The Truth about Manusmriti. 1. Manusmriti is the best manual to follow and we are following partly even today because it is a way of life... Dharmic life. 2.Manusmriti was for Satyayuga , not Kaliyuga, no point talking about a lapsed law. 3. Manusmriti translated and interpreted by Christian missionaries , there are distorted verses to demean Hinduism. Just nullify the verses. 4. There is no such verse declaring women as Manusmriti. It is a total lie, slander and blasphemy against Hinduism and its Scriptures. One idiot from TN recently so-called.... spoke about the woman in Sanatana Dharma referring to Manusmriti. I am very sure he never read it or used a distorted version of Karuppar Kootham's. He read the osi sorru Veeramani version. He is a Christian in disguised, a non-Hindu/Anarya /Dalit as per Hindu law (same as kafir in Islam and infidel in Christianity). So, the Anarya got no right to talk about Hinduism . Tamil Nadu pengel ivanei serrupale allethu pinjupone v...