Brahman. Some ill minded people might treat another person as a lower creature because of their own ego or to maintain the status quo in order to sustain their privileges and/ or discriminate/deprive others. The mistreat another human is adharmic and accumulates papa karma. Don't forget there are religions that treat/ categorized non-believer of their religion as the lowest creature. And those believers of Him are considered higher humans in the eyes of their God, again pietyness and knowledge plays the stratification role among humans.

If everyone sees the Brahman in another person, there will be no varnas, avarnas, apasadas, asparsyas, anaryas,  jatis, castes, dalits, panchamas, harijan or even infidels or kafirs. Hindus must come out of the maya veil to realise that everyone (atman) is the same Brahman. 

Stand united together to protect the Sanatana Dharma from being ripped away by anti-Hindus. History  had repeated many times, 1000 years of religious invasions on Hindus,  Kashmir Pandits Holocaust, Moplah Genocide, Goa Genocide, E Ghazwa plan, Joshua Project, etc., yet we forgot.

The made up untouchable communities and caste is ploy to demean Hinduism.

Om Namasivaya.


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation

25 August 2021

Advised by Aiya A.Radhakrishnan,

President of Malaysia Hindhudharma Maamandram




Ethnicity and Mobility, Chandrashekhar Bhat, Concept Publishing Company, 1984


Notes. a. Economist and reformer B. R. Ambedkar (1891–1956) said that untouchability came into Indian society around 400 CE, due to the struggle for supremacy between Buddhism and Brahmanism (an ancient term for Brahmanical Hinduism)

b.Beef eating is major root to untouchability. The rise of rise of Islam 1200-1300 yo



Dalit is a word coined by Jothiba Phule,1880 in Marathi means oppressed and broken. The British used it and defined it as  the Depressed Class in 1935. Popularised by B.R. Ambedkar and 1970, were politicised especially by Thol. Thirumavaluvan. Classified themselves and Panchamas.

Dalit is a vernacular form of the Sanskrit दलित (dalita). In Classical Sanskrit, this means "divided, split, broken, scattered"



Pulayas in Kerala, Madiga in Andhra Pradesh, Pariah in Tamil Nadu and Holeya in the Karnataka category of untouchables.



9.Varna, Caste and Jati : The Truth That Misappropriated.


Caste was introduced by the Portuguese for conversion purposes; they applied caste (Casta) in Spain and Portugal in the 1500s approved by the Church. Often defined as equivalent to Varna or Jati by anti-Hindu groups. Caste is based on birth, inherited either to maintain status quo/privilege  and ego of certain groups  by oppressing another group to deprive them of their rights and discriminate against them. There is no single word equivalent to caste in any of Hindu Scriptures. Missionaries use caste to convert Hindus.

b. Jati.

Jati is a derivation from misinterpreted varna; jati is based on birth and inheritance. Hindu scriptures mentioned that there is only one jati by birth, the same method of birth. But in reality, jati of job inheritance do exist when those did study in proper ways. People turned varna into jati later when the education system was destroyed by the invaders from Arab, Mongol, Portuguese, and British. Children started to learn from parents, thus jobs inherited among family. Furthermore, people are recognized based on their job background and become jati.


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